Source code for statistics.basicStats

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: basicStats
   :synopsis: a module thats collects various statistical codes, that \
   are shared among other submodules.

.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>

from scipy import stats
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
import numpy as np
from smodels.statistics.exceptions import SModelSStatisticsError as SModelSError
from typing import Text

__all__ = [ "CLsfromNLL", "determineBrentBracket", "chi2FromLmax" ]

[docs]def CLsfromNLL( nllA: float, nll0A: float, nll: float, nll0: float, return_type: Text = "CLs-alpha" ) -> float: """ compute the CLs - alpha from the NLLs TODO: following needs explanation :param nllA: negative log likelihood for Asimov data :param nll0A: negative log likelihood at muhat for Asimov data :param nll: negative log likelihood :param nll0: negative log likelihood at muhat :param return_type: (Text) can be "CLs-alpha", "1-CLs", "CLs" \ CLs-alpha: returns CLs - 0.05 \ 1-CLs: returns 1-CLs value \ CLs: returns CLs value :return: Cls-type value, see above """ assert return_type in ["CLs-alpha", "1-CLs", "CLs"], f"Unknown return type: {return_type}." qmu = 0.0 if 2 * (nll - nll0) < 0.0 else 2 * (nll - nll0) sqmu = np.sqrt(qmu) qA = 2 * (nllA - nll0A) if qA < 0.0: qA = 0.0 sqA = np.sqrt(qA) if qA >= qmu: CLsb = 1.0 - stats.multivariate_normal.cdf(sqmu) CLb = stats.multivariate_normal.cdf(sqA - sqmu) else: CLsb = 1.0 if qA == 0.0 else 1.0 - stats.multivariate_normal.cdf((qmu + qA) / (2 * sqA)) CLb = 1.0 if qA == 0.0 else 1.0 - stats.multivariate_normal.cdf((qmu - qA) / (2 * sqA)) CLs = CLsb / CLb if CLb > 0 else 0.0 if return_type == "1-CLs": return 1.0 - CLs elif return_type == "CLs": return CLs return CLs - 0.05
[docs]def determineBrentBracket(mu_hat, sigma_mu, rootfinder, allowNegative = True ): """find a, b for brent bracketing :param mu_hat: mu that maximizes likelihood :param sigm_mu: error on mu_hat (not too reliable) :param rootfinder: function that finds the root (usually root_func) :param allowNegative: if False, then do not allow a or b to become negative :returns: the interval a,b """ sigma_mu = max(sigma_mu, 0.5) # there is a minimum on sigma_mu sigma_mu = min(sigma_mu, 100.) # there is a maximum on sigma_mu # the root should be roughly at mu_hat + 2*sigma_mu a = mu_hat + 1.5 * sigma_mu ra = rootfinder(a) ntrials = 20 i = 0 foundExtra = False while ra < 0.0: # if this is negative, we move it to the left i += 1 a -= (i**2.0) * sigma_mu ra = rootfinder(a) if i > ntrials or a < -10000.0 or ra is None or ( a < 0 and not allowNegative ): avalues = [0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 3.0, -3.0, 10.0, -10.0, 0.1, -0.1, 0.01, -0.01, .001, -.001, 100., -100., .0001, -.0001 ] if not allowNegative: avalues = [0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0, 0.1, 0.01, .001, 100., .0001 ] for a in avalues: ra = rootfinder(a) if ra is None: # if cls computation failed, try with next a value continue if ra > 0.0: foundExtra = True break if not foundExtra: logger.error( f"cannot find an a that is left of the root. last attempt, a={a:.2f}, root = {ra:.2f}." ) logger.error(f"mu_hat={mu_hat:.2f}, sigma_mu={sigma_mu:.2f}") raise SModelSError( f"cannot find an a that is left of the root. last attempt, a={a:.2f}, root = {ra:.2f}." ) i = 0 foundExtra = False b = mu_hat + 2.5 * sigma_mu rb = rootfinder(b) while rb > 0.0: # if this is positive, we move it to the right i += 1 b += (i**2.0) * sigma_mu rb = rootfinder(b) if rb is None: # if cls computation failed, try with a bigger b value continue closestr, closest = float("inf"), None if i > ntrials or ( b < 0 and not allowNegative ): bvalues = [1.0, 0.0, 3.0, -1.0, 10.0, -3.0, 0.1, -0.1, -10.0, 100.0, -100.0, 1000.0, .01, -.01, .001, -.001, 10000.0, 100000.0, 1000000.0 ] if not allowNegative: bvalues = [1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 10.0, 0.1, 100.0, 1000.0, .01, .001, 10000.0, 100000.0, 1000000.0 ] for b in bvalues: rb = rootfinder(b) if rb is None: # if cls computation failed, try with next b value continue if rb < 0.0: foundExtra = True break if rb < closestr: closestr = rb closest = b if not foundExtra: logger.error(f"cannot find a b that is right of the root (i.e. rootfinder(b) < 0).") logger.error(f"closest to zero rootfinder({closest})={closestr}") logger.error(f"mu_hat was at {mu_hat:.2f} sigma_mu at {sigma_mu:.2f}") raise SModelSError() return a, b
def deltaChi2FromLlhd(likelihood): """compute the delta chi2 value from a likelihood (convenience function)""" if likelihood == 0.0: return 1e10 # a very high number is good elif likelihood is None: return None return -2.0 * np.log(likelihood)
[docs]def chi2FromLmax(llhd, lmax): """compute the chi2 from likelihood and lmax""" if llhd is None or lmax is None: return None chi2 = 0.0 if llhd > 1e-200: from math import log chi2 = 2 * log(lmax / llhd) if chi2 < 0.0 and llhd < 1e-100: # numerical inaccuracy chi2 = 0.0 return chi2