.. module:: pythonPrinter
:synopsis: Class for describing a printer in python format
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <lessa.a.p@gmail.com>
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
from smodels.decomposition.topologyDict import TopologyDict
from smodels.matching.theoryPrediction import TheoryPredictionList,TheoryPrediction,TheoryPredictionsCombiner
from smodels.tools.ioObjects import OutputStatus
from smodels.tools.coverage import Uncovered
from smodels.base.physicsUnits import GeV, fb, TeV
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
from smodels.tools.printers.basicPrinter import BasicPrinter
from smodels.tools.printerTools import formatNestedDict
from collections import OrderedDict
import unum
import time
[docs]class PyPrinter(BasicPrinter):
Printer class to handle the printing of one single pythonic output
def __init__(self, output='stdout', filename=None, outputFormat='current'):
BasicPrinter.__init__(self, output, filename, outputFormat)
self.name = "py"
self.printtimespent = False
self.printingOrder = [OutputStatus, TopologyDict,
TheoryPredictionList, TheoryPredictionsCombiner,
TheoryPrediction, Uncovered]
self.toPrint = [None]*len(self.printingOrder)
[docs] def setOutPutFile(self, filename, overwrite=True, silent=False):
Set the basename for the text printer. The output filename will be
:param filename: Base filename
:param overwrite: If True and the file already exists, it will be removed.
:param silent: dont comment removing old files
self.filename = filename + '.py'
if overwrite and os.path.isfile(self.filename):
if not silent:
logger.warning("Removing old output file " + self.filename)
[docs] def flush(self):
Write the python dictionaries generated by the object formatting
to the defined output
outputDict = {}
for obj in self.toPrint:
if obj is None:
output = self._formatObj(obj)
if not output:
continue # Skip empty output
output = 'smodelsOutput = ' + formatNestedDict(outputDict)
if self.output == 'stdout':
elif self.output == 'file':
if not self.filename:
logger.error('Filename not defined for printer')
return False
with open(self.filename, "a") as outfile:
self.toPrint = [None]*len(self.printingOrder)
# it is a special feature of the python printer
# that we also return the output dictionary
return outputDict
def _formatTopologyDict(self, obj):
Format data for a TopologyDict object.
:param obj: A TopologyDict object to be printed.
if not hasattr(self, 'addsmslist') or not self.addsmslist:
return None
smsList = []
for sms in obj.getSMSList():
if self.outputFormat == 'version2':
return {'Element' : smsList}
return {"SMS Decomposition": smsList}
def _formatSMS(self, obj):
Format data for a SMS object.
:param obj: A SMS object to be printed.
smsDict = {}
if self.outputFormat == 'version2':
branchList, finalState, _ = obj.treeToBrackets()
masses = []
pidlist = []
for bIndex in obj.daughterIndices(obj.rootIndex):
branch = obj.indexToNode(bIndex)
if branch.isSM:
mass = float('%1.3e' %branch.mass.asNumber(GeV))
bMasses = [mass]
pids = [branch.pdg]
for n in obj.dfsIndexIterator(bIndex):
node = obj.indexToNode(n)
if node.isSM:
mass = float('%1.3e' %node.mass.asNumber(GeV))
smsDict["ID"] = obj.smsID
smsDict["Particles"] = str(branchList).replace("'","").replace(" ","")
smsDict["final states"] = finalState
smsDict["Masses (GeV)"] = masses
smsDict["PIDs"] = pidlist
logger.info("Could not format SMS using version2, switching to current format.")
self.outputFormat = 'current'
if self.outputFormat == 'current':
smsDict["ID"] = obj.smsID
smsDict["SMS"] = str(obj)
smsDict["Masses (GeV)"] = [(str(node),float('%1.3e' %node.mass.asNumber(GeV)))
for node in obj.nodes if not node.isSM]
smsDict["PIDs"] = [(str(node),node.pdg)
for node in obj.nodes if not node.isSM]
smsDict["Weights (fb)"] = {}
sqrts = [info.sqrts.asNumber(TeV) for info in obj.weightList.getInfo()]
allsqrts = sorted(list(set(sqrts)))
for ssqrts in allsqrts:
sqrts = ssqrts * TeV
xsecs = [xsec.value.asNumber(fb)
for xsec in obj.weightList.getXsecsFor(sqrts)]
if len(xsecs) != 1:
logger.warning("Cross section lists contain multiple values for %s .\
Only the first cross section will be printed" % str(sqrts))
xsecs = float('%1.2e' %xsecs[0])
sqrtsStr = 'xsec '+str(sqrts.asNumber(TeV))+' TeV'
smsDict["Weights (fb)"][sqrtsStr] = xsecs
return smsDict
def _formatOutputStatus(self, obj):
Format data for a OutputStatus object.
:param obj: A OutputStatus object to be printed.
infoDict = {}
for key, val in obj.parameters.items():
infoDict[key] = eval(val)
except (NameError, TypeError, SyntaxError):
infoDict[key] = val
infoDict['file status'] = obj.filestatus
infoDict['decomposition status'] = obj.status
infoDict['warnings'] = obj.warnings
infoDict['input file'] = obj.inputfile
infoDict['database version'] = obj.databaseVersion
infoDict['smodels version'] = obj.smodelsVersion
# hidden feature, printtimespent, turn on in ini file, e.g.
# [summary-printer] printtimespent = True
if self.printtimespent:
infoDict['time spent'] = "%.2fs" % (time.time() - self.time)
return {'OutputStatus': infoDict}
def _formatTheoryPredictionList(self, obj):
Format data of the TheoryPredictionList object.
:param obj: A TheoryPredictionList object to be printed.
ExptRes = []
for theoryPrediction in obj._theoryPredictions:
expResult = theoryPrediction.expResult
expID = expResult.globalInfo.id
datasetID = theoryPrediction.dataId()
dataType = theoryPrediction.dataType()
ul = theoryPrediction.getUpperLimit()
ulExpected = theoryPrediction.getUpperLimit(
if isinstance(ul, unum.Unum):
ul = ul.asNumber(fb)
if isinstance(ulExpected, unum.Unum):
ulExpected = ulExpected.asNumber(fb)
value = theoryPrediction.xsection.asNumber(fb)
txnamesDict = {}
for sms in theoryPrediction.smsList:
if sms.txname.txName not in txnamesDict:
txnamesDict[sms.txname.txName] = sms.weight.asNumber(fb)
txnamesDict[sms.txname.txName] += sms.weight.asNumber(fb)
maxconds = theoryPrediction.getmaxCondition()
def _convWidth(x):
if type(x) == type(GeV):
x = float(x.asNumber(GeV))
if x == float("inf"):
x = "prompt"
if x == 0.:
x = "stable"
return x
def roundme(x):
if type(x) == tuple:
return (round(x[0].asNumber(GeV), 2), x[1].asNumber(GeV))
return round(x.asNumber(GeV), 2)
avgSMS = theoryPrediction.avgSMS
if avgSMS is None: # There is no commong topology
mass = None
widths = None
nodesDict = None
elif self.outputFormat == "version2":
mass = []
widths = []
nodesDict = {}
for dIndex in avgSMS.daughterIndices(avgSMS.rootIndex):
daughter = avgSMS.indexToNode(dIndex)
for nodeIndex in avgSMS.dfsIndexIterator(dIndex):
node = avgSMS.indexToNode(nodeIndex)
if node.isSM:
m = node.mass.asNumber(GeV)
widthDict = {}
massDict = {}
for n in avgSMS.nodes:
if n.isSM or n is avgSMS.root:
massDict[str(n)] = n.mass.asNumber(GeV)
widthDict[str(n)] = n.totalwidth.asNumber(GeV)
mass = [(k,v) for k,v in massDict.items()]
widths = [(k,_convWidth(v)) for k,v in widthDict.items()]
nodesDict = {nodeIndex : str(node) for nodeIndex,node
in avgSMS._nodesMapping.items()}
sqrts = expResult.globalInfo.sqrts
r = self._round(theoryPrediction.getRValue(expected=False))
r_expected = self._round(theoryPrediction.getRValue(
resDict = {'maxcond': maxconds, 'theory prediction (fb)': self._round(value),
'upper limit (fb)': self._round(ul),
'expected upper limit (fb)': self._round(ulExpected),
'TxNames': sorted(txnamesDict.keys()),
'Mass (GeV)': mass,
'AnalysisID': expID,
'DataSetID': datasetID,
'AnalysisSqrts (TeV)': sqrts.asNumber(TeV),
'lumi (fb-1)': (expResult.globalInfo.lumi*fb).asNumber(),
'dataType': dataType,
'r': r, 'r_expected': r_expected,
'Width (GeV)' : widths}
if hasattr(self, "addtxweights") and self.addtxweights:
resDict['TxNames weights (fb)'] = txnamesDict
if hasattr(self, "addnodesmap") and self.addnodesmap:
resDict['Nodes Map'] = nodesDict
nll = theoryPrediction.likelihood( return_nll = True )
if nll is not None:
# resDict['chi2'] = self._round ( theoryPrediction.chi2 )
resDict['nll'] = self._round(nll)
resDict['nll_min'] = self._round(theoryPrediction.lmax(return_nll = True ))
resDict['nll_SM'] = self._round(theoryPrediction.lsm( return_nll = True ))
return {'ExptRes': ExptRes}
def _formatDoc(self, obj):
Format a pyslha object to be printed as a dictionary
:param obj: pyslha object
MINPAR = dict(obj.blocks['MINPAR'].entries)
EXTPAR = dict(obj.blocks['EXTPAR'].entries)
mass = OrderedDict(obj.blocks['MASS'].entries.items())
chimix = {}
for key in obj.blocks['NMIX'].entries:
val = obj.blocks['NMIX'].entries[key]
if key[0] != 1:
newkey = 'N'+str(key[0])+str(key[1])
chimix[newkey] = val
chamix = {}
for key in obj.blocks['UMIX'].entries:
val = obj.blocks['UMIX'].entries[key]
newkey = 'U'+str(key[0])+str(key[1])
chamix[newkey] = val
for key in obj.blocks['VMIX'].entries:
val = obj.blocks['VMIX'].entries[key]
newkey = 'V'+str(key[0])+str(key[1])
chamix[newkey] = val
stopmix = {}
for key in obj.blocks['STOPMIX'].entries:
val = obj.blocks['STOPMIX'].entries[key]
newkey = 'ST'+str(key[0])+str(key[1])
stopmix[newkey] = val
sbotmix = {}
for key in obj.blocks['SBOTMIX'].entries:
val = obj.blocks['SBOTMIX'].entries[key]
newkey = 'SB'+str(key[0])+str(key[1])
sbotmix[newkey] = val
return {'MINPAR': MINPAR, 'chimix': chimix, 'stopmix': stopmix,
'chamix': chamix, 'MM': {}, 'sbotmix': sbotmix,
'EXTPAR': EXTPAR, 'mass': mass}
def _formatUncovered(self, obj):
Format data of the Uncovered object containing coverage info
:param obj: An Uncovered object to be printed.
# Number of missing topologies to be printed (ordered by cross sections)
nprint = 10
uncoveredDict = {}
# First sort groups by label
groups = sorted(obj.groups[:], key=lambda g: g.label)
# Add summary of groups:
for group in groups:
sqrts = group.sqrts.asNumber(TeV)
uncoveredDict["Total xsec for %s (fb)" % group.description] = \
uncoveredDict["%s" % group.description] = []
for fsSMS in group.finalStateSMS[:nprint]:
fsSMSDict = {'sqrts (TeV)': sqrts, 'weight (fb)': self._round(fsSMS.missingX)}
if self.outputFormat == 'version2':
smsStr = fsSMS.oldStr()
fsSMSDict['element'] = smsStr
smsStr = str(fsSMS)
fsSMSDict['SMS'] = smsStr
if hasattr(self, "addsmslist") and self.addsmslist:
if self.outputFormat == "version2":
fsSMSDict["element IDs"] = [sms.smsID
for sms in fsSMS._contributingSMS]
fsSMSDict["SMS IDs"] = [sms.smsID
for sms in fsSMS._contributingSMS]
uncoveredDict["%s" % group.description].append(fsSMSDict)
return uncoveredDict
def _formatTheoryPrediction(self,obj):
return self._formatTheoryPredictionsCombiner(obj)
def _formatTheoryPredictionsCombiner(self, obj):
Format data of the TheoryPredictionsCombiner object.
:param obj: A TheoryPredictionsCombiner object to be printed.
combRes = [] # In case we have a list of combined results in the future
# Get list of analyses used in combination:
expIDs = obj.analysisId()
ul = obj.getUpperLimit()
ulExpected = obj.getUpperLimit(expected=True)
if isinstance(ul, unum.Unum):
ul = ul.asNumber(fb)
if isinstance(ulExpected, unum.Unum):
ulExpected = ulExpected.asNumber(fb)
r = self._round(obj.getRValue(expected=False))
r_expected = self._round(obj.getRValue(expected=True))
nll = self._round(obj.likelihood( return_nll = True ))
nllmin = self._round(obj.lmax( return_nll = True ))
nllsm = self._round(obj.lsm( return_nll = True ))
resDict = {'AnalysisID': expIDs,
'r': r, 'r_expected': r_expected,
'nll': nll,
'nll_min': nllmin,
'nll_SM': nllsm}
return {'CombinedRes': combRes}