.. module:: crossSection
:synopsis: Encapsulates the result of the computation of the reference
cross section.
.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <wolfgang.waltenberger@gmail.com>
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <lessa.a.p@gmail.com>
import unum
import pyslha
import os
from smodels.base.physicsUnits import TeV, pb, GeV
from smodels.base import lheReader
from smodels.base.exceptions import SModelSBaseError as SModelSError
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
# Orders in perturbation theory
LO, NLO, NLL, NNLL = range(4)
[docs]def orderToString(order, short=False, raise_error=False):
""" return the string that describes the perturbation order
:param short: if true, return a short version of string
:param raise_error: if true, raise exception if order is not know
if order == LO:
return "LO"
if order == NLO:
return "NLO"
if order == NLL:
if short:
return "NLL"
return "NLO+NLL"
if order == NNLL:
if short:
return "NNLL"
return "NLO+NLL+NNLL"
if raise_error:
line = "Unknown QCD order %d" % order
raise SModelSError(line)
return "?"
[docs]def stringToOrder(strng):
""" from a string describing the order return the perturbation order """
order = {"LO": LO, "NLO": NLO, "NLL": NLL, "NNLL": NNLL,
if strng in order:
return order[strng]
return -1
[docs]class XSectionInfo(object):
An instance of this class represents information regarding a cross section.
This class is used to store information of a cross section (center of
mass, order and label).
[docs] def normalizeSqrts(self, sqrts):
""" """
if sqrts is None:
return sqrts
if type(sqrts) == float and abs(sqrts % 1) < 1e-5:
return int(sqrts)
return sqrts
def __init__(self, sqrts=None, order=None, label=None):
:param: sqrts center of mass energy, with unit
:param: order perturbation order of xsec computation
:param: label, a string that describes the xsec computation
self.sqrts = self.normalizeSqrts(sqrts)
self.order = order
self.label = label
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(other) != type(self):
return False
if other.sqrts != self.sqrts:
return False
if other.order != self.order:
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
# for now lets just make it a string
order = self.order
if order is None:
order = 9
return int(self.sqrts.asNumber(GeV)) + order
def __str__(self):
self.sqrts = self.normalizeSqrts(self.sqrts)
if not self.order:
return str(self.sqrts)
return "%s (%s)" % (self.sqrts, self.order)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __ne__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, XSectionInfo):
return True
if other.sqrts != self.sqrts:
return True
if other.order != self.order:
return True
return False
[docs] def copy(self):
Generate an independent copy of self.
Faster than deepcopy.
newinfo = XSectionInfo()
newinfo.sqrts = self.sqrts
newinfo.order = self.order
newinfo.label = self.label[:]
return newinfo
[docs]class XSection(object):
An instance of this class represents a cross section.
This class is used to store the information of a single cross section
(value, particle ids, center of mass, order and label).
order = 0 (LO), 1 (NLO), 2 (NLL), or 3 (NNLL).
def __init__(self):
Initializes the object to store a cross section value.
All initial info is set to None.
self.info = XSectionInfo()
self.value = None
self._pid = (None, None)
def pid(self):
return self._pid
def pid(self, pn):
if None in pn:
self._pid = pn
self._pid = tuple(sorted(pn))
def __mul__(self, other):
Multiplies the value of the cross section by the factor other (should
be a float or int).
newXsec = self.copy()
if isinstance(other, float) or isinstance(other, int):
newXsec.value = newXsec.value * float(other)
print(other, type(other))
logger.error("Xsections can only be multiplied by floats")
raise SModelSError()
return newXsec
def __rmul__(self, other):
Right multiplication (see left multiplication).
return self * other
def __add__(self, other):
Returns a copy of self with the value of other added to its value.
if isinstance(other, XSection):
if self.info == other.info:
res = self.copy()
res.value += other.value
return res
if self.info.sqrts != other.info.sqrts:
logger.warning(f"adding xsecs for different sqrts {self.info.sqrts} != {other.info.sqrts}")
if self.info.order != other.info.order:
logger.warning(f"adding xsecs for different orders {self.info.order} != {other.info.order}")
res = self.copy()
res.value += other.value
return res
line = f"Trying to add {type(other)} to a XSection object"
raise SModelSError(line)
def __eq__(self, other):
Compare two XSection objects. Returns True if .info and type and value and
pid are equal.
if not isinstance(other, XSection):
return False
if other.info != self.info:
return False
if other.value != self.value:
return False
if other.pid != self.pid:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
Compare two XSection objects. Returns True if .info or type or value or
pid is not equal.
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __cmp__(self, other):
Compares the cross-section value to the value of another XSection object,
float or Unum object (irrespective of the info attribute).
valA = self.value
if isinstance(other, XSection):
valB = other.value
elif isinstance(other, unum.Unum):
valB = other
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
valB = other
valA = valA.asNumber()
raise SModelSError("Can not compare %s and %s" % (self, other))
if valA == valB:
return 0
elif valA > valB:
return 1
return -1
def __lt__(self, other):
Checks if the cross-section value of self is smaller than of other.
return self.__cmp__(other) == -1
def __gt__(self, other):
Checks if the cross-section value of self is smaller than of other.
return self.__cmp__(other) == 1
def __str__(self):
Generate cross section information in string format.
st = self.info.label + ':' + str(self.value) + " " + str(self.pid)
return st
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
[docs] def niceStr(self):
Generates a more human readable string. The string format is:
Sqrts: self.info.sqrts, Weight: self.value
st = 'Sqrts: '+str(self.info.sqrts) + ', Weight:' + str(self.value)
return st
[docs] def copy(self):
Generates an independent copy of self.
Faster than deepcopy.
newXsec = XSection()
newXsec.info = self.info.copy()
newXsec.value = self.value
newXsec.pid = tuple(list(self.pid)[:])
return newXsec
def _zeroXSec(self):
Replace the cross section value by zero.
self.value = 0. * pb
[docs]class XSectionList(object):
An instance of this class represents a list of cross sections.
This class is used to store a list of cross sections.
The list is sorted by cross section, highest cross section first.
def __init__(self, infoList=None):
If infoList is defined, create entries with zero cross sections
according to infoList. infoList must be a list of XSectionInfo objects.
self.xSections = []
if infoList:
for info in infoList:
newentry = XSection()
newentry.value = 0. * pb
newentry.pid = (None, None)
newentry.info = info.copy()
def __mul__(self, other):
newList = self.copy()
for ixsec, xsec in enumerate(newList):
newList[ixsec] = xsec * other
return newList
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self * other
def __add__(self, other):
newList = self.copy()
if type(other) != type(self):
logger.warning("Trying to add a XSectionList and a "+str(type(other)))
return self
newList += other
return newList
def __iadd__(self, newXsecs):
Add a new list of cross sections.
If the new cross sections already appear (have same order and sqrts),
add its value to the original value, otherwise append it to the list.
The particle IDs are ignored when adding cross sections. Hence, they
are set to (None, None) if any cross sections are combined.
newList = newXsecs
if isinstance(newXsecs, XSection):
newList = [newXsecs]
for newXsec in newList:
if newXsec.info not in self.getInfo():
for oldXsec in self:
if newXsec.info == oldXsec.info:
oldXsec.value = oldXsec.value + newXsec.value
if newXsec.pid != oldXsec.pid:
oldXsec.pid = (None, None)
return self
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.xSections)
def __getitem__(self, index):
if len(self) <= index:
txt = "Index in XSectionList out of bounds: idx(%d)>=length(%d). " % (index, len(self))
txt += "(Are there cross sections given in the input?)"
raise SModelSError(txt)
return self.xSections[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, xsec):
if not isinstance(xsec, XSection):
logger.error("Input object must be a XSection() object")
raise SModelSError()
self.xSections[index] = xsec
def __len__(self):
return len(self.xSections)
def __cmp__(self, other):
Compares the cross-section value to the value of another XSectionList object,
XSection object, float or Unum object (irrespective of the info attribute).
For XSectionList uses the largest cross-section in the list.
valA = self.getMaxXsec()
if isinstance(other, XSectionList):
valB = other.getMaxXsec()
elif isinstance(other, XSection):
valB = other.value
elif type(other) == type(pb):
valB = other
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
valB = other
valA = valA.asNumber()
raise SModelSError("Can not compare %s and %s" % (self, other))
if valA == valB:
return 0
elif valA > valB:
return 1
return -1
def __lt__(self, other):
Checks if the cross-section value of self is smaller than of other.
return self.__cmp__(other) == -1
def __gt__(self, other):
Checks if the cross-section value of self is smaller than of other.
return self.__cmp__(other) == 1
def __str__(self):
return str([str(xsec) for xsec in self])
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
[docs] def niceStr(self):
st = ""
for xsec in self:
st += xsec.niceStr()+'\n'
return st
[docs] def copy(self):
Generates an independent copy of itself. Faster than deepcopy.
newList = XSectionList()
for xsec in self.xSections:
return newList
[docs] def add(self, newxsec):
Append a XSection object to the list.
if not isinstance(newxsec, XSection):
logger.error("Input object must be a XSection() object")
raise SModelSError()
def _addValue(self, newxsec):
Add a XSection object to the list.
If the XSection object already exists, add to its values, otherwise
append the object.
if not isinstance(newxsec, XSection):
logger.error("Input object must be a XSection() object")
raise SModelSError()
exists = False
for iXSec, xSec in enumerate(self.xSections):
if xSec.info == newxsec.info and sorted(xSec.pid) == sorted(newxsec.pid):
self.xSections[iXSec].value = xSec.value + newxsec.value
if not exists:
[docs] def getXsecsFor(self, item):
Return a list of XSection objects for item (label, pid, sqrts).
xsecList = XSectionList()
for xsec in self:
if type(item) == type(xsec.info.label) and item == xsec.info.label:
elif type(item) == type(xsec.info.sqrts) and item == xsec.info.sqrts:
elif type(item) == type(xsec.pid) and item == xsec.pid:
elif type(item) == type(1) and (item in xsec.pid):
return xsecList
def _zeroXSecs(self):
Replace the cross section values in the list by zero.
for xsec in self:
xsec.value = 0. * pb
[docs] def delete(self, xSec):
Delete the cross section entry from the list.
for ixsec, xsec in enumerate(self):
if xsec == xSec:
[docs] def getInfo(self):
Get basic info about the cross sections appearing in the list (order,
value and label).
:returns: list of XSectionInfo objects
allInfo = []
for xsec in self:
info = xsec.info
if info not in allInfo:
return allInfo
def _getLabels(self):
Get all labels appearing in the list.
allLabels = []
allInfo = self.getInfo()
for info in allInfo:
return list(set(allLabels))
[docs] def getPIDpairs(self):
Get all particle ID pairs appearing in the list.
allPidPairs = []
for xsec in self:
return list(set(allPidPairs))
[docs] def getPIDs(self):
Get all particle IDs appearing in the list.
allPids = []
for xsec in self:
return sorted(list(set(allPids)))
[docs] def getMaxXsec(self):
Get the maximum cross section value appearing in the list.
maxxsec = max([xsec.value for xsec in self])
return maxxsec
[docs] def getMinXsec(self):
Get minimum cross section value appearing in the list.
if len(self) > 0:
minxsec = self.xSections[0].value
return False
for xsec in self:
if xsec.value < minxsec:
minxsec = xsec.value
return minxsec
[docs] def getDictionary(self, groupBy="pids"):
Convert the list of XSection objects to a nested dictionary.
First level keys are the particles IDs (if groupBy == pids) or labels
(if groupBy == labels) and values are the cross section labels or
particle IDs and the cross section value.
xSecDictionary = {}
if groupBy == "pids":
allPids = self.getPIDpairs()
for pid in allPids:
xSecDictionary[pid] = {}
xSecs = self.getXsecsFor(pid)
for xsec in xSecs:
xSecDictionary[pid][xsec.info.label] = xsec.value
elif groupBy == "labels":
allLabels = self._getLabels()
for label in allLabels:
xSecDictionary[label] = {}
xSecs = self.getXsecsFor(label)
for xsec in xSecs:
xSecDictionary[label][xsec.pid] = xsec.value
return xSecDictionary
[docs] def combineWith(self, newXsecs):
Add a new list of cross sections.
If the new cross sections already appear (have same order and sqrts),
add its value to the original value, otherwise append it to the list.
The particle IDs are ignored when adding cross sections. Hence, they
are set to (None, None) if any cross sections are combined.
newList = newXsecs
if type(newXsecs) == type(XSection()):
newList = [newXsecs]
for newXsec in newList:
if not newXsec.info in self.getInfo():
for oldXsec in self:
if newXsec.info == oldXsec.info:
oldXsec.value = oldXsec.value + newXsec.value
if newXsec.pid != oldXsec.pid:
oldXsec.pid = (None, None)
[docs] def removeLowerOrder(self):
Keep only the highest order cross section for each process in the list.
Remove order information and set default labels.
newList = XSectionList()
for pids in self.getPIDpairs():
xsecs = self.getXsecsFor(pids)
for i, ixsec in enumerate(xsecs):
newxsec = ixsec.copy()
removeXsec = False
isqrts = ixsec.info.sqrts
iorder = ixsec.info.order
# Check if the xsec appear with the same sqrts but at a higher
# order
for j, jxsec in enumerate(xsecs):
if i == j:
jsqrts = jxsec.info.sqrts
jorder = jxsec.info.order
if jsqrts == isqrts and jorder > iorder:
removeXsec = True
if not removeXsec:
# Erase cross section labels and information
newxsec.info.label = str(newxsec.info.sqrts)
newxsec.info.order = None
if len(self) != len(newList):
logger.debug("Ignoring %i lower order cross sections",
(len(self) - len(newList)))
self.xSections = newList.xSections
[docs] def removeDuplicates(self):
If there are two entries for the same process, center of mass energy and order,
keep only one (the one with highest value).
newList = XSectionList()
for pids in self.getPIDpairs():
xsecs = self.getXsecsFor(pids)
#Make sure xsecs are sorted by sqrts,order and value:
xsecs.xSections = sorted(xsecs.xSections,
key=lambda xsec: (xsec.info.sqrts, xsec.info.order, xsec.value.asNumber(pb)))
for i, ixsec in enumerate(xsecs):
keepXsec = True
isqrts = ixsec.info.sqrts
iorder = ixsec.info.order
# Check if there is a duplicate entry (with higher value):
for j, jxsec in enumerate(xsecs):
if i >= j:
jsqrts = jxsec.info.sqrts
jorder = jxsec.info.order
if jsqrts == isqrts and jorder == iorder:
keepXsec = False
if keepXsec:
if len(self) != len(newList):
logger.warning("Removing %i duplicate cross sections",
(len(self) - len(newList)))
self.xSections = newList.xSections
[docs] def order(self):
Order the cross section in the list by their PDG pairs
self.xSections = sorted(self.xSections, key=lambda xsec: xsec.pid)
[docs] def sort(self):
""" sort the xsecs by the values """
self.xSections = sorted(self.xSections,
key=lambda xsec: xsec.value.asNumber(pb),
[docs]def getXsecFromSLHAFile(slhafile, useXSecs=None, xsecUnit=pb):
Obtain cross sections for pair production of R-odd particles from input SLHA file.
The default unit for cross section is pb.
:parameter slhafile: SLHA input file with cross sections, can also be a string containing the SLHA file content
:parameter useXSecs: if defined enables the user to select cross sections to
use. Must be a XSecInfoList object
:parameter xsecUnit: cross section unit in the input file (must be a Unum unit)
:returns: a XSectionList object
# Store information about all cross sections in the SLHA file
xSecsInFile = XSectionList()
# Check if slhafile is a valid file:
if os.path.isfile(slhafile):
f = pyslha.readSLHAFile(slhafile)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error reading file {f}: {e}")
raise SModelSError()
else: # Assume slhafile is a string containing the SLHA file content:
f = pyslha.readSLHA(slhafile)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error reading SLHA string {f}: {e}")
raise SModelSError()
for production in f.xsections:
process = f.xsections.get(production)
for pxsec in process.xsecs:
csOrder = pxsec.qcd_order
sqrts = pxsec.sqrts / 1000
if abs(sqrts % 1) < 1e-5:
sqrts = int(sqrts)
wlabel = str(sqrts) + ' TeV'
wlabel += f" ({orderToString(csOrder,True,True)})"
xsec = XSection()
xsec.info.sqrts = sqrts * TeV
xsec.info.order = csOrder
xsec.info.label = wlabel
xsec.value = pxsec.value * pb
xsec.pid = production[2:]
# Do not add xsecs which do not match the user required ones:
if (useXSecs and not xsec.info in useXSecs):
#Make sure duplicates are removed.
return xSecsInFile
[docs]def getXsecFromLHEFile(lhefile, addEvents=True):
Obtain cross sections from input LHE file.
:parameter lhefile: LHE input file with unweighted MC events
:parameter addEvents: if True, add cross sections with the same mothers,
otherwise return the event weight for each pair of mothers
:returns: a XSectionList object
# Store information about all cross sections in the LHE file
xSecsInFile = XSectionList()
reader = lheReader.LheReader(lhefile)
if not type(reader.metainfo["totalxsec"]) == type(pb):
logger.error("cross section information not found in LHE file.")
raise SModelSError()
elif not reader.metainfo["nevents"]:
logger.error("Total number of events information not found in LHE "
+ "file.")
raise SModelSError()
elif not type(reader.metainfo["sqrts"]) == type(TeV):
logger.error("Center-of-mass energy information not found in LHE "
+ "file.")
raise SModelSError()
# Common cross section info
totxsec = reader.metainfo["totalxsec"]
nevts = reader.metainfo["nevents"]
sqrtS = reader.metainfo["sqrts"]
eventCs = totxsec / float(nevts)
# Get all mom pids
allpids = []
for event in reader:
pids = set(allpids)
# Generate zero cross sections for all independent pids
for pid in pids:
xsec = XSection()
xsec.info.sqrts = sqrtS
if 'cs_order' in reader.metainfo:
xsec.info.order = reader.metainfo["cs_order"]
# Assume LO xsecs, if not defined in the reader
xsec.info.order = 0
wlabel = str(sqrtS / TeV) + ' TeV'
wlabel += f' ({orderToString(xsec.info.order,True,False)})'
xsec.info.label = wlabel
xsec.value = 0. * pb
xsec.pid = pid
# If addEvents = False, set cross section value to event weight
if not addEvents:
xsec.value = eventCs
# If addEvents = True, sum up event weights with same mothers
if addEvents:
for pid in allpids:
for ixsec, xsec in enumerate(xSecsInFile.xSections):
if xsec.pid == pid:
xSecsInFile.xSections[ixsec].value += eventCs
#Make sure duplicates are removed.
return xSecsInFile
#Make sure duplicates are removed.
return xSecsInFile