Source code for matching.clusterTools

.. module:: clusterTools
   :synopsis: Module holding the SMSCluster class and cluster methods used to combine similar SMS according
      to the analysis.

.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>


from smodels.base.particleNode import ParticleNode
from smodels.base.particle import MultiParticle
from smodels.base.physicsUnits import fb
from smodels.decomposition.theorySMS import TheorySMS
from smodels.experiment.datasetObj import DataSet, CombinedDataSet
from smodels.matching.exceptions import SModelSMatcherError as SModelSError
from smodels.matching.matcherAuxiliaryFuncs import average
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
import numpy as np

[docs]class AverageSMS(TheorySMS): """ Represents an SMS or list of SMS containing only the basic attributes required for clustering or computing efficiencies/upper limits. Its properties are given by the average properties of the SMS it represents and its weight is given by the total weight of all SMS. """ def __init__(self, smsList=[]): if any(not isinstance(sms, TheorySMS) for sms in smsList): raise SModelSError("An AverageSMS must be created from a list of TheorySMS objects.") TheorySMS.__init__(self) # Get the relevant properties needed by the txnames # (in addition to mass, totalwidth and isSM) attrList = ['mass', 'totalwidth', 'isSM'] for sms in smsList: dataMap = sms.txname.dataMap attrList += [attr for _, attr,_ in dataMap.values()] attrList = list(set(attrList)) # Define base SMS to copy (common) global properties from smsBase = smsList[0] # Define relevant properties to be stored and averaged over: = attrList self.txname = smsBase.txname #If the average corresponds to a single SMS, we # can directly use its upperLimit value (if defined). if (len(smsList) == 1) and hasattr(smsBase,'_upperLimit'): self._upperLimit = smsBase._upperLimit # Consistency checks: if any(sms.canonName != smsBase.canonName for sms in smsList): logger.error("Can not build average SMS from SMS with distinct topologies.") raise SModelSError() if any(sms.txname != self.txname for sms in smsList): logger.error("Can not build average SMS from SMS for distinct txnames.") raise SModelSError() # Create new node objects holding particles # with the average attributes avgNodesDict = {} if len(smsList) == 1: avgNodesDict = {n : node for n,node in zip(smsBase.nodeIndices,smsBase.nodes)} else: weights = [sms.weight.asNumber(fb) for sms in smsList] for nodeIndex in smsBase.nodeIndices: if nodeIndex == smsBase.rootIndex: # For the root node make a dummy copy: avgNode = smsBase.indexToNode(nodeIndex).copy() else: # For all the other nodes compute the average allParticles = [sms.indexToNode(nodeIndex).particle for sms in smsList] attrDict = {} for attr in values = [getattr(ptc, attr) for ptc in allParticles] avgAttr = average(values, weights, nround=5) attrDict[attr] = avgAttr mp = allParticles[0] for ptc in allParticles[1:]: mp = mp + ptc if isinstance(mp,MultiParticle): avgParticle = MultiParticle(particles=mp.particles, attributesDict=attrDict) else: avgParticle = MultiParticle(particles=[mp], attributesDict=attrDict) avgNode = ParticleNode(particle=avgParticle) avgNodesDict[nodeIndex] = avgNode # Copy the tree structure from smsBase, # but replacing the node objects by the average nodes self.copyTreeFrom(smsBase,nodesObjDict=avgNodesDict) # Compute the weight self.weight = smsBase.weight for sms in smsList[1:]: self.weight = self.weight + sms.weight def __eq__(self, other): """ Compares the SMS with other. Only the properties defined in are used for comparison. :param other: SMS to be compared (SMS object) :return: True/False. """ if not isinstance(other, TheorySMS): return False if self.canonName != other.canonName: return False for nodeIndex in self.nodeIndices: nodeA = self.indexToNode(nodeIndex) nodeB = other.indexToNode(nodeIndex) if nodeA.isSM and nodeB.isSM: continue for attr in attrA = getattr(nodeA,attr) attrB = getattr(nodeB,attr) if attrA != attrB: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class SMSCluster(object): """ An instance of this class represents a cluster of SMS, which holds the averageSMS. This class is used to store the relevant information about a cluster of SMS and to manipulate this information. """ def __init__(self, smsList=[], dataset=None): self.smsList = smsList[:] self.dataset = dataset # Compute average SMS self.averageSMS = self.computeAverageSMS() def __str__(self): return str(self.averageSMS) def __repr__(self): return str(self.averageSMS)
[docs] def getTotalXSec(self): """ Return the sum over the cross sections of all SMS belonging to the cluster. :returns: sum of weights of all the SMS in the cluster (XSectionList object) """ totxsec = 0.0*fb for sms in self.smsList: totxsec += sms.weight return totxsec
[docs] def computeAverageSMS(self): """ Computes the average SMS for the cluster. The average SMS has generic ParticleNodes with the attributes set to the average values of self.smsList. It can only be defined if all SMS share the same canonical name and the same txname. Otherwise, returns None :return: AverageSMS object or None (if it can not be defined) """ # Check if an average SMS can be defined: cName = self.smsList[0].canonName tx = self.smsList[0].txname if any(sms.canonName != cName for sms in self.smsList): avgSMS = None elif any(sms.txname != tx for sms in self.smsList): avgSMS = None else: # Define the average SMS with the required properties averaged over: avgSMS = AverageSMS(self.smsList[:]) # If the averageSMS can be defined, # compute the averageSMS upper limit if avgSMS is not None and self.dataset is not None: ul = self.dataset.getUpperLimitFor(avgSMS,txnames=tx) avgSMS._upperLimit = ul return avgSMS
[docs] def distanceTo(self,sms): """ Defines the relative distance between the cluster and SMS object or another cluster. The distance is computed using the upper limits for the averageSMS (for cluster objects) or the SMS upper limit. The distance is defined as d = 2*|ul1-ul2|/(ul1+ul2). :parameter sms: SMS object or SMSCluster object :returns: relative distance """ sms1 = self.averageSMS if isinstance(sms,SMSCluster): sms2 = sms.averageSMS else: sms2 = sms if not hasattr(sms2, '_upperLimit'): sms2._upperLimit = self.dataset.getUpperLimitFor(sms2, txnames=sms2.txname) ul1 = sms1._upperLimit ul2 = sms2._upperLimit if ul1 is None or ul2 is None: return None if (ul1+ul2).asNumber(fb) == 0.: return 0. ulDistance = 2.*abs(ul1 - ul2)/(ul1 + ul2) return ulDistance
[docs] def isValid(self,maxDist): """ Checks if the SMSCluster is a valid cluster, i.e. if its AverageSMS has a well defined UL and the distance between any SMS in the cluster and the cluster AverageSMS is smaller than maxDist. :param dataset: Dataset object used to check the UL :parameter maxDist: maximum distance between the averageSMS and all the SMS in the cluster :return: True/False """ if self.averageSMS is None: return False if self.averageSMS._upperLimit is None: return False # Compute distances between averageSMS and SMS in cluster dists = [self.distanceTo(sms) for sms in self.smsList] # Check if any distance could not be computed: if any(d is None for d in dists): return False # Compute maximal distance between averageSMS and SMS dist = max(dists,default=0.0) if dist > maxDist: return False return True
[docs]def clusterSMS(smsList, maxDist, dataset): """ Cluster the original SMS according to their distance in upper limit space. :parameter smsList: list of sms (TheorySMS objects) :parameter dataset: Dataset object to be used when computing distances in upper limit space :parameter maxDist: maximum distance for clustering two SMS :returns: list of clusters (SMSCluster objects) """ if len(smsList) == 0: return [] if any(not isinstance(sms, TheorySMS) for sms in smsList): raise SModelSError("Asked to cluster non TheorySMS objects") if not isinstance(dataset, (DataSet, CombinedDataSet)): raise SModelSError("A dataset object must be defined for clustering") # Make sure only unique SMS are clustered together (avoids double counting weights) # Sort SMS, so the ones with highest contribution (weight) come first: smsList = sorted(smsList, key=lambda sms: sms.weight, reverse=True) # Remove duplicated SMS: smsUnique = [] for sms in smsList: # Skip the SMS if it is related to any another SMS in the list if any(sms.isRelatedTo(smsB) for smsB in smsUnique): continue smsUnique.append(sms) # Get txname list only with the txnames from unique SMS used for clustering txnames = list(set([sms.txname for sms in smsUnique])) if dataset.getType() == 'upperLimit' and len(txnames) != 1: logger.error("Clustering SMS with different Txnames for an UL result.") raise SModelSError() if dataset.getType() == 'upperLimit': # Group according to upper limit values clusters = doCluster(smsUnique, dataset, maxDist) elif dataset.getType() == 'efficiencyMap': # Group all SMS together cluster = SMSCluster(smsUnique) clusters = [cluster] for cluster in clusters: cluster.txnames = txnames return clusters
[docs]def doCluster(smsList, dataset, maxDist): """ Cluster algorithm to cluster SMS using a modified minimal spanning tree method. :parameter smsList: list of all SMS to be clustered :parameter dataset: Dataset object to be used when computing distances in upper limit space :parameter maxDist: maximum distance for clustering two SMS :returns: a list of SMSCluster objects containing the SMS belonging to the cluster """ # First make sure all SMS contain their upper limits for sms in smsList: if not hasattr(sms, '._upperLimit'): sms._upperLimit = dataset.getUpperLimitFor(sms, txnames=sms.txname) if sms._upperLimit is None: raise SModelSError("Trying to cluster SMS (id = %i, txname = %s) outside the grid for dataset %s." %(sms.smsID,sms.txname,dataset.longStr())) # Sort SMS by upperLimit sortedSMSList = sorted(smsList, key = lambda sms: sms._upperLimit) # Cluster all identical SMS into clusters clusterList = groupSMS(sortedSMSList,dataset) # Sort clusters by proximity in upperLimit clusterList = sorted(clusterList, key=lambda cluster: cluster.averageSMS._upperLimit) # Compute the distance matrix for the clusters: # (diagonal entries are set to None) dMatrix = np.full((len(clusterList),len(clusterList)),fill_value=None) for iA,clusterA in enumerate(clusterList): for iB,clusterB in enumerate(clusterList): if iA >= iB: continue dMatrix[iA,iB] = clusterA.distanceTo(clusterB) dMatrix[iB,iA] = dMatrix[iA,iB] # the matrix is symmetric # Check minimal distance between two distinct clusters # (set default to 2*maxDist in case len(clusterList) == 1, i.e. dMatrix is empty) minDist = min([d for d in dMatrix.flatten() if d is not None], default=2*maxDist) # Merge closest cluster up to the point when # no more merges are possible (all clusters have distances larger than maxDist) while (len(clusterList) > 1) and (minDist < maxDist): # Get indices of first pair of clusters with minimum distance mergeIndices = np.argwhere(dMatrix == minDist)[0] # Merge clusters with indices in mergeIndices newCluster = mergeClusters(np.take(clusterList,mergeIndices)) # If new cluster is valid (averageSMS is close to the cluster's SMS), # replace the two orignal clusters by it. if newCluster.isValid(maxDist): # Update cluster list: # Remove cluster with largest index # and replace cluster with smallest index by new cluster delete_index = max(mergeIndices) replace_index = min(mergeIndices) clusterList.pop(delete_index) clusterList[replace_index] = newCluster # Remove row and column for cluster with largest index dMatrix = np.delete(dMatrix,delete_index,0) dMatrix = np.delete(dMatrix,delete_index,1) # Compute the distances between the new cluster and all the # other ones. # Recompute distances using the new cluster: for iA,clusterA in enumerate(clusterList): if iA >= replace_index: continue dMatrix[iA,replace_index] = clusterA.distanceTo(newCluster) dMatrix[replace_index,iA] = dMatrix[iA,replace_index] # the matrix is symmetric # Otherwise keep the original clusters, but set # their distance above maxDist, so they will no longer be allowed to merge else: dMatrix[mergeIndices] = 2*maxDist dMatrix[np.flip(mergeIndices)] = 2*maxDist minDist = min([d for d in dMatrix.flatten() if d is not None], default=2*maxDist) # Finally sort clusters by total xsection and length clusters = sorted(clusterList, key = lambda c: (c.getTotalXSec(),len(c.smsList)), reverse=True) return clusters
[docs]def groupSMS(smsList,dataset): """ Group SMS into clusters where the average SMS is identical to all the SMS in cluster. Each cluster contains all SMS which share the same mass,width and upper limit and can be replaced by their average SMS. :parameter smsList: list of all SMS to be grouped :returns: a list of SMSCluster objects which represents a group of SMS with same mass, width and upper limit. """ # Group SMS if they have the same UL # and give the same average SMS (same BSM attributes) smsClusterList = [] nonClusteredSMS = smsList[:] while nonClusteredSMS: smsA = nonClusteredSMS.pop(0) smsCluster = SMSCluster([smsA],dataset=dataset) # Keep track of the SMS which could not # be clustered with smsA to use in the next iteration notClustered = [] while nonClusteredSMS: smsB = nonClusteredSMS.pop(0) # If it can not be clustered with smsA, add to notClustered list if (smsA._upperLimit != smsB._upperLimit) or (smsCluster.averageSMS != smsB): notClustered.append(smsB) continue smsCluster.smsList.append(smsB) smsCluster.averageSMS.weight += smsB.weight smsClusterList.append(smsCluster) nonClusteredSMS = notClustered[:] # Make sure each SMS belongs to a cluster: nclustered = sum([len(c.smsList) for c in smsClusterList]) nsms = len(smsList) if nclustered != nsms: raise SModelSError(f"Error grouping SMS. {nclustered}/{nsms} SMS were clustered") return smsClusterList
[docs]def mergeClusters(clusterList,useAverage=False): """ Merge a list of SMSCluster objects using the averageSMS of each cluster if useAverage is True. Otherwise cluster the list of all SMS from all clusters. :param clusterList: List of SMSCluster objects :param useAverage: True/False. If True, will cluster the averageSMS in each cluster. """ if len(clusterList) == 0: return None smsList = [] for cluster in clusterList: smsList += cluster.smsList[:] if not useAverage: newCluster = SMSCluster(smsList, clusterList[0].dataset) else: avgSMSList = [cluster.averageSMS for cluster in clusterList] newCluster = SMSCluster(avgSMSList, clusterList[0].dataset) # Make sure the cluster SMS list contains the original SMS newCluster.smsList = smsList[:] return newCluster