.. module:: expSMS
:synopsis: This is a class for describing Simplified Model Topologies
used for describing experimental results BSM models.
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <lessa.a.p@gmail.com>
from smodels.experiment.exceptions import SModelSExperimentError as SModelSError
from smodels.base.particleNode import ParticleNode,InclusiveParticleNode
from smodels.base.genericSMS import GenericSMS
from smodels.experiment.expAuxiliaryFuncs import bracketToProcessStr
from smodels.experiment.graphMatching import maximal_matching
from itertools import product
from collections import OrderedDict
[docs]class ExpSMS(GenericSMS):
A class for describing Simplified Model Topologies generated by the decompostion
of full BSM models.
def __init__(self):
Initialize basic attributes.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_string(cls, stringSMS, model=None, finalState=None,
Converts a string describing an SMS to an SMS object. It accepts
the (old) bracket notation or the process notation. For the old notation the
optional arguments finalState and intermediateState can also be defined.
If the argument model is defined, the particle labels will be converted to
Particle objects from the model. Otherwise the nodes will hold the particle strings.
:param stringSMS: The process in string format
(e.g. '(PV > gluino(1),squark(2)), (gluino(1) >
MET,jet,jet), (squark(2) > HSCP,u)' or [[['jet','jet']],[['u']]]).
The particle labels should match the particles in the Model
(if Model != None).
:parameter model: The model (Model object) to be used when converting particle labels to
particle objects. If None, the nodes will only store the particle labels.
:parameter finalState: (optional) list containing the final state labels for each branch
(e.g. ['MET', 'HSCP'] or ['MET','MET'])
:parameter intermediateState: (optional) nested list containing intermediate state labels
for each branch (e.g. [['gluino'], ['gluino']])
# First check if string is in old format:
if '[' in stringSMS and ']' in stringSMS:
procString = bracketToProcessStr(stringSMS, finalState=finalState,
elif '>' in stringSMS and 'PV' in stringSMS:
procString = stringSMS
raise SModelSError("Could not recognize string format for SMS (%s)" % stringSMS)
decays = procString.replace(" ", "").split("),(")
decays[0] = decays[0][1:] # Remove trailing parenthesis
decays[-1] = decays[-1][:-1] # Remove remaining parenthesis
# Split decays into mother and daughters tuples:
decayParticles = []
allParticles = []
for dec in decays:
momStr = dec.split('>')[0].strip()
daughtersStr = [p.strip() for p in dec.split('>')[1].split(',')]
allParticles += [momStr]+daughtersStr
# Build a mapping (particle string > nodeIndex) for all unstable particles:
nodesDict = {}
for particle in allParticles:
# If the particle has a node assigned, store it
if '(' in particle and ')' in particle: # Particles should always have a unique numbering
nodeIndex = eval(particle.split('(')[1].split(')')[0])
elif particle == 'PV':
nodeIndex = 0 # PV is always node zero
continue # Stable particles will have their nodes defined later
nodesDict[particle] = nodeIndex
# Store highest node index defined so far:
maxNode = max(nodesDict.values())
# Make sure particles have unique nodes:
if len(set(list(nodesDict.values()))) != len(list(nodesDict.values())):
raise SModelSError("Input string has non unique nodes: %s" % nodesDict)
# Add the particles with undefined nodes to nodesDict
# and create successors dict
successorsStr = {}
for mom,daughters in decayParticles:
successorsStr[mom] = []
for ptc in daughters:
if ptc in nodesDict:
maxNode = maxNode+1
# Enumerate the unstable daughter labels, so they are unique
ptcLabel = '%s(%i)' %(ptc,maxNode)
nodesDict[ptcLabel] = maxNode
# Sort successors according to the node index
sortedMoms = sorted(successorsStr.keys(), key = lambda momStr : nodesDict[momStr])
sortedSuccessors = OrderedDict()
for mom in sortedMoms:
sortedDaughters = sorted(successorsStr[mom], key = lambda dStr : nodesDict[dStr])
sortedSuccessors[mom] = sortedDaughters
# Convert strings to node objects:
nodesObjDict = {}
for ptcStr,nodeIndex in nodesDict.items():
# Check for inclusive node
label = ptcStr.split('(')[0]
if label.lower() == 'inclusive' or label.lower() == 'inclusivenode':
node = InclusiveParticleNode()
# Check for inclusive lists:
inclusiveList = False
if label[0] == '*':
label = label[1:]
inclusiveList = True
if model is None:
particle = label
particle = model.getParticle(label=label)
node = ParticleNode(particle=particle,
# Change key from node index to node object
nodesObjDict[nodeIndex] = node
# Add all nodes following the nodeIndex order
newSMS = ExpSMS()
for nodeIndex in sorted(nodesObjDict.keys()):
node = nodesObjDict[nodeIndex]
# Finally add all edges according to successorsDict:
for momStr, daughtersStr in sortedSuccessors.items():
if not daughtersStr:
momIndex = nodesDict[momStr]
daughterIndices = [nodesDict[d] for d in daughtersStr]
return newSMS
def __eq__(self, other):
SMS equality based on the compareTo method.
:parameter other: TheorySMS object
:return: True if objects are equivalent.
match = self.matchesTo(other)
return (match is not None)
def __hash__(self):
return object.__hash__(self)
[docs] def matchesTo(self, other):
Check if self matches other.
:param other: TheorySMS or ExpSMS object to be compared to
:return: None if objects do not match or a copy of self,
but with the nodes from other.
if not isinstance(other,GenericSMS):
raise SModelSError("Can not compare ExpSMS and %s" %str(type(other)))
mapDict = self.computeMatchingDict(other,self.rootIndex,
if mapDict is None:
return None
# Invert mapping dictionary {self -> other} -> {other -> self}
# following the ordering of self
invMapDict = OrderedDict()
for n1 in self.nodeIndices:
if not n1 in mapDict: # For InclusiveNodes the match is partial
n2 = mapDict[n1]
# For inclusiveLists, set the firt match
if isinstance(n2,dict):
n2 = list(n2.keys())[0]
invMapDict[n2] = n1
# Get max node number from self
maxNode = max(invMapDict.values())
# Get unmatched nodes from other (in case of InclusiveNodes or InclusiveLists)
missingNodes = set(other.nodeIndices).difference(set(invMapDict.keys()))
# Add missing nodes to invMapDict:
for n2 in missingNodes:
maxNode += 1
invMapDict[n2] = maxNode
# Make a new tree from other
matchedTree = other.copy()
# Relabel nodes following the numbering and ordering of self:
# Sort according to node order from self:
nodesOrder = self.nodeIndices
return matchedTree
[docs] def computeMatchingDict(self, other, n1, n2):
Compare the subtrees with n1 and n2 as roots and
return a dictionary with the node matchings {n1 : n2,...}.
It uses the node comparison to define semantically equivalent nodes.
:param other: TheorySMS or ExpSMS object to be compared to self.
:param n1: Node index belonging to self
:param n2: Node index belonging to other
:return: None (subtrees differ) or a dictionary
with the mapping of the nodes and their daughters
({n1 : n2, d1 : d2, ...}).
if n1 is None:
n1 = self.rootIndex
if n2 is None:
n2 = other.rootIndex
# print('comparing',n1,n2,self.indexToNode(n1),other.indexToNode(n2))
# Compare node canonical names
cName1 = self.nodeCanonName(n1)
cName2 = other.nodeCanonName(n2)
if cName1 != cName2:
return None
# Get node objects
node1 = self.indexToNode(n1)
node2 = other.indexToNode(n2)
# Compare nodes directly (canon name and particle content)
if node1 != node2:
return None
# Check for equality of daughters
# In the case of inclusive nodes, jump to final states:
if node1.isInclusive or node2.isInclusive:
daughters1 = self.getFinalStates(n1)
daughters2 = other.getFinalStates(n2)
daughters1 = self.daughterIndices(n1)
daughters2 = other.daughterIndices(n2)
# print('daughters1 = ',list(zip(daughters1,self.indexToNode(daughters1))))
# print('daughters2 = ',list(zip(daughters2,other.indexToNode(daughters2))))
if len(daughters1) == len(daughters2) == 0:
return {n1: n2}
# Define left and right nodes in order to compute matching:
left_nodes = daughters1[:]
right_nodes = daughters2[:]
edges = {}
for d1 in left_nodes:
for d2 in right_nodes:
mapDict = self.computeMatchingDict(other,d1, d2)
if mapDict is not None:
if d1 not in edges:
edges[d1] = {}
edges[d1].update({d2: mapDict})
# If node had no matches (was not added to the graph),
# and it is not an inclusiveList, we already know n1 and n2 differs
if d1 not in edges:
if not self.indexToNode(d1).inclusiveList:
return None
# Remove nodes and edges from inclusiveList nodes
# and add them to the final map
finalMap = {}
for d1 in left_nodes[:]:
if not self.indexToNode(d1).inclusiveList:
if not d1 in edges:
for d2 in edges[d1]:
finalMap[d1] = edges.pop(d1)
for d2 in right_nodes[:]:
if not other.indexToNode(d2).inclusiveList:
for d1 in list(edges.keys()):
if d2 in edges[d1]:
finalMap[d1] = edges.pop(d1)
# print('Left=',left_nodes)
# print('Right=',right_nodes)
# print('edges=',edges)
# If number of left and right nodes do not match,
# there will be no full matching:
if len(left_nodes) != len(right_nodes):
return None
# Compute the maximal matching
# (mapping where each node1 is connected to a single node2)
mapDict = maximal_matching(left_nodes, right_nodes, edges)
# print('finalMap before:\n',finalMap)
# print('Maximal matching:\n',mapDict)
# Check if the match was successful.
left_matches = len(set(mapDict.keys()))
right_matches = len(set(mapDict.values()))
if left_matches != len(left_nodes):
return None
if right_matches != len(right_nodes):
return None
for d1, d2 in list(mapDict.items()):
daughtersMap = edges[d1][d2]
finalMap[n1] = n2
# print(' returning for %i = %i' %(n1,n2),finalMap)
return finalMap
[docs] def identicalTo(self,other):
if self.canonName != other.canonName:
return False
for nodeIndex in self.dfsIndexIterator():
cName1 = self.nodeCanonName(nodeIndex)
cName2 = other.nodeCanonName(nodeIndex)
if cName1 != cName2:
return False
node1 = self.indexToNode(nodeIndex)
node2 = other.indexToNode(nodeIndex)
if node1.particle is not node2.particle:
return False
return True
[docs] def copy(self, emptyNodes=False):
Returns a shallow copy of self.
:param emptyNodes: If True, does not copy any of the nodes from self.
:return: TheorySMS object
newSMS = ExpSMS()
if not emptyNodes:
nodesObjDict = {n : node for n,node in zip(self.nodeIndices,self.nodes)}
newSMS.copyTreeFrom(self, nodesObjDict)
return newSMS
[docs] def compareNodes(self,other,nodeIndex1,nodeIndex2):
Convenience function for defining how nodes are compared
within the SMS. For ExpSMS the nodes are sorted according to their
inclusiveness (InclsuiveNode or inclusiveList),
the particle content and finally their string representation.
:param other: ExpSMS object (if other=self compare subtrees of the same SMS).
:param nodeIndex1: Index of first node
:param nodeIndex2: Index of second node
:return: 1 if node1 > node2, -1 if node1 < node2, 0 if node1 == node2.
# Comparison parameters:
node1 = self.indexToNode(nodeIndex1)
node2 = other.indexToNode(nodeIndex2)
# First sort nodes by inclusiveness:
cmp1 = (not node1.isInclusive, not node1.inclusiveList)
cmp2 = (not node2.isInclusive, not node2.inclusiveList)
if cmp1 != cmp2:
if cmp1 > cmp2:
return 1
return -1
# If both are inclusive, compare particles:
cmp = node1.compareTo(node2)
if cmp != 0:
return cmp
# If particles are the same object, return 0
if node1.particle is node2.particle:
return 0
# If they are not the same object, but node2 in node1(MultiParticle):
# define node1 > node2
elif node1.particle.contains(node2.particle):
return 1
# If they are not the same object, but node1 in node2(MultiParticle):
# define node2 > node1
elif node2.particle.contains(node1.particle):
return -1
# If everything else fails, compare strings:
cmp1 = str(node1)
cmp2 = str(node2)
if cmp1 != cmp2:
if cmp1 > cmp2:
return 1
return -1
# If nodes are identical, return 0
return 0