#!/usr/bin/env python3
.. module:: analysesCombinations
:synopsis: a module with the methods required for computing the likelihood and
upper limits for a combination of theory predictions (analyses combination).
Mostly used by the TheoryPredictionsCombiner class.
.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <wolfgang.waltenberger@gmail.com>
.. moduleauthor:: Jamie Yellen <j.yellen.1@research.gla.ac.uk>
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <lessa.a.p@gmail.com>
import numpy as np
from smodels.base.physicsUnits import fb
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
from smodels.statistics.basicStats import CLsfromNLL, determineBrentBracket
import scipy.optimize as optimize
from smodels.statistics.exceptions import SModelSStatisticsError as SModelSError
from typing import Text, Tuple, Callable, Union, Dict
[docs]class AnaCombLikelihoodComputer(object):
def __init__(self, theoryPredictions: list, deltas_rel=None):
:param theoryPredictions: the List of theory predictions
:param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). \
Default value is 20%.
if len(theoryPredictions) == 0:
raise SModelSError("asking to combine zero theory predictions")
self.theoryPredictions = theoryPredictions
if deltas_rel is None:
from smodels.tools.runtime import _deltas_rel_default
deltas_rel = _deltas_rel_default
self.deltas_rel = deltas_rel
[docs] def likelihood(
mu: float = 1.0,
expected: Union[bool, Text] = False,
return_nll: bool = False,
useCached: bool = True,
) -> float:
Compute the likelihood at a given mu
:param mu: signal strength
:param expected: if True, compute expected likelihood, else observed
:param return_nll: if True, return negative log likelihood, else likelihood
:param useCached: if True, will use the cached values from the theoryPrediction objects (if available)
mu = mu[0] # some of these methods use arrays with a single element
llhd = 1.0
changed = False
for tp in self.theoryPredictions:
tmp = tp.likelihood(mu, expected=expected, useCached=useCached)
if tmp != None:
llhd = llhd * tmp
changed = True
return None
if changed == False:
return None
if return_nll:
if llhd == 0.0: # cut off nll at 999
return 999.0
return -np.log(llhd)
return llhd
[docs] def lmax(
allowNegativeSignals: bool = False,
expected: Union[bool, Text] = False,
return_nll: bool = False,
) -> Union[Dict, None]:
"""find muhat and lmax.
:param allowNegativeSignals: if true, then also allow for negative values
:param expected: if true, compute expected prior (=lsm), if "posteriori" \
compute posteriori expected
:param return_nll: if true, return negative log max likelihood instead of lmax
:returns: mu_hat, i.e. the maximum likelihood estimate of mu, if extended \
output is requested, it returns a dictionary with mu_hat, \
sigma_mu -- the standard deviation around mu_hat, and lmax, \
i.e. the likelihood at mu_hat
muhats, weighted = [], []
totweight = 0.0
for tp in self.theoryPredictions:
muhat = tp.muhat(expected=expected)
sigma_mu = tp.sigma_mu(expected=expected)
if sigma_mu in [None, 0.0]:
sigma_mu = 1.0 # unity weights if no weights
if muhat != None:
w = 1.0 / sigma_mu**2
weighted.append(w * muhat)
totweight += w
# for a single theory prediction, we return just that
if len(muhats)==1:
if muhat < 0. and not allowNegativeSignals:
muhat = 0.
retllh = self.theoryPredictions[0].likelihood ( muhat, return_nll = return_nll, expected = expected )
ret = {"muhat": muhat, "sigma_mu": sigma_mu, "lmax": retllh}
return ret
if len(muhats) == 0:
logger.error(f"asked to compute muhat for combination, but no individual values")
ret = {"muhat": None, "sigma_mu": None, "lmax": None}
return ret
toTry = [sum(weighted) / totweight]
#Add additional initialization points near the first one to make sure that minima is not lost due to small differences in the initialization values
fluc = max(1e-6, 1e-5*toTry[0]) #incase toTry[0] = 0.0, take 1e-06
toTry += [toTry[0] - fluc, toTry[0] + fluc]
def fun(mu):
# Make sure to always compute the correct llhd value (from theoryPrediction)
# and not used the cached value (which is constant for mu~=1 an mu~=0)
if isinstance(mu,np.ndarray):
x = float(mu[0])
x = float(mu)
return self.likelihood(x, expected=expected, return_nll=True, useCached=False)
if allowNegativeSignals:
toTry += [1.0, 0.0, 3.0, -1.0, 10.0, -3.0, 0.1, -0.1]
toTry += [1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 10.0, 0.1]
for mu0 in toTry:
# Minimize with a delta_mu = 1e-3*mu0 when computing the first derivative
# (if delta_mu is too small, the derivative might give zero and terminate the
# minimization) o = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun, mu0 ) ## the unbounded method
mxm = float(max(muhats))
upper = 3.0 * mxm
if upper <= 1.5: #
upper = 1.5
bounds = [0, upper]
if allowNegativeSignals:
m = float(min(muhats))
if m < 0.0:
bounds[0] = 3.0 * m
bounds = [
# if bounds[1] < bounds[0]:
# logger.error ( f"bounds are reversed, this should not happen" )
o = optimize.minimize(fun, mu0, bounds=bounds, tol=1e-9)
if not o.success:
f"combiner.lmax did not terminate successfully: {o.message} "
f"mu_hat={o.x} hess={o.hess_inv}"
# the inverted hessian is a good approximation for the variance at the
# minimum
invh = o.hess_inv
invh = invh.todense()
except AttributeError as e:
hessian = invh[0][0]
nll_ = o.fun
if hessian > 0.0 and nll_ < 998.0 and o.success: # found a maximum. all good.
# the hessian is negative meaning we found a maximum, not a minimum
if hessian <= 0.0:
f"combiner.lmax the hessian {hessian} is negative at mu_hat={o.x}. "+
"try again with different initialisation."
mu_hat = o.x[0]
lmax = np.exp(-o.fun) # fun is *always* nll
if hessian < 0.0 or nll_ > 998.0:
"tried with several starting points to find maximum, always ended up in minimum. "
"bailing out."
return None
if not allowNegativeSignals and mu_hat < 0.0:
mu_hat = 0.0 # fixme for this case we should reevaluate the hessian!
sigma_mu = np.sqrt(hessian)
retllh = lmax
if return_nll:
retllh = nll_
ret = {"muhat": mu_hat, "sigma_mu": sigma_mu, "lmax": retllh}
return ret
[docs] def getUpperLimitOnMu(self, expected=False, allowNegativeSignals = False ):
"""get upper limit on signal strength multiplier, i.e. value for mu for \
which CLs = 0.95
:param expected: if True, compute expected likelihood, else observed
:returns: upper limit on signal strength multiplier mu
mu_hat, sigma_mu, clsRoot = self.getCLsRootFunc(expected=expected,
a, b = determineBrentBracket(mu_hat, sigma_mu, clsRoot,
allowNegative = allowNegativeSignals )
mu_lim = optimize.brentq(clsRoot, a, b, rtol=1e-03, xtol=1e-06)
return mu_lim
[docs] def getUpperLimitOnSigmaTimesEff(self, expected=False, allowNegativeSignals= False):
"""upper limit on the fiducial cross section sigma times efficiency,
summed over all signal regions, i.e. sum_i xsec^prod_i eff_i
obtained from the defined Data (using the signal prediction
for each signal region/dataset), by using
the q_mu test statistic from the CCGV paper (arXiv:1007.1727).
:params expected: if false, compute observed,
true: compute a priori expected, "posteriori":
compute a posteriori expected
:returns: upper limit on fiducial cross section
ul = self.getUpperLimitOnMu(expected=expected,
if ul == None:
return ul
xsec = 0.0*fb
for tp in self.theoryPredictions:
xsec += tp.xsection
return ul * xsec
[docs] def getCLsRootFunc(self, expected: bool = False, allowNegativeSignals : bool = False) -> Tuple[float, float, Callable]:
Obtain the function "CLs-alpha[0.05]" whose root defines the upper limit,
plus mu_hat and sigma_mu
:param expected: if True, compute expected likelihood, else observed
fmh = self.lmax(expected=expected, allowNegativeSignals=allowNegativeSignals)
mu_hat, sigma_mu, _ = fmh["muhat"], fmh["sigma_mu"], fmh["lmax"]
mu_hat = mu_hat if mu_hat is not None else 0.0
nll0 = self.likelihood(mu_hat, expected=expected, return_nll=True)
# a posteriori expected is needed here
# mu_hat is mu_hat for signal_rel
fmh = self.lmax(expected="posteriori", allowNegativeSignals=allowNegativeSignals,
_, _, nll0A = fmh["muhat"], fmh["sigma_mu"], fmh["lmax"]
# logger.error ( f"COMB nll0A {nll0A:.3f} mu_hatA {mu_hatA:.3f}" )
# return 1.
def clsRoot(mu: float, return_type: Text = "CLs-alpha") -> float:
# at - infinity this should be .95,
# at + infinity it should -.05
# Make sure to always compute the correct llhd value (from theoryPrediction)
# and not used the cached value (which is constant for mu~=1 an mu~=0)
nll = self.likelihood(mu, return_nll=True, expected=expected, useCached=False)
nllA = self.likelihood(mu, expected="posteriori", return_nll=True, useCached=False)
return CLsfromNLL(nllA, nll0A, nll, nll0, return_type=return_type) if nll is not None else None
return mu_hat, sigma_mu, clsRoot
[docs] def CLs( self, mu : float = 1., expected: Union[Text,bool] = False,
return_type: Text = "CLs" ):
Compute the exclusion confidence level of the model
:param mu: compute for the parameter of interest mu
:param expected: if false, compute observed, true: compute a priori expected
:param return_type: (Text) can be "CLs-alpha", "1-CLs", "CLs" \
CLs-alpha: returns CLs - 0.05 \
1-CLs: returns 1-CLs value \
CLs: returns CLs value
assert return_type in ["CLs-alpha", "1-CLs", "CLs"], f"Unknown return type: {return_type}."
_, _, clsRoot = self.getCLsRootFunc(expected=expected)
return clsRoot(mu, return_type=return_type)
[docs] def getLlhds(self,muvals,expected=False,normalize=True):
Compute the likelihoods for the individual analyses and the combined
Returns a dictionary with the analysis IDs as keys and the likelihood values as values.
:param muvals: List with values for the signal strenth for which the likelihoods must
be evaluated.
:param expected: If True returns the expected likelihood values.
:param normalize: If True normalizes the likelihood by its integral over muvals.
llhds = {}
llhds['combined'] = np.array([self.likelihood(mu,expected=expected) for mu in muvals])
tpreds = self.theoryPredictions
for t in tpreds:
Id = t.analysisId()
t.computeStatistics( expected = expected )
l = np.array([t.likelihood(mu,expected=expected) for mu in muvals])
if normalize:
# Compute delta mu
dmuvals = np.diff(muvals)
dmuvals = np.append(dmuvals,dmuvals[-1])
for Id,l in llhds.items():
# Compute norm (integral over mu)
norm = np.sum(l*dmuvals)
llhds[Id] = l/norm
return llhds