Source code for tools.printers.basicPrinter

.. module:: basicPrinter
   :synopsis: Base class for defining printer classes

.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>

import sys
import os
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
import numpy as np
import time

[docs]class BasicPrinter(object): """ Super class to handle the basic printing methods """ def __init__(self, output, filename, outputFormat = 'current'): """ :ivar str typeofexpectedvalues: what type of expected values to print, apriori or posteriori """ = "basic" self.time = time.time() # time stamps self.outputList = [] self.filename = filename self.output = output self.printingOrder = [] self.typeofexpectedvalues = "apriori" self.toPrint = [] self.outputFormat = outputFormat if filename and os.path.isfile(filename): logger.warning("Removing file %s" % filename) os.remove(filename)
[docs] def getTypeOfExpected(self): """ tiny convenience function for what expected values to print, apriori (True) or posteriori """ expected = True if self.typeofexpectedvalues == "posteriori": expected = "posteriori" return expected
@property def filename(self): return self._filename @filename.setter def filename(self, fn): self._filename = fn self.mkdir()
[docs] def mkdir(self): """ create directory to file, if necessary """ if not self.filename: return dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if dirname != "" and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname)
[docs] def setOptions(self, options): """ Store the printer specific options to control the output of each printer. Each option is stored as a printer attribute. :param options: a list of (option,value) for the printer. """ for opt, value in options: setattr(self, opt, eval(value))
[docs] def addObj(self, obj): """ Adds object to the Printer. :param obj: A object to be printed. Must match one of the types defined in formatObj :return: True if the object has been added to the output. If the object does not belong to the pre-defined printing list toPrint, returns False. """ for iobj, objType in enumerate(self.printingOrder): if isinstance(obj, objType): self.toPrint[iobj] = obj return True return False
[docs] def openOutFile(self, filename, mode): """ creates and opens a data sink, creates path if needed """ d = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d)"creating directory %s" % d) return open(filename, mode)
[docs] def flush(self): """ Format the objects added to the output, print them to the screen or file and remove them from the printer. """ ret = "" for obj in self.toPrint: if obj is None: continue output = self._formatObj(obj) if not output: continue # Skip empty output ret += output if self.output == 'stdout': sys.stdout.write(output) elif self.output == 'file': if not self.filename: logger.error('Filename not defined for printer') return False with self.openOutFile(self.filename, "a") as outfile: outfile.write(output) outfile.close() self.toPrint = [None]*len(self.printingOrder) # Reset printing objects self.time = time.time() # prepare next timestamp return ret
def _formatObj(self, obj): """ Method for formatting the output depending on the type of object and output. :param obj: A object to be printed. Must match one of the types defined in formatObj """ typeStr = type(obj).__name__ try: formatFunction = getattr(self, '_format'+typeStr) ret = formatFunction(obj) # print ( " `-", len(ret)) return ret except AttributeError as e: logger.warning('Error formating object %s: \n %s' % (typeStr, e)) return False def _round(self, number, n=6): """ round a number to n significant digits, if it *is* a number """ if type(number) not in [float, np.float64]: return number if not np.isfinite(number): return f'float("{number}")' if np.isnan(number) or not np.isfinite(number): return number try: if abs(number) < 1e-40: return number return round(number, -int(np.floor(np.sign(number) * np.log10(abs(number)))) + n) except Exception: pass return number
# return round ( number, n )