Source code for tools.crashReport

.. module:: crashReport
   :synopsis: Facility used in to create and read SModelS crash report files.

.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Magerl <>


import os
from datetime import datetime
import platform
import traceback
from smodels.installation import installDirectory
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger

[docs]class CrashReport(object): """ Class that handles all crash report information. """ def __init__(self): timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f') self.timestampHuman ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') self.crashReportFileName = 'smodels-' + timestamp + '.crash'
[docs] def createCrashReportFile(self, inputFileName, parameterFileName): """ Create a new SModelS crash report file. A SModelS crash report file contains: - a timestamp - SModelS version - platform information (CPU architecture, operating system, ...) - Python version - stack trace - input file name - input file content - parameter file name - parameter file content :param inputFileName: relative location of the input file :param parameterFileName: relative location of the parameter file """ with open ( installDirectory()+'/smodels/version', 'r') as versionFile: version = versionFile.readline() with open(inputFileName, 'r') as inputFile: inputFileContent = with open(parameterFileName, 'r') as parameterFile: parameterFileContent = with open(self.crashReportFileName, 'w') as crashReportFile: crashReportFile.write("="*80+"\n") crashReportFile.write("SModelS Crash Report File\n") crashReportFile.write("="*80+"\n") crashReportFile.write("Timestamp: " + self.timestampHuman + "\n\n") crashReportFile.write("SModelS Version: " + version + "\n") crashReportFile.write("Platform: " + platform.platform() + "\n") crashReportFile.write("Python Version: " + platform.python_version() + "\n\n") crashReportFile.write("="*80+"\n\n") crashReportFile.write("-"*80+"\n") crashReportFile.write("* Output\n") crashReportFile.write("-"*80+"\n\n") crashReportFile.write(traceback.format_exc() + "\n\n") crashReportFile.write("-"*80+"\n") crashReportFile.write("* Input File\n") crashReportFile.write(" " + os.path.basename(inputFileName) + "\n") crashReportFile.write("-"*80+"\n\n") crashReportFile.write(inputFileContent + "\n") crashReportFile.write("-"*80+"\n") crashReportFile.write("* Parameter File\n") crashReportFile.write(" " + os.path.basename(parameterFileName) + "\n") crashReportFile.write("-"*80+"\n\n") crashReportFile.write(parameterFileContent)
[docs] def createUnknownErrorMessage(self): """ Create a message for an unknown error. """ message = ("\n\n\n" +"="*80+ "\n\n" "SModelS quit unexpectedly due to an unforeseen error.\n" "The error has been written to\n" + self.crashReportFileName + ".\n\n" "If you want to help make SModelS better, then please send this file to\n" " and shortly describe what you did!\n\n" "Alternatively, use the '--development' option when running\n" "to prevent this message from showing up again.\n\n" + 80*"=" ) return message
[docs]def readCrashReportFile(crashReportFileName): """ Read a crash report file to use its input and parameter file sections for a SModelS run. :param crashReportFileName: relative location of the crash report file """ with open(crashReportFileName, 'r') as crashReportFile: crashReportFileContent = crashReportFile.readlines() lineNumber = 0 inputStartLine = 0 inputEndLine = 0 parameterStartLine = 0 for line in crashReportFileContent: if lineNumber == 1: if not line.rstrip() == "SModelS Crash Report File": logger.error("ERROR: Not a SModelS crash report file!") break if line.rstrip() == "* Input File": inputStartLine = lineNumber + 4 if line.rstrip() == "* Parameter File": inputEndLine = lineNumber - 2 parameterStartLine = lineNumber + 4 lineNumber += 1 parameterEndLine = lineNumber crashReportInputFileName = 'crash_report_input' crashReportParameterFileName = 'crash_report_parameter' crashReportInputFile = open(crashReportInputFileName, 'w') crashReportParameterFile = open(crashReportParameterFileName, 'w') for i in range(inputStartLine, inputEndLine): crashReportInputFile.write(crashReportFileContent[i]) for i in range(parameterStartLine, parameterEndLine): crashReportParameterFile.write(crashReportFileContent[i]) crashReportInputFile.close() crashReportParameterFile.close() return crashReportInputFileName, crashReportParameterFileName
[docs]def createStackTrace(): """ Return the stack trace. """ return traceback.format_exc()