Source code for tools.printers.masterPrinter

.. module:: masterPrinter
   :synopsis: Class to handle the distinct printer formats

.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>


from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
from import PyPrinter
from import XmlPrinter
from import SummaryPrinter
from import TxTPrinter
from import SLHAPrinter

[docs]class MPrinter(object): """ Master Printer class to handle the Printers (one printer/output type) """ def __init__(self): = "master" self.Printers = {} self.outputFormat = "current"
[docs] def setPrinterOptions(self, parser): """ Define the printer types and their options. :param parser: ConfigParser storing information from the parameters file """ # Define the printer types and the printer-specific options: printerTypes = [prt.strip() for prt in parser.get( "printer", "outputType").split(",")] if parser.has_option("printer","outputFormat"): self.outputFormat = parser.get("printer","outputFormat") for prt in printerTypes: if prt == 'python': newPrinter = PyPrinter(output='file', outputFormat=self.outputFormat) elif prt == 'summary': newPrinter = SummaryPrinter(output='file', outputFormat=self.outputFormat) elif prt == 'stdout': newPrinter = TxTPrinter(output='stdout', outputFormat=self.outputFormat) elif prt == 'log': newPrinter = TxTPrinter(output='file', outputFormat=self.outputFormat) elif prt == 'xml': newPrinter = XmlPrinter(output='file', outputFormat=self.outputFormat) elif prt == 'slha': newPrinter = SLHAPrinter(output='file', outputFormat=self.outputFormat) if parser.getboolean("options", "doCompress") or parser.getboolean("options", "doInvisible"): newPrinter.docompress = 1 if parser.has_option("options", "combineSRs") and parser.getboolean("options", "combineSRs"): newPrinter.combinesr = 1 if parser.has_option("options", "combineAnas") and parser.get("options", "combineAnas"): newPrinter.combineanas = 1 else: logger.warning("Unknown printer format: %s" % str(prt)) continue # Copy stdout options to log options: if 'log' in printerTypes: if parser.has_section('stdout-printer') and not parser.has_section('log-printer'): parser.add_section('log-printer') for option, val in parser.items('stdout-printer'): parser.set('log-printer', option, val) # Set printer-specific options: if parser.has_section(prt+'-printer'): newPrinter.setOptions(parser.items(prt+'-printer')) self.Printers[prt] = newPrinter
[docs] def addObj(self, obj): """ Adds the object to all its Printers: :param obj: An object which can be handled by the Printers. """ for prt in self.Printers.values(): prt.addObj(obj)
[docs] def setOutPutFiles(self, filename, silent=False): """ Set the basename for the output files. Each printer will use this file name appended of the respective extension (i.e. .py for a python printer, .smodels for a summary printer,...) :param filename: Input file name :param silent: dont comment removing old files """ for printer in self.Printers.values(): printer.setOutPutFile(filename, silent=silent)
[docs] def flush(self): """ Ask all printers to write the output and clear their cache. If the printers return anything other than None, we pass it on. """ ret = {} for printerType, printer in self.Printers.items(): ret[printerType] = printer.flush() return ret