Source code for tools.runSModelS

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: runSModelS
   :synopsis: Main code for running SModelS.


from __future__ import print_function
import os
from smodels.installation import installDirectory, version
from smodels.base import smodelsLogging
from smodels.matching import modelTester
from import crashReport

[docs]def main(): import argparse """ Set default input and output files """ parameterFile = "%s/smodels/etc/parameters_default.ini" % installDirectory() outputDir = "./results/" """ Get the name of input SLHA file and parameter file """ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Run SModelS over SLHA/LHE input files." ) ap.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='name of SLHA or LHE input file or a directory path (required argument). ' 'If a directory is given, loop over all files in the directory', required=True) ap.add_argument('-p', '--parameterFile', help='name of parameter file, where most options are defined (optional argument). If not set, use ' 'all parameters from smodels/etc/parameters_default.ini', default=parameterFile) ap.add_argument('-o', '--outputDir', help='name of output directory (optional argument). The default folder is: ' + outputDir, default=outputDir) ap.add_argument('-d', '--development', help='if set, SModelS will run in development mode and exit if any errors are found.', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-t', '--force_txt', help='force loading the text database', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-C', '--colors', help='colored output', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version = version() ) ap.add_argument('-c', '--run-crashreport', help='parse crash report file and use its contents for a SModelS run. ' "Supply the crash file simply via '--filename myfile.crash'", action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-v','--verbose', help='sets the verbosity level (debug, info, warning, error). Default value is info.', default = "info", type = str ) ap.add_argument('-T', '--timeout', help='define a limit on the running time (in secs).' 'If not set, run without a time limit. If a directory is given as input, ' 'the timeout will be applied for each individual file.', default = 0, type = int) args = ap.parse_args() if args.colors: from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import colors colors.on = True db=None if args.force_txt: db=True smodelsLogging.setLogLevel ( args.verbose ) if args.run_crashreport: args.filename, args.parameterFile = crashReport.readCrashReportFile( args.filename) run(args.filename, args.parameterFile, args.outputDir, db, args.timeout, development=True ) else: run(args.filename, args.parameterFile, args.outputDir, db, args.timeout, args.development)
[docs]def run( inFile, parameterFile, outputDir, db, timeout, development ): """ Provides a command line interface to basic SModelS functionalities. :param inFile: input file name (either a SLHA or LHE file) or directory name (path to directory containing input files) :param parameterFile: File containing the input parameters (default = smodels/etc/parameters_default.ini) :param outputDir: Output directory to write the results to :param db: supply a smodels.experiment.databaseObj.Database object, so the database doesn't have to be loaded anymore. Will render a few parameters in the parameter file irrelevant. If None, load the database as described in parameterFile, If True, force loading the text database. :param timeout: set a timeout for one model point (0 means no timeout) :param development: turn on development mode (e.g. no crash report) """ """ Read and check parameter file, exit parameterFile does not exist """ parser = modelTester.getParameters(parameterFile) """ Check database location and load database, exit if not found """ database = modelTester.loadDatabase(parser, db) """ Get list of input files to be tested """ fileList, inDir = modelTester.getAllInputFiles(inFile) """ Create output directory if missing """ if not os.path.isdir(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) """ Restrict database results according to parameter file""" modelTester.loadDatabaseResults(parser, database) """ Test all input points """ modelTester.testPoints(fileList, inDir, outputDir, parser, database, timeout, development, parameterFile)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()