What’s New
The major novelties of all releases since v1.0 are as follows:
New in Version 3.0.2:
Small fix in pyhf caching code (results should not change)
Fixes with parallelisation of resummino cross section computer
Tiny fix to allow ‘#’ without subsequent whitespace as comment in text database
New in Version 3.0.1:
Bug fix for printing signal region combination results
Replaced algorithm for clustering SMS for UL results by a modified minimum spanning tree algorithm
Made the pyhf backend configurable, see also pyhfInterface.setBackend. WARNING: if backend specified is not found, we now fall back to numpy!
New in Version 3.0.0:
Extension to general SMS topologies (no longer restricted to Z2 symmetric topologies)
Large code refactoring
Added option for selecting which quantum numbers to be ignored in prompt results (see the ignorePromptQNumbers option in parameters.ini)
Added outputFormat option to parameters.ini to allow for writing the output using the old format (old bracket notation instead of new string representation of SMS)
Output for EM-type results now reports negative log likelihoods, instead of likelihoods
Changes in missing topologies (coverage): the grouping of topologies is now done only by final states and ignores the topology structure (see missing topologies)
model.updateParticles and crossSection.getXsecFromSLHAFile can now also supply SLHA strings instead of SLHA filenames as argument
Z2parity attribute of particles is no longer needed (in QNUMBERS blocks)
jsonFiles entries in database now allow to specify also pyhf region names and region types (signal or control region)
Enabled EMs for control regions to emulate signal leakage to control regions (see pyhf Approach)
Introduced signalUncertainty field in the globalInfo.txt files to quantify signal uncertainties for pyhf statistical models (see pyhf Approach)
Introduced centralized database dictionary to decrease redundancies in SMS matching (see SMS Dictionary)
Clustering of SMS for UL results replaced by a (simple) K-means clustering algorithm (see Clustering)
Changed the lock file mechanism for downloading the database to work with all file systems, fixes #37
Added CITATION.cff file, closes #38
Added smodels-analyses.json in database
database extension: added results from 11 ATLAS and 6 CMS analyses (hfm=HistFactory model, cov=covariance matrix for SR combination):
results from ATLAS: ATLAS-SUSY-2018-33 (EM), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-16 (EM+hfm), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-13 (EM), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-09 (UL), ATLAS-EXOT-2019-03 (UL), ATLAS-EXOT-2018-48 (UL), ATLAS-EXOT-2018-06 (UL), ATLAS-EXOT-2013-11 (UL)
results from CMS: CMS-SUS-21-007 (UL), CMS-EXO-20-008 (UL), CMS-EXO-19-012 (UL), CMS-EXO-16-057 (UL), CMS-EXO-12-059 (UL)
EM results from recasts: ATLAS-SUSY-2019-08 (MA5), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-42 (LLP repo), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-22 (CM2), CMS-EXO-20-004 (MonoXSMS)
Note that the 4 ATLAS-EXOT and 5 CMS-EXO analyses above are resonance searches, while ATLAS-SUSY-2018-13 is an RPV SUSY search. These 10 analyses can only be treated with the new graph-based topology description of SModelS v3.
New in Version 2.3.3:
added resummino cross section computer
fixed bug in computation of error on muhat, for pyhf likelihoods (affects mostly the numpy backend)
small change in initialisation of gradient descent method for computation of combined mu_hat, to increate robustness of method
New in Version 2.3.2:
fixed bug in initialisation of analyses combination
added smodels version to output of “txt” printer
New in Version 2.3.1:
fixed bug for reading QNUMBERS blocks from SLHA files
small fixes in how pythia6 and pythia8 are built
small fix in truncated Gaussian llhd experimental feature
small fix in computation of combined upper limits
combinationmatrices are now forced to be symmetric
added isCombinableWith method also for CombinedDataSets
added a recipe for how to use a combinations matrix
runtime.nCPUs() now returns number of available CPUs, not all CPUs
xsecComputer now has –tempdir option
StatsComputer now has CLs method
changed default prompt width from 1e-8 to 1e-11 GeV in code
New in Version 2.3.0:
fixed bug for an LHE input only with anti-particles
fixed error that truncated signal yields when computing expected upper limits
added minMass parameter for setting a minimum mass threshold for BSM masses
fixed C++ interface to work with python 3.11
bumped up pythia8 from 8.307 to 8.308
SModelS can now track inter-analyses combinability at the level of whole analyses as well as individual signal regions
added support for SLv2 (Gaussian with a skew), arXiv:1809.05548
refactored the statistics modules
introduced “full_llhds” database add-on (see parameter.ini file)
database extension, added new results from 6 ATLAS and 4 CMS analyses (hfm=HistFactory model, cov=covariance matrix for SR combination):
results from ATLAS: ATLAS-SUSY-2018-05 (UL,EM+hfm), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-32 (EM+hfm), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-41 (EM+cov, updated), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-42 (UL,EM), ATLAS-SUSY-2019-02 (UL,EM+cov), ATLAS-SUSY-2013-12 (8TeV, EM)
results from CMS: CMS-SUS-19-010 (UL), CMS-SUS-20-004 (UL,EM), CMS-SUS-21-002 (UL,EM+cov)
added expected ULs to CMS-SUS-19-009
New in Version 2.2.1:
fixes in analyses combinations, simplified and pyhf likelihoods
small fixes for python 3.10
bumped up pythia8 from 8.306 to 8.307
included example on how to plot likelihoods from analysis combination
small bug fix for particle addition
New in Version 2.2.0.post1:
removed dependency on importlib.metadata to make it work with python <= 3.7
New in Version 2.2.0:
introduced (user-defined) combinations of analyses
changed expected limits computed with pyhf from post-fit to pre-fit
a few smaller changes around expected likelihoods and limits
changed default value of promptWidth parameter from 1e-8 to 1e-11 GeV
allow ncpus to take on zero and negative values in ini file [meaning use all but this (absolute) number of CPU cores]
notion of “nonaggregated” databases introduced
small fixes in the Howto’s
updates in references.bib, installation notes
more small fixes in unit tests
database extension, added new results from 4 ATLAS and 11 CMS analyses:
results from ATLAS: ATLAS-SUSY-2018-08 (UL+EM), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-40 (UL+EM), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-41 (UL+EM), ATLAS-SUSY-2019-09 (UL+EM, full likelihood)
results from CMS: CMS-SUS-16-050 (EM), CMS-SUS-18-004 (UL), CMS-SUS-18-007 (UL), CMS-SUS-19-008 (UL), CMS-SUS-19-011 (UL), CMS-SUS-19-013 (UL), CMS-SUS-20-001 (UL), CMS-SUS-20-002 (UL)
recast with MadAnalysis5: CMS-SUS-16-039 (EM), CMS-SUS-16-048 (EM), CMS-SUS-19-006 (EM); all incl. covariance matrices
New in Version 2.1.1:
caching weight matrix in simplified likelihoods
notion of “debug” databases introduced
introduced reportAllSRs option
tiny fix in mybinder link (see https://pypi.org/project/smodels/)
small fixes in unit tests
improved truncated Gaussians in likelihoodsFromLimits (but kept as experimental feature)
experimental features can now be turned on via ini file
New in Version 2.1.0:
Ability to merge Databases using ‘+’ as a delimiter: “latest_fastlim” and “official_fastlim” are now written as “latest+fastlim”, and “official+fastlim”.
useSuperseded flag in getExpResults is marked as deprecated, as we now just put superseded results in separate database
DataSets now have an .isCombinableWith function
Slightly extended output of summary printer
Added scan summary (summary.txt) when running over multiple files
Added expandedOutput option to slha-printer
Output for efficiency-map results now reports L, L_max and L_SM
The likelihood is now maximized only for positive values of the signal strength in the computation of L_max
Pythia8 version in xsecComputer updated from 8226 to 8306
Improved interactive plots
database updated with results from 5 new ATLAS and 1 new CMS analyses: CMS-EXO-19-010 (disappearing tracks) UL, ATLAS-SUSY-2016-08 (displaced leptons) EM, ATLAS-SUSY-2018-10 (1l+jets) UL+EM, ATLAS-SUSY-2018-12 (0l+jets) UL+EM, ATLAS-SUSY-2018-22 (0l+jets) UL+EM, ATLAS-SUSY-2018-23 (EWino, WH) UL
added EM results for ATLAS-SUSY-2017-03 (EWino, WZ), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-06 (EWino, WZ), ATLAS-SUSY-2018-14 (sleptons), CMS-SUSY-14-021 (stops)
created and added THSCPM10 and THSCPM11 EMs for ATLAS-SUSY-2016-32;
replaced some 8 TeV ATLAS conf notes with the published results: (ATLAS-CONF-2013-007 -> ATLAS-SUSY-2013-09, ATLAS-CONF-2013-061 -> ATLAS-SUSY-2013-18, ATLAS-CONF-2013-089 -> ATLAS-SUSY-2013-20)
corrected off-shell regions of some existing EM-type results (in three 13 TeV and eigth 8 TeV analyses).
New in Version 2.0.0:
Introduction of particle class
Introduction of model class (see Basic Input)
Input model can now be defined by an SLHA file with QNUMBERS blocks
Unified treatment of SLHA and LHE input files (see decomposer and LHE-reader)
Decomposition and Experimental Results can now handle lifetime dependent results
Added field “type” to the experimental results in the database
Added (optional) field “intermediateState” to the experimental results in the database
Inclusive branches can now describe inclusive vertices
Added possibility for analysis specific detector size
New missing topologies algorithm and output
Added “latest” and “latest_fastlim” Database abbreviations
Added support for central database server
Small bug fix in likelihood computation
Small fix due to an API change in pyhf 0.6
Changes in output: width values added, coverage groups and others (see output description for details)
Added option for signal strength multipliers in cross section calculator
Small bug fixes in models
New in Version 1.2.4:
added pyhf support
pickle path bug fix
bug fix for parallel xseccomputers
Introduced the SMODELS_CACHEDIR environment variable to allow for a different location of the cached database file
fixed dataId bug in datasets
New in Version 1.2.3:
database updated with results from more than 20 new analyses
server for databases is now smodels.github.io, not smodels.hephy.at
small bug fix for displaced topologies
small fix in slha printer, r_expected was r_observed
Downloaded database files now stored in $HOME/.cache/smodels
New in Version 1.2.2:
Updated official database, added T3GQ eff maps and a few ATLAS 13 TeV results, see github database release page
Database “official” now refers to a database without fastlim results, “official_fastlim”, to the official database with fastlim
List displaced signatures in missing topologies
Improved description about lifetime reweighting in doc
Fix in cluster for asymmetric masses
Small improvements in the interactive plots tool
New in Version 1.2.1:
Fix in particleNames.py for non-MSSM models
Fixed the marginalize recipe
Fixed the T2bbWWoff 44 signal regions plots in ConfrontPredictions in manual
New in Version 1.2.0:
Decomposition and experimental results can include non-MET BSM final states (e.g. heavy stable charged particles)
Added lifetime reweighting at decomposition for meta-stable particles
Added finalState property for Elements
Introduction of inclusive simplified models
Inclusion of HSCP and R-hadron results in the database
New in Version 1.1.3:
Support for covariance matrices and combination of signal regions (see combineSR in parameters file)
New plotting tool added to smodelsTools (see Interactive Plots Maker)
Path to particles.py can now be specified in parameters.ini file (see model in parameters file)
Wildcards allowed when selecting analyses, datasets, txnames (see analyses, txnames and dataselector in parameters file)
Option to show individual contribution from topologies to total theory prediction (see addTxWeights in parameters file)
URLs are allowed as database paths (see path in parameters file)
Python default changed from python2 to python3
Fixed lastUpdate bug, now giving correct date
Changes in pickling (e.g. subpickling, removing redundant zeroes)
Added fixpermissions to smodelsTools.py, for system-wide installs (see Files Permissions Fixer)
Fixed small issue with pair production of even particles
Moved the code documentation to the manual
Added option for installing within the source folder
New in Version 1.1.2:
Database update only, the code is the same as v1.1.1
New in Version 1.1.1:
Support for pythia8 (see Cross Section Calculator)
improved binary database
automated SLHA and LHE file detection
Fix and improvements for missing topologies
Added SLHA-type output
Small improvements in interpolation and clustering
New in Version 1.1.0:
the inclusion of efficiency maps (see EM-type results)
a new and more flexible database format (see Database structure)
inclusion of likelihood and \(\chi^2\) calculation for EM-type results (see likelihood calculation)
extended information on the topology coverage
inclusion of a database broswer tool for easy access to the information stored in the database (see database browser)
the database now supports also a more efficient binary format
performance improvement for the decomposition of the input model
inclusion of new simplified results to the database (including a few 13 TeV results)
Fastlim efficiency maps can now also be used in SModelS