Source code for tools.toolBox

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: toolBox
   :synopsis: Contains a singleton-like class that keeps track of all external
      "HEP" tools, such as pythia, nllfast, etc. 
      Used primarily for installation and deployment.

.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>


from import pythia6Wrapper
from import pythia8Wrapper
from import nllFastWrapper
from import externalPythonTools
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import colors

[docs]class ToolBox(object): """ A singleton-like class that keeps track of all external tools. Intended to make installation and deployment easier. """ __shared_state = {"tools" : {}} def __init__(self): """ Constructor creates the singleton. """ # instead of making this a singleton, we introduce self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state if len(self.__shared_state["tools"]) == 0: self.initSingleton()
[docs] def initSingleton(self): """ Initializes singleton instance (done only once for the entire class). """ self.add(pythia6Wrapper.Pythia6Wrapper()) self.add(pythia8Wrapper.Pythia8Wrapper()) for tool in nllFastWrapper.nllFastTools.values(): self.add(tool) for tool in externalPythonTools.pythonTools.values(): self.add(tool)
[docs] def add(self, instance): """ Adds a tool by passing an instance to this method. """[] = instance
[docs] def listOfTools(self): """ Returns a simple list with the tool names. """ return
[docs] def installationOk(self, ok ): """ Returns color coded string to signal installation issues. """ if ok == True: ret = "%sinstallation ok!%s" % (, colors.reset) return ret ret = "%sproblem with installation" % if type(ok) == str: ret += " (%s)" % ok ret += colors.reset return ret
[docs] def checkInstallation(self, make=False, printit=True, longL=False ): """ Checks if all tools listed are installed properly, returns True if everything is ok, False otherwise. """ ret = "%sThe following tools have been found in the Toolbox:%s\n" % \ ( colors.yellow, colors.reset ) hasMade = False allOk=True maxl = 45 if longL: maxl=75 for(name, instance) in ok = instance.checkInstallation() if not ok: allOk=False exe = instance.pathOfExecutable() if len(exe) > maxl + 4: exe = "... " + instance.pathOfExecutable()[-maxl:] ret += ( "%-12s [%-"+str(maxl+5)+"s]: %s\n" ) % (name, exe, self.installationOk(ok )) if not ok and make: instance.compile() hasMade = True if make and hasMade: ret += "Check again:\n" r = self.checkInstallation(make=False, printit=False) ret += str(r) return r if printit: print (ret) return allOk
[docs] def compile(self): """ Tries to compile and install tools that are not yet marked as 'installed'. """ for(name, instance) in installOk = instance.checkInstallation() if installOk == True: continue"Installation of " + str(name) + " not correct. \ Trying to compile.") instance.compile()
[docs] def get(self, tool, verbose=True): """ Gets instance of tool from the toolbox. """ if not tool in if verbose: logger.error("Asking for non-existent tool ``%s''" % tool) return None return[tool]
[docs]def main ( args ): tmp = ToolBox() if args.make: tmp.compile() if args.colors: colors.on = True tmp.checkInstallation( printit=True, longL = args.long )