Source code for tools.printerTools

.. module:: printer
   :synopsis: Facility used to print decomposition, theorypredictions, missing topologies et al
      in various forms

.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Magerl <>
.. moduleauthor:: Ursula Laa <>
.. moduleauthor:: Suchita Kulkanri <>
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>


from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]def printScanSummary(outputDict, outputFile): """ Method for creating a simple summary of the results when running SModelS over multiple files. :param outputDict: A dictionary with filenames as keys and the master printer flush dictionary as values. :param outputFile: Path to the summary file to be written. """ # Check available types of printer: printerTypes = ['slha', 'python', 'summary'] # All outputs should have the same format out = list(outputDict.values())[0] if all([(ptype not in out) for ptype in printerTypes]): header = "#In order to build the summary, one of the following types of printer must be available:\n %s \n" % str(printerTypes) with open(outputFile, 'w') as f: f.write(header) return # Get summary information: summaryList = [] fnames = list(outputDict.keys()) fnames.sort() # we want a canonical order for fname in fnames: output = outputDict[fname] if output is None: continue # default values (in case of empty results): summaryDict = OrderedDict({'filename': fname, 'MostConstrainingAnalysis': 'N/A', 'r_max': np.nan, 'r_exp': np.nan, 'MostSensitive(ATLAS)': 'N/A', 'r(ATLAS)': np.nan, 'r_exp(ATLAS)': np.nan, 'MostSensitive(CMS)': 'N/A', 'r(CMS)': np.nan, 'r_exp(CMS)': np.nan, 'r(combined)' : np.nan, 'r_exp(combined)' : np.nan, 'CombinedAnalyses' : 'N/A' }) if 'python' in output: sDict = getScanSummaryFrom(output['python'], 'python') elif 'slha' in output: sDict = getScanSummaryFrom(output['slha'], 'slha') elif 'summary' in output: sDict = getScanSummaryFrom(output['summary'], 'summary') else: sDict = {} for key in summaryDict: if key in sDict: summaryDict[key] = sDict[key] summaryList.append(summaryDict) # If there are no combined results, remove its (dummy) entries anaList = set([]) if all(np.isnan(summary['r(combined)']) for summary in summaryList): for summary in summaryList: summary.pop('r(combined)') summary.pop('r_exp(combined)') else: # Get maximum list of combined analyses # and remove info from rows for summary in summaryList: anas = summary.pop('CombinedAnalyses') if anas == 'N/A': continue anas = anas.replace(' ','').split(',') anaList.update(anas) anaList = sorted(anaList) # Header: header = "#Global results summary (%i files)\n" % len(outputDict) header += "#The most constraining analysis corresponds to the one with largest observed r.\n" header += "#The most senstive (ATLAS/CMS) analysis corresponds to the one with largest expected r from those analyses for which this information is available.\n" if anaList: header += "#Analyses used for combination = %s.\n" %(','.join(anaList)) header += "#r(combined) = nan means no analysis from the above combination set produced results.\n" # Get column labels and widths: labels = list(summaryList[0].keys()) cwidths = [] fstr = '%s' # format for strings ffloat = '%1.3g' # format for floats for label in labels: maxlength = max([len(ffloat % entry[label]) if isinstance(entry[label], (float, int)) else len(fstr % entry[label]) for entry in summaryList]) maxlength = max(maxlength, len(label)) cwidths.append(maxlength) columns = '#' columns += ' '.join([label.ljust(cwidths[i]) for i, label in enumerate(labels)]) # Remove one blank space to make labels match values columns = columns.replace(' ', '', 1) columns += '\n' with open(outputFile, 'w') as f: f.write(header) f.write(columns) for entry in summaryList: row = ' '.join([(ffloat % entry[label]).ljust(cwidths[j]) if isinstance(entry[label], (float, int)) else (fstr % entry[label]).ljust(cwidths[j]) for j, label in enumerate(labels)]) f.write(row+'\n') return
[docs]def formatNestedDict(outputDict,ident=0,maxLength=50): """ Convert a nested dictionary to a string with identation. :param outputDict: Dictionary to be printed :param ident: Current identation :param maxLength: Maximum length allowed without identation return: String with formatted output """ if len(str(outputDict)) <= maxLength: return str(outputDict) output = '{\n' for ik,(key,val) in enumerate(outputDict.items()): if isinstance(val,dict): valStr = formatNestedDict(val,ident=ident+4,maxLength=maxLength) elif isinstance(val,list): valStr = formatNestedList(val,ident=ident+4,maxLength=maxLength) elif isinstance(val,str): valStr = val.replace("'","") valStr = "'"+valStr+"'" else: valStr = str(val) if isinstance(key,str): keyStr = "'"+key+"'" else: keyStr = str(key) if ik == 0: output += ' '*ident+"%s : %s" %(keyStr,valStr) else: output += "%s : %s" %(' '*ident+keyStr,valStr) if ik < len(outputDict)-1: output += ",\n" else: output += "\n" output += ' '*(ident-4)+'}' return output
[docs]def formatNestedList(outputList,ident=0,maxLength=50): """ Convert a nested list to a string with identation. :param outputList: List to be formatted :param ident: Current identation :param maxLength: Maximum length allowed without identation return: String with formatted output """ if len(str(outputList)) <= maxLength: return str(outputList) output = '[\n' for iv,val in enumerate(outputList): if isinstance(val,dict): valStr = formatNestedDict(val,ident=ident+4,maxLength=maxLength) elif isinstance(val,list): valStr = formatNestedList(val,ident=ident+4,maxLength=maxLength) elif isinstance(val,str): valStr = val.replace("'","") valStr = "'"+valStr+"'" else: valStr = str(val) if iv == 0 : output += ' '*ident+'%s' %(valStr) else: output += '%s' %(' '*ident+valStr) if iv < len(outputList)-1: output += ',\n' else: output += '\n' output += ' '*(ident-4)+']' return output
[docs]def getScanSummaryFrom(output, ptype): """ Retrieves information about the output according to the printer type (slha,python or summary) :param output: output (dictionary for ptype=python or string for ptype=slha/summary) :param ptype: Printer type (slha, python or summary) :return: Dictionary with the output information """ summaryDict = {} if ptype == 'python': info = getInfoFromPython(output) elif ptype == 'slha': info = getInfoFromSLHA(output) elif ptype == 'summary': info = getInfoFromSummary(output) else: return summaryDict if info is None: return summaryDict else: rvals, rexp, anaIDs, r_comb, rexp_comb, anaID_comb = info # Convert Nones to NaN: rvals = np.array(rvals,dtype=float) # Convert None to nan rexp = np.array(rexp,dtype=float) # Convert None to nan r_comb,rexp_comb = np.array([r_comb,rexp_comb],dtype=float) # Sort results by r_obs # (replace nan by -1 for sorting only) rvals_c = np.nan_to_num(rvals,nan=-1.0) imax = rvals_c.argsort()[::-1][0] summaryDict['r_max'] = rvals[imax] summaryDict['r_exp'] = rexp[imax] summaryDict['MostConstrainingAnalysis'] = anaIDs[imax] # Now keep only results with r_exp != nan: rexp_good = rexp[~np.isnan(rexp)] rvals_good = rvals[~np.isnan(rexp)] anaIDs_good = anaIDs[~np.isnan(rexp)] asort = rexp_good.argsort()[::-1] rvals_good = rvals_good[asort] anaIDs_good = anaIDs_good[asort] rexp_good = rexp_good[asort] iATLAS = [i for i,ana in enumerate(anaIDs_good) if 'ATLAS' in ana] iCMS = [i for i,ana in enumerate(anaIDs_good) if 'CMS' in ana] if len(iATLAS) > 0: iATLAS = iATLAS[0] summaryDict['r(ATLAS)'] = rvals_good[iATLAS] summaryDict['r_exp(ATLAS)'] = rexp_good[iATLAS] summaryDict['MostSensitive(ATLAS)'] = anaIDs_good[iATLAS] if len(iCMS) > 0: iCMS = iCMS[0] summaryDict['r(CMS)'] = rvals_good[iCMS] summaryDict['r_exp(CMS)'] = rexp_good[iCMS] summaryDict['MostSensitive(CMS)'] = anaIDs_good[iCMS] summaryDict['r(combined)'] = r_comb summaryDict['r_exp(combined)'] = rexp_comb summaryDict['CombinedAnalyses'] = anaID_comb return summaryDict
[docs]def getInfoFromPython(output): """ Retrieves information from the python output :param output: output (dictionary) :return: list of r-values,r-expected and analysis IDs. None if no results are found. If there are results for combined analyses, returns the largest r-value and the corresponding r-expected from the combination. """ if 'ExptRes' not in output or not output['ExptRes']: return None rvals = np.array([res['r'] for res in output['ExptRes']]) rexp = np.array([res['r_expected'] if res['r_expected'] else np.nan for res in output['ExptRes']]) anaIDs = np.array([res['AnalysisID'] for res in output['ExptRes']]) r_comb = np.nan rexp_comb = np.nan anaID_comb = 'N/A' if 'CombinedRes' in output: for res in output['CombinedRes']: if np.isnan(r_comb) or r_comb < res['r']: r_comb = res['r'] rexp_comb = res['r_expected'] anaID_comb = res['AnalysisID'] return rvals, rexp, anaIDs, r_comb, rexp_comb, anaID_comb
[docs]def getInfoFromSLHA(output): """ Retrieves information from the SLHA output :param output: output (string) :return: list of r-values,r-expected and analysis IDs. None if no results are found. If there are results for combined analyses, returns the largest r-value and the corresponding r-expected from the combination. """ import pyslha results = pyslha.readSLHA(output, ignorenomass=True, ignorenobr=True) bname = None bcombName = None for b in results.blocks.values(): if == 'SModelS_Exclusion'.lower(): bname = if == 'SModelS_CombinedAnas'.lower(): bcombName = if bname is None or len(results.blocks[bname]) <= 1: return None else: # Group results by block index: groups = itertools.groupby(results.blocks[bname].items(), key = lambda k: k[0][0]) resDict = {i : dict(block) for i,block in groups if i != 0} # Get r values: rvals = np.array([resDict[i][(i,1)] for i in resDict]) rexp = np.array([resDict[i][(i,2)] if resDict[i][(i,2)] != 'N/A' else np.nan for i in resDict]) anaIDs = np.array([resDict[i][(i,4)] for i in resDict]) if bcombName is None or len(results.blocks[bcombName]) < 1: r_comb = np.nan rexp_comb = np.nan anaID_comb = 'N/A' else: # Group combined results by block index: groups = itertools.groupby(results.blocks[bcombName].items(), key = lambda k: k[0][0]) resDict = {i : dict(block) for i,block in groups if i != 0} rvals_comb = np.array([resDict[i][(i,1)] for i in resDict if i != 0]) rexp_comb = np.array([resDict[i][(i,2)] if resDict[i][(i,2)] != 'N/A' else np.nan for i in resDict if i != 0]) anaID_comb = np.array([resDict[i][(i,6)] for i in resDict if i != 0]) r_comb = max(rvals_comb[~np.isnan(rvals_comb)]) rexp_comb = rexp_comb[np.argmax(rvals_comb)] anaID_comb = anaID_comb[np.argmax(rvals_comb)] return rvals, rexp, anaIDs, r_comb, rexp_comb, anaID_comb
[docs]def getInfoFromSummary(output): """ Retrieves information from the summary output :param output: output (string) :return: list of r-values,r-expected and analysis IDs. None if no results are found. If there are results for combined analyses, returns the largest r-value and the corresponding r-expected from the combination. """ lines = output.splitlines() rvals = [] rexp = [] anaIDs = [] r_comb = np.nan rexp_comb = np.nan anaID_comb = 'N/A' for line in lines: if 'The highest r value is' in line: rmax = line.split('=')[1].strip() ff = np.where([((not x.isdigit()) and (x not in ['.', '+', '-'])) for x in rmax])[0][0] # Get when the value ends rmax = eval(rmax[:ff]) anaMax = line.split('from')[1].split()[0].replace(',', '') rexpMax = np.nan if 'r_expected' in line and "r_expected not available" not in line: rexpMax = line.split('r_expected')[-1] rexpMax = rexpMax.split('=')[1] ff = np.where([((not x.isdigit()) and (x not in ['.', '+', '-'])) for x in rexpMax])[0][0] # Get when the value ends rexpMax = eval(rexpMax[:ff]) rvals.append(rmax) anaIDs.append(anaMax) rexp.append(rexpMax) elif 'analysis with highest available r_expected' in line: # the space is required to have at least one non-digit character after the value rAna = line.split('=')[-1] + ' ' ff = np.where([((not x.isdigit()) and (x not in ['.', '+', '-'])) for x in rAna])[0][0] # Get when the value ends rAna = eval(rAna[:ff]) rexpAna = np.nan if 'r_expected' in line: rexpAna = line.split('r_expected')[-1] rexpAna = rexpAna.split('=')[1] ff = np.where([((not x.isdigit()) and (x not in ['.', '+', '-'])) for x in rexpAna])[0][0] # Get when the value ends rexpAna = eval(rexpAna[:ff]) if 'CMS' in line: anaID = 'CMS-'+line.split('CMS-')[1].split(' ')[0].split(',')[0] else: anaID = 'ATLAS-' + \ line.split('ATLAS-')[1].split(' ')[0].split(',')[0] anaID = anaID.split()[0].strip().replace(',', '') rvals.append(rAna) anaIDs.append(anaID) rexp.append(rexpAna) elif 'combined r-value:' in line: r_comb = float(line.replace('\n','').split(':')[1]) elif 'combined r-value (expected):' in line: rexp_comb = float(line.replace('\n','').split(':')[1]) elif 'Combined Analyses:' in line: anaID_comb = line.replace('\n','').split(':')[1].replace(' ','') if not rvals: return None rvals = np.array(rvals) rexp = np.array(rexp) anaIDs = np.array(anaIDs) return rvals, rexp, anaIDs, r_comb, rexp_comb, anaID_comb