Source code for tools.asciiGraph

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: asciiGraph
   :synopsis: Contains a simple routine to draw ASCII-art Feynman-like graphs.

.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>


from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import argparse
from smodels.decomposition import decomposer
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
from smodels.share.models.mssm import BSMList
from smodels.share.models.SMparticles import SMList
from smodels.base.model import Model

def _printParticle(label):
    Rename particles for the asciidraw routine.
    if label == "jet":
        label = "q"
    label = label + "     "
    return label[:2]

def _drawBranch(branch, upwards, htmlFormat, border, l):
    Draw a single branch.
    lines = ["   ", "----"]
    labels = "   "
    if border and upwards:
        lines = [" |    ", " | ----"]
        labels = " |    "
    if border and not upwards:
        lines = [" |    ", " | ----"]
        labels = " |    "

    for insertions in branch:
        if len(insertions) == 0:
            lines[0] += " "
            lines[1] += "*"
        lines[1] += "*----"
        if len(insertions) == 1:
            labels += " " + _printParticle(insertions[0]) + "  "
            lines[0] += " |   "
        if len(insertions) == 2:
            labels += _printParticle(insertions[0]) + " " + \
            if upwards:
                lines[0] += "\\ /  "
                lines[0] += "/ \\  "
        if len(insertions) > 2:
            logger.error("n > 3 for n-body decay not yet implemented.")

    order = [0, 1]
    if not upwards:
        order = [1, 0]
    html = "<br>"
    lengthdiff = int ( l - len(lines[0]) / 5 )
    if border:
        if l == 2:
            lines[0] += " "
            lines[1] += " "
            labels += " "
        labels += " " + " "*(5 * lengthdiff) + " |"
        lines[0] += " "*(5 * lengthdiff + 0) + "  |"
        lines[1] += " "*(5 * lengthdiff + 0) + " |"
    if border and upwards:
        ret+=" /" + "-"*(4 * l + 4) + "\\\n"
    if htmlFormat:
    if upwards and labels:
    if htmlFormat:
    for i in order:
    if htmlFormat:
    if not upwards and labels:
    if htmlFormat:
    if border and not upwards:
        ret+=" \\" + "-"*(4 * l + 4) + "/\n"
    return ret

[docs]def asciidraw(sms, labels=True, html=False, border=False): """ Draw a simple ASCII graph on the screen. """ ret="" l = [] branches = sms.treeToBrackets()[0] for (ct, branch) in enumerate(branches): l.append(int(str(branch).count("["))) for (ct, branch) in enumerate(branches): ret+=_drawBranch(branch, upwards=(ct == 0), htmlFormat=html, border=border, l=max(l)) return ret
if __name__ == "__main__": argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="simple tool that is " "meant to draw lessagraphs, as an " "ascii plot") argparser.add_argument('-l', '--lhe', help="LHE file name", type=str, required=True ) argparser.add_argument('-b', '--border', action='store_true', help="draw a border around the graph") args = argparser.parse_args() filename = args.lhe model = Model(BSMparticles=BSMList, SMparticles=SMList) model.updateParticles(inputFile=filename) topList = decomposer.decompose(model) element = topList.getElements()[0] print(asciidraw(element, border=args.border))