.. module:: datasetObj
:synopsis: Holds the classes and methods used to read and store the information in the
data folders.
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <lessa.a.p@gmail.com>
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
from smodels.experiment import txnameObj, infoObj
from smodels.base.physicsUnits import fb
from smodels.experiment.exceptions import SModelSExperimentError as SModelSError
from smodels.experiment.expAuxiliaryFuncs import getAttributesFrom, getValuesForObj, smsInStr
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
from smodels.experiment.expSMS import ExpSMS
from smodels.decomposition.theorySMS import TheorySMS
import itertools
# if on, will check for overlapping constraints
_complainAboutOverlappingConstraints = True
[docs]class DataSet(object):
Holds the information to a data set folder (TxName objects, dataInfo,...)
def __init__(self, path=None, info=None, createInfo=True, databaseParticles=None):
:param path: Path to the dataset folder
:param info: globalInfo (from the ExptResult obj)
:param createInfo: If True, create object from dataset folder
:param databaseParticles: Model object holding Particle objects to be
used when creating the SMS topologies in the TxNames.
self.path = path
self.globalInfo = info
self.txnameList = []
if path and createInfo:
logger.debug('Creating object based on data folder : %s' % self.path)
# Get data folder info:
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "dataInfo.txt")):
logger.error("dataInfo.txt file not found in " + path)
raise TypeError
self.dataInfo = infoObj.Info(os.path.join(path, "dataInfo.txt"))
# Get list of TxName objects:
for txtfile in glob.iglob(os.path.join(path, "*.txt")):
if 'dataInfo.txt' in txtfile:
txname = txnameObj.TxName(txtfile, self.globalInfo,
self.dataInfo, databaseParticles)
if txname.hasOnlyZeroes():
logger.debug("%s, %s has only zeroes. discard it." %
(self.path, txname.txName))
except TypeError as e:
logger.warning('Error creating txname from file %s:\n %s' % (txtfile, e))
[docs] def getCollaboration(self,ds):
return "CMS" if "CMS" in ds.globalInfo.id else "ATLAS"
[docs] def isCombinableWith(self, other):
Function that reports if two datasets are mutually uncorrelated = combinable.
:param other: datasetObj to compare self with
if isinstance(other,CombinedDataSet):
# if other is a combined dataset, self is combinable if it is
# combinable with all datasets in other
other_ds = other._datasets
for ods in other_ds:
if not self.isCombinableWith ( ods ):
return False
return True
idSelf = self.globalInfo.id
didSelf = self.dataInfo.dataId
selflabel = f"{idSelf}:{didSelf}"
idOther = other.globalInfo.id
didOther = other.dataInfo.dataId
otherlabel = f"{idOther}:{didOther}"
if selflabel == otherlabel: # we are always correlated with ourselves
return False
from smodels.base.physicsUnits import TeV
ds = abs(self.globalInfo.sqrts.asNumber(TeV) - other.globalInfo.sqrts.asNumber(TeV))
if ds > 1e-5: # not the same
return True
coll1, coll2 = self.getCollaboration(self), self.getCollaboration(other)
if coll1 != coll2:
return True
if self.isGlobalFieldCombinableWith_(other):
return True
if other.isGlobalFieldCombinableWith_(self):
return True
if self.isLocalFieldCombinableWith_(other):
return True
if other.isLocalFieldCombinableWith_(self):
return True
if self.isCombMatrixCombinableWith_(other):
return True
if other.isCombMatrixCombinableWith_(self):
return True
return False
[docs] def isCombMatrixCombinableWith_(self, other):
""" Check for combinability via the combinations matrix. """
if not hasattr(self.globalInfo, "_combinationsmatrix"):
return False
if self.globalInfo._combinationsmatrix is None:
return False
idSelf = self.globalInfo.id
didSelf = self.dataInfo.dataId
selflabel = f"{idSelf}:{didSelf}"
idOther = other.globalInfo.id
didOther = other.dataInfo.dataId
otherlabel = f"{idOther}:{didOther}"
for label, combs in self.globalInfo._combinationsmatrix.items():
if label in [idSelf, selflabel ]:
# match! with self! is "other" in combs?
if idOther in combs or otherlabel in combs:
return True
if label in [idOther, otherlabel ]:
# match! with other! is "self" in combs?
if idSelf in combs or selflabel in combs:
return True
return False
[docs] def isGlobalFieldCombinableWith_(self, other):
Check for 'combinableWith' fields in globalInfo, check if <other> matches.
This check is at analysis level (not at dataset level).
:params other: a dataset to check against
:returns: True, if pair is marked as combinable, else False
if not hasattr(self.globalInfo, "combinableWith"):
return False
tokens = self.globalInfo.combinableWith.split(",")
idOther = other.globalInfo.id
for t in tokens:
if ":" in t:
logger.error("combinableWith field in globalInfo is at the analysis level. You specified a dataset-level combination %s." % t)
raise SModelSError()
if idOther in tokens:
return True
return False
[docs] def isLocalFieldCombinableWith_(self, other):
""" Check for 'combinableWith' fields in dataInfo, check if <other> matches.
This check is at dataset level (not at analysis level).
:params other: a dataset to check against
:returns: True, if pair is marked as combinable, else False
if not hasattr(self.dataInfo, "combinableWith"):
return False
tokens = self.dataInfo.combinableWith.split(",")
for t in tokens:
if ":" not in t:
logger.error("combinableWith field in dataInfo is at the dataset level. You specified an analysis-level combination %s." % t)
raise SModelSError()
idOther = other.globalInfo.id
didOther = other.dataInfo.dataId
label = f"{idOther}:{didOther}"
if label in tokens:
return True
return False
[docs] def checkForRedundancy(self, databaseParticles):
In case of efficiency maps, check if any txnames have overlapping
constraints. This would result in double counting, so we dont
allow it.
if self.getType() == "upperLimit":
return False
logger.debug("checking for redundancy")
datasetSMS = []
for tx in self.txnameList:
if hasattr(tx, 'finalState'):
finalState = tx.finalState
finalState = ['MET', 'MET']
if hasattr(tx, 'intermediateState'):
intermediateState = tx.intermediateState
intermediateState = None
for sms in smsInStr(str(tx.constraint)):
newSMS = ExpSMS.from_string(sms, model=databaseParticles,
combos = itertools.combinations(datasetSMS, 2)
for x, y in combos:
if x == y and _complainAboutOverlappingConstraints:
errmsg = "Constraints (%s) and (%s) appearing in dataset %s:%s overlap "\
"(may result in double counting)." % \
(x, y, self.getID(), self.globalInfo.id)
raise SModelSError(errmsg)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
if self.dataInfo.dataId:
ret = "Dataset %s: %s" % (self.dataInfo.dataId, ", ".join(map(str, self.txnameList)))
ret = "Dataset: %s" % (", ".join(map(str, self.txnameList)))
return ret
def __repr__(self):
if self.dataInfo.dataId:
return self.dataInfo.dataId
return 'Dataset (UL)'
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(other) != type(self):
return False
if self.dataInfo != other.dataInfo:
return False
if len(self.txnameList) != len(other.txnameList):
return False
return True
[docs] def longStr(self):
Returns a long string displaying the dataset ID,
the experimental result ID, the dataset type and the dataset txnames.
:return: String
dsStr = str(self)
expID = self.globalInfo.id
dsType = self.getType()
lStr = '%s : %s (%s)' %(expID,dsStr,dsType)
return lStr
[docs] def getType(self):
Return the dataset type (EM/UL)
return self.dataInfo.dataType
[docs] def getID(self):
Return the dataset ID
return self.dataInfo.dataId
[docs] def getLumi(self):
Return the dataset luminosity. If not defined for the dataset, use
the value defined in globalInfo.lumi.
if hasattr(self, 'lumi'):
return self.lumi
return self.globalInfo.lumi
[docs] def getTxName(self, txname):
get one specific txName object.
for tn in self.txnameList:
if tn.txName == txname:
return tn
return None
[docs] def getEfficiencyFor(self, txname, sms, mass):
Convenience function. Get efficiency for mass
assuming no lifetime rescaling. Same as self.getTxName(txname).getEfficiencyFor(sms,mass)
txname = self.getTxName(txname)
if txname:
return txname.getEfficiencyFor(sms=sms,mass=mass)
return None
[docs] def getValuesFor(self, attribute):
Returns a list for the possible values appearing in the ExpResult
for the required attribute (sqrts,id,constraint,...).
If there is a single value, returns the value itself.
:param attribute: name of a field in the database (string).
:return: list of unique values for the attribute
return getValuesForObj(self, attribute)
[docs] def folderName(self):
Name of the folder in text database.
return os.path.basename(self.path)
[docs] def getAttributes(self, showPrivate=False):
Checks for all the fields/attributes it contains as well as the
attributes of its objects if they belong to smodels.experiment.
:param showPrivate: if True, also returns the protected fields (_field)
:return: list of field names (strings)
attributes = getAttributesFrom(self)
if not showPrivate:
attributes = list(filter(lambda a: a[0] != '_', attributes))
return attributes
[docs] def getUpperLimitFor(self, sms=None, expected=False, txnames=None,
compute=False, alpha=0.05, deltas_rel=0.2,
Returns the upper limit for a given SMS (or mass) and txname. If
the dataset hold an EM map result the upper limit is independent of
the input txname or mass.
For UL results if an SMS object is given the corresponding upper limit
will be rescaled according to the lifetimes of the SMS intermediate particles.
If SMS is not defined, but mass is given, compute the UL using only the mass array
(no width reweighting is applied) and the mass format is assumed
to follow the expected by the data.
:param txname: TxName object or txname string (only for UL-type results)
:param sms: SMS object (only for UL-type results)
:param mass: Mass array (only for UL-type results)
:param alpha: Can be used to change the C.L. value. The default value is 0.05
(= 95% C.L.) (only for efficiency-map results)
:param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.
:param expected: Compute expected limit, i.e. Nobserved = NexpectedBG
(only for efficiency-map results)
:param compute: If True, the upper limit will be computed
from expected and observed number of events.
If False, the value listed in the database will be used
:return: upper limit (Unum object)
if self.getType() == 'efficiencyMap':
upperLimit = self.getSRUpperLimit(expected=expected)
if upperLimit is None:
return None
if (upperLimit/fb).normalize()._unit:
logger.error("Upper limit defined with wrong units for %s and %s"
% (self.globalInfo.id, self.getID()))
return False
return upperLimit
elif self.getType() == 'upperLimit':
if not txnames or (not sms and not mass):
logger.error("A TxName and mass array must be defined when \
computing ULs for upper-limit results.")
return False
elif isinstance(txnames, list):
if len(txnames) != 1:
logger.error("txnames must be a TxName object, a string or a list with a single Txname object")
return False
txname = txnames[0]
txname = txnames
if not isinstance(txname, txnameObj.TxName) and \
not isinstance(txname, str):
logger.error("txname must be a TxName object or a string")
return False
if not isinstance(mass, list) and not isinstance(sms, TheorySMS):
logger.error("SMS must be a TheorySMS object or a mass array")
return False
for tx in self.txnameList:
if tx == txname or tx.txName == txname:
upperLimit = tx.getULFor(sms, expected, mass=mass)
return upperLimit
logger.warning("Unkown data type: %s. Data will be ignored.",
return None
[docs] def getSRUpperLimit(self,expected=False):
Returns the 95% upper limit on the signal*efficiency for a given dataset (signal region).
Only to be used for efficiency map type results.
:param expected: If True, return the expected limit ( i.e. Nobserved = NexpectedBG )
:return: upper limit value
if not self.getType() == 'efficiencyMap':
logger.error("getSRUpperLimit can only be used for efficiency map results!")
raise SModelSError()
if expected:
if hasattr(self.dataInfo, "upperLimit") and not hasattr(self.dataInfo, "expectedUpperLimit"):
logger.info("expectedUpperLimit field not found. Returning None instead.")
return None
if hasattr(self.dataInfo, "expectedUpperLimit"):
return self.dataInfo.expectedUpperLimit
if hasattr(self.dataInfo, "upperLimit"):
return self.dataInfo.upperLimit
[docs]class CombinedDataSet(object):
Holds the information for a combined dataset (used for combining multiple datasets).
def __init__(self, expResult):
self.path = expResult.path
self.globalInfo = expResult.globalInfo
self._datasets = expResult.datasets[:]
self.origdatasets = expResult.origdatasets[:]
[docs] def isCombinableWith ( self, other ):
Function that reports if two datasets are mutually uncorrelated = combinable.
A combined dataset is combinable with "other", if all consistituents are.
:param other: datasetObj to compare self with
for ds in self._datasets:
if not ds.isCombinableWith ( other ):
return False
return True
[docs] def findType(self):
""" find the type of the combined dataset """
self.type = "bestSR" # type of combined dataset, e.g. pyhf, or simplified
if hasattr(self.globalInfo, "covariance"):
self.type = "simplified"
if hasattr(self.globalInfo, "jsonFiles"):
self.type = "pyhf"
def __str__(self):
ret = f"Combined Dataset ({len(self._datasets)} datasets)"
return ret
def __repr__(self):
ret = f"Combined Dataset ({len(self._datasets)} datasets)"
return ret
[docs] def getIndex(self, dId, datasetOrder):
Get the index of dataset within the datasetOrder, but allow for abbreviated names.
:param dId: id of dataset to search for, may be abbreviated
:param datasetOrder: the ordered list of datasetIds, long form
:returns: index, or -1 if not found
if dId in datasetOrder:
# easy peasy, we found the dId
return datasetOrder.index(dId)
foundIndex = -1
for i, ds in enumerate(datasetOrder):
if ds.endswith(":" + dId):
# ok, dId is the abbreviated form
if foundIndex == -1:
foundIndex = i
line = f"abbreviation {dId} matches more than one id in datasetOrder"
raise SModelSError(line)
return foundIndex
[docs] def sortDataSets(self):
Sort datasets according to globalInfo.datasetOrder.
if hasattr(self.globalInfo, "covariance"):
datasets = self.origdatasets[:]
if not hasattr(self.globalInfo, "datasetOrder"):
raise SModelSError("datasetOrder not given in globalInfo.txt for %s" % self.globalInfo.id)
datasetOrder = self.globalInfo.datasetOrder
if isinstance(datasetOrder, str):
datasetOrder = [datasetOrder]
if len(datasetOrder) != len(datasets):
raise SModelSError( f"Number of datasets in the datasetOrder field {len(datasetOrder)} does not match the number of datasets {len(datasets)}/{len(self.origdatasets)} for {self.globalInfo.id}" )
## need to reinitialise, we might have lost some datasets when filtering
self._datasets = [ None ] * len(datasets)
for dataset in datasets:
idx = self.getIndex(dataset.getID(), datasetOrder)
if idx == -1:
raise SModelSError("Dataset ID %s not found in datasetOrder" % dataset.getID())
self._datasets[idx] = dataset
# dsIndex = datasetOrder.index(dataset.getID())
# self._datasets[dsIndex] = dataset
[docs] def getType(self):
Return the dataset type (combined)
return 'combined'
[docs] def getID(self):
Return the ID for the combined dataset
return '(combined)'
[docs] def getLumi(self):
Return the dataset luminosity. For CombinedDataSet always return
the value defined in globalInfo.lumi.
return self.globalInfo.lumi
[docs] def getDataSet(self, datasetID):
Returns the dataset with the corresponding dataset ID.
If the dataset is not found, returns None.
:param datasetID: dataset ID (string)
:return: DataSet object if found, otherwise None.
for dataset in self._datasets:
if datasetID == dataset.getID():
return dataset
return None