statistics package


statistics.analysesCombinations module

class statistics.analysesCombinations.AnaCombLikelihoodComputer(theoryPredictions: list, deltas_rel=None)[source]

Bases: object


  • theoryPredictions – the List of theory predictions

  • deltas_rel – relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%.

CLs(mu: float = 1.0, expected: Union[str, bool] = False, return_type: str = 'CLs')[source]

Compute the exclusion confidence level of the model

  • mu – compute for the parameter of interest mu

  • expected – if false, compute observed, true: compute a priori expected

  • return_type – (Text) can be “CLs-alpha”, “1-CLs”, “CLs” CLs-alpha: returns CLs - 0.05 1-CLs: returns 1-CLs value CLs: returns CLs value

getCLsRootFunc(expected: bool = False, allowNegativeSignals: bool = False) Tuple[float, float, Callable][source]

Obtain the function “CLs-alpha[0.05]” whose root defines the upper limit, plus mu_hat and sigma_mu


expected – if True, compute expected likelihood, else observed

getLlhds(muvals, expected=False, normalize=True)[source]

Compute the likelihoods for the individual analyses and the combined likelihood. Returns a dictionary with the analysis IDs as keys and the likelihood values as values.

  • muvals – List with values for the signal strenth for which the likelihoods must be evaluated.

  • expected – If True returns the expected likelihood values.

  • normalize – If True normalizes the likelihood by its integral over muvals.

getUpperLimitOnMu(expected=False, allowNegativeSignals=False)[source]

get upper limit on signal strength multiplier, i.e. value for mu for which CLs = 0.95


expected – if True, compute expected likelihood, else observed


upper limit on signal strength multiplier mu

getUpperLimitOnSigmaTimesEff(expected=False, allowNegativeSignals=False)[source]
upper limit on the fiducial cross section sigma times efficiency,

summed over all signal regions, i.e. sum_i xsec^prod_i eff_i obtained from the defined Data (using the signal prediction for each signal region/dataset), by using the q_mu test statistic from the CCGV paper (arXiv:1007.1727).

Params expected

if false, compute observed, true: compute a priori expected, “posteriori”: compute a posteriori expected


upper limit on fiducial cross section

likelihood(mu: float = 1.0, expected: Union[bool, str] = False, return_nll: bool = False, useCached: bool = True) float[source]

Compute the likelihood at a given mu

  • mu – signal strength

  • expected – if True, compute expected likelihood, else observed

  • return_nll – if True, return negative log likelihood, else likelihood

  • useCached – if True, will use the cached values from the theoryPrediction objects (if available)

lmax(allowNegativeSignals: bool = False, expected: Union[bool, str] = False, return_nll: bool = False) Optional[Dict][source]

find muhat and lmax.

  • allowNegativeSignals – if true, then also allow for negative values

  • expected – if true, compute expected prior (=lsm), if “posteriori” compute posteriori expected

  • return_nll – if true, return negative log max likelihood instead of lmax


mu_hat, i.e. the maximum likelihood estimate of mu, if extended output is requested, it returns a dictionary with mu_hat, sigma_mu – the standard deviation around mu_hat, and lmax, i.e. the likelihood at mu_hat

statistics.basicStats module

statistics.basicStats.CLsfromNLL(nllA: float, nll0A: float, nll: float, nll0: float, return_type: str = 'CLs-alpha') float[source]

compute the CLs - alpha from the NLLs TODO: following needs explanation

  • nllA

  • nll0A

  • nll

  • nll0

  • return_type – (Text) can be “CLs-alpha”, “1-CLs”, “CLs” CLs-alpha: returns CLs - 0.05 1-CLs: returns 1-CLs value CLs: returns CLs value


Cls-type value, see above

statistics.basicStats.chi2FromLmax(llhd, lmax)[source]

compute the chi2 from likelihood and lmax

statistics.basicStats.determineBrentBracket(mu_hat, sigma_mu, rootfinder, allowNegative=True)[source]

find a, b for brent bracketing

  • mu_hat – mu that maximizes likelihood

  • sigm_mu – error on mu_hat (not too reliable)

  • rootfinder – function that finds the root (usually root_func)

  • allowNegative – if False, then do not allow a or b to become negative


the interval a,b

statistics.exceptions module

exception statistics.exceptions.SModelSStatisticsError(value=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

Class to define SModelS specific errors

statistics.pyhfInterface module

class statistics.pyhfInterface.PyhfData(nsignals, inputJsons, jsonFiles=None, includeCRs=False, signalUncertainty=None)[source]

Bases: object

Holds data for use in pyhf :ivar nsignals: signal predictions list divided into sublists, one for each json file :ivar inputJsons: list of json instances :ivar jsonFiles: optional list of json files :ivar nWS: number of workspaces = number of json files


Check various inconsistencies of the PyhfData attributes


zeroSignalsFlag – boolean identifying if all SRs of a single json are empty


the total yield in all signal regions


Getting informations from the json files


channelsInfo – list of dictionaries (one dictionary for each json file) containing useful information about the json files - :key signalRegions: list of dictonaries with ‘json path’ and ‘size’ (number of bins) of the ‘signal regions’ channels in the json files - :key otherRegions: list of dictionnaries indicating the path and the name of the control and/or validation region channels

class statistics.pyhfInterface.PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data, cl=0.95, lumi=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class that computes the upper limit using the jsons files and signal informations in the ‘data’ instance of ‘PyhfData’

  • data – instance of ‘PyhfData’ holding the signals information

  • cl – confdence level at which the upper limit is desired to be computed

  • data – created from data

  • nsignals – signal predictions list divided into sublists, one for each json file

  • inputJsons – list of input json files as python json instances

  • channelsInfo – list of channels information for the json files

  • zeroSignalsFlag – list boolean flags in case all signals are zero for a specific json

  • nWS – number of workspaces = number of json files

  • patches – list of patches to be applied to the inputJsons as python dictionary instances

  • workspaces – list of workspaces resulting from the patched inputJsons

  • workspaces_expected – list of patched workspaces with observation yields replaced by the expected ones

  • cl – created from cl

  • scale – scale that is applied to the signal predictions, dynamically changes throughout the upper limit calculation

  • alreadyBeenThere – boolean flag that identifies when nsignals accidentally passes twice at two identical values


check the pyhf version, currently we need 0.6.1+

compute_invhess(x, data, model, index, epsilon=1e-05)[source]

if inv_hess is not given by the optimiser, calculate numerically by evaluating second order partial derivatives using 2 point central finite differences method :param x: parameter values given to pyhf.infer.mle.twice_nll taken from - optimizer.x (best_fit parameter values) :param data: passed to :param model: model passed to :param index: index of the POI Note : If len(x) <=5, compute the entire hessian matrix and ind its inverse. Else, compute the hessian at the index of the POI and return its inverse (diagonal approximation) returns the inverse hessian at the index of the poi

exponentiateNLL(twice_nll, doIt)[source]

if doIt, then compute likelihood from nll, else return nll


find the index of the best expected combination

getUpperLimitOnMu(expected=False, workspace_index=None)[source]
Compute the upper limit on the signal strength modifier with:
  • by default, the combination of the workspaces contained into self.workspaces

  • if workspace_index is specified, self.workspace[workspace_index] (useful for computation of the best upper limit)

  • expected

    • if set to ‘True’: uses expected SM backgrounds as signals

    • else: uses ‘self.nsignals’

  • workspace_index

    • if different from ‘None’: index of the workspace to use for upper limit

    • else: choose best combo


the upper limit at ‘’ level (0.95 by default)

getUpperLimitOnSigmaTimesEff(expected=False, workspace_index=None)[source]
Compute the upper limit on the fiducial cross section sigma times efficiency:
  • by default, the combination of the workspaces contained into self.workspaces

  • if workspace_index is specified, self.workspace[workspace_index] (useful for computation of the best upper limit)

  • expected

    • if set to ‘True’: uses expected SM backgrounds as signals

    • else: uses ‘self.nsignals’

  • workspace_index

    • if different from ‘None’: index of the workspace to use for upper limit

    • else: choose best combo


the upper limit on sigma times eff at ‘’ level (0.95 by default)

get_position(name, model)[source]
  • name – name of the parameter one wants to increase

  • model – the pyhf model


the position of the parameter that has to be modified in order to turn positive the negative total yield

likelihood(mu=1.0, workspace_index=None, return_nll=False, expected=False)[source]

Returns the value of the likelihood. Inspired by the ‘pyhf.infer.mle’ module but for non-log likelihood

  • workspace_index – supply index of workspace to use. If None, choose index of best combo

  • return_nll – if true, return nll, not llhd

  • expected – if False, compute expected values, if True, compute a priori expected, if “posteriori” compute posteriori expected

lmax(workspace_index=None, return_nll=False, expected=False, allowNegativeSignals=False)[source]

Returns the negative log max likelihood

  • return_nll – if true, return nll, not llhd

  • workspace_index – supply index of workspace to use. If None, choose index of best combo

  • expected – if False, compute expected values, if True, compute a priori expected, if “posteriori” compute posteriori expected

  • allowNegativeSignals – if False, then negative nsigs are replaced with 0.


Method that creates the list of patches to be applied to the self.inputJsons workspaces, one for each region given the self.nsignals and the informations available in self.channelsInfo and the content of the self.inputJsons NB: It seems we need to include the change of the “modifiers” in the patches as well


the list of patches, one for each workspace


Rescales the signal predictions (self.nsignals) and processes again the patches and workspaces


updated list of patches and workspaces (self.patches, self.workspaces and self.workspaces_expected)

rescaleBgYields(init_pars, workspace, model)[source]
  • init_pars – list of initial parameters values one wants to increase in order to turn positive the negative total yields

  • workspace – the pyhf workspace

  • model – the pyhf model


the list of initial parameters values that gives positive total yields

updateWorkspace(workspace_index=None, expected=False)[source]

Small method used to return the appropriate workspace

  • workspace_index – the index of the workspace to retrieve from the corresponding list

  • expected – if False, retuns the unmodified (but patched) workspace. Used for computing observed or aposteriori expected limits. if True, retuns the modified (and patched) workspace, where obs = sum(bkg). Used for computing apriori expected limit.


greet the world


Apply each region patch (self.patches) to his associated json (self.inputJsons) to obtain the complete workspaces



  • If set to ‘True’: Replace the observation data entries of each workspace by the corresponding sum of the expected yields - Else: The observed yields put in the workspace are the ones written in the corresponfing json dictionary


the list of patched workspaces

statistics.simplifiedLikelihoods module

class statistics.simplifiedLikelihoods.Data(observed, backgrounds, covariance, third_moment=None, nsignal=None, name='model', deltas_rel=0.2, lumi=None)[source]

Bases: object

A very simple observed container to collect all the data needed to fully define a specific statistical model

  • observed – number of observed events per dataset

  • backgrounds – expected bg per dataset

  • covariance – uncertainty in background, as a covariance matrix

  • nsignal – number of signal events in each dataset

  • name – give the model a name, just for convenience

  • deltas_rel – the assumed relative error on the signal hypotheses. The default is 20%.

  • lumi – luminosity of dataset in 1/fb, or None


Convert object to numpy arrays. If object is a float or int, it is converted to a one element array.


Correlation matrix, computed from covariance matrix. Convenience function.


Diagonal elements of covariance matrix. Convenience function.


Statistical model is linear, i.e. no quadratic term in poissonians


Determine if obj is a scalar (float or int)


Returns the number of expected signal events, for all datasets, given total signal strength mu.


mu – Total number of signal events summed over all datasets.


Returns the number of expected relative signal events, for all datasets, given total signal strength mu. For mu=1, the sum of the numbers = 1.


mu – Total number of signal events summed over all datasets.


Sandwich product


get the total covariance matrix, taking into account also signal uncertainty for the signal hypothesis <nsig>. If nsig is None, the predefined signal hypothesis is taken.


The signal variances. Convenience function.


nsig – If None, it will use the model expected number of signal events, otherwise will return the variances for the input value using the relative signal uncertainty defined for the model.


Is the total number of signal events zero?

class statistics.simplifiedLikelihoods.LikelihoodComputer(data)[source]

Bases: object


data – a Data object.


Computes the chi2 for a given number of observed events nobs given the predicted background nb, error on this background deltab, expected number of signal events nsig and the relative error on signal (deltas_rel).


nsig – number of signal events


chi2 (float)

d2NLLdMu2(mu, theta_hat, allowZeroHessian=True)[source]

the hessian of the likelihood of mu, at mu, which is the Fisher information which is approximately the inverse of the covariance


allowZeroHessian – if false and sum(observed)==0, then replace observed with expected


the Hessian of nll as a function of the thetas. Makes it easier to find the maximum likelihood.

dNLLdMu(mu, theta_hat=None)[source]

d (- ln L)/d mu, if L is the likelihood. The function whose root gives us muhat, i.e. the mu that maximizes the likelihood.

  • mu – total number of signal events

  • theta_hat – array with nuisance parameters, if None then compute them


the derivative of nll as a function of the thetas. Makes it easier to find the maximum likelihood.

debug_mode = False
extendedOutput(extended_output, default=None)[source]

from the difference observed - background, find got inital values for lower and upper

findMuHat(allowNegativeSignals=False, extended_output=False, return_nll=False)[source]

Find the most likely signal strength mu via gradient descent given the relative signal strengths in each dataset (signal region).

  • allowNegativeSignals – if true, then also allow for negative values

  • extended_output – if true, return also sigma_mu, the estimate of the error of mu_hat, and lmax, the likelihood at mu_hat

  • return_nll – if true, return nll instead of lmax in the extended output


mu_hat, i.e. the maximum likelihood estimate of mu, if extended output is requested, it returns mu_hat, sigma_mu – the standard deviation around mu_hat, and llhd, the likelihood at mu_hat

findMuHatViaBracketing(allowNegativeSignals=False, extended_output=False, nll=False)[source]

Find the most likely signal strength mu via a brent bracketing technique given the relative signal strengths in each dataset (signal region).

  • allowNegativeSignals – if true, then also allow for negative values

  • extended_output – if true, return also sigma_mu, the estimate of the error of mu_hat, and lmax, the likelihood at mu_hat

  • nll – if true, return nll instead of lmax in the extended output


mu_hat, i.e. the maximum likelihood estimate of mu, if extended output is requested, it returns a dictionary with mu_hat, sigma_mu – the standard deviation around mu_hat, and lmax, i.e. the likelihood at mu_hat

findThetaHat(mu: float)[source]

Compute nuisance parameters theta that maximize our likelihood (poisson*gauss).

getSigmaMu(mu, theta_hat)[source]

Get an estimate for the standard deviation of mu at <mu>, from the inverse hessian

getThetaHat(nobs, nb, mu, covb, max_iterations)[source]

Compute nuisance parameter theta that maximizes our likelihood (poisson*gauss) – by setting dNLL/dTheta to zero


mu – signal strength



likelihood(mu: float, return_nll: bool = False)[source]

compute the profiled likelihood for mu.

  • mu – float Parameter of interest, signal strength

  • return_nll – if true, return nll instead of likelihood


profile likelihood and error code (0=no error)

llhdOfTheta(theta, nll=True)[source]

likelihood for nuicance parameters theta, given signal strength notice, by default it returns nll


theta – nuisance parameters

Params nll

if True, compute negative log likelihood

lmax(return_nll=False, allowNegativeSignals=False)[source]

convenience function, computes likelihood for nsig = nobs-nbg,

  • return_nll – return nll instead of likelihood

  • allowNegativeSignals – if False, then negative nsigs are replaced with 0.

transform(expected: Union[str, bool])[source]

replace the actual observations with backgrounds, if expected is True or “posteriori”

class statistics.simplifiedLikelihoods.UpperLimitComputer(cl: float = 0.95)[source]

Bases: object


cl – desired quantile for limits

computeCLs(model: Data, expected: Union[bool, str] = False, trylasttime: bool = False, return_type: str = '1-CLs') float[source]

Compute the exclusion confidence level of the model (1-CLs).

  • model – statistical model

  • expected – if false, compute observed, true: compute a priori expected, “posteriori”: compute a posteriori expected

  • trylasttime – if True, then dont try extra

  • return_type – (Text) can be “CLs-alpha”, “1-CLs”, “CLs” CLs-alpha: returns CLs - 0.05 (alpha) 1-CLs: returns 1-CLs value CLs: returns CLs value

debug_mode = False
getCLsRootFunc(model: Data, expected: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = False, trylasttime: Optional[bool] = False) Tuple[source]

Obtain the function “CLs-alpha[0.05]” whose root defines the upper limit, plus mu_hat and sigma_mu

  • model – statistical model

  • expected – false: compute observed, true: compute a priori expected, “posteriori”: compute a posteriori expected

  • trylasttime – if True, then dont try extra


mu_hat, sigma_mu, CLs-alpha

getUpperLimitOnMu(model, expected=False, trylasttime=False)[source]

upper limit on the signal strength multiplier mu obtained from the defined Data (using the signal prediction for each signal regio/dataset), by using the q_mu test statistic from the CCGV paper (arXiv:1007.1727).

Params expected

if false, compute observed, true: compute a priori expected, “posteriori”: compute a posteriori expected

Params trylasttime

if True, then dont try extra


upper limit on the signal strength multiplier mu

getUpperLimitOnSigmaTimesEff(model, expected=False, trylasttime=False)[source]
upper limit on the fiducial cross section sigma times efficiency,

summed over all signal regions, i.e. sum_i xsec^prod_i eff_i obtained from the defined Data (using the signal prediction for each signal region/dataset), by using the q_mu test statistic from the CCGV paper (arXiv:1007.1727).

Params expected

if false, compute observed, true: compute a priori expected, “posteriori”: compute a posteriori expected

Params trylasttime

if True, then dont try extra


upper limit on fiducial cross section

statistics.statsTools module

class statistics.statsTools.StatsComputer(dataObject: Union[DataSet, CombinedDataSet, list], dataType: str, nsig: Union[None, float, List] = None, deltas_rel: Union[None, float] = None, allowNegativeSignals: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object


  • dataObject – a smodels (combined)dataset or a list of theory predictions (for combination of analyses)

  • nsig – signal yield, either as float or as list

  • deltas_rel – relative error on signal. currently unused


if True, negative values for the signal (mu) are allowed.

CLs(poi_test: float = 1.0, expected: Union[bool, str] = False) Optional[float][source]

compute CLs value for a given value of the poi

classmethod forAnalysesComb(theoryPredictions, deltas_rel)[source]

get a statscomputer for combination of analyses :param theoryPredictions: list of TheoryPrediction objects :param deltas_rel: relative error for the signal :returns: a StatsComputer

classmethod forMultiBinSL(dataset, nsig, deltas_rel)[source]

get a statscomputer for simplified likelihood combination.

  • dataset – CombinedDataSet object

  • nsig – Number of signal events for each SR


Relative uncertainty for the signal


a StatsComputer

classmethod forPyhf(dataset, nsig, deltas_rel)[source]

get a statscomputer for pyhf combination.

  • dataset – CombinedDataSet object

  • nsig – Number of signal events for each SR


Relative uncertainty for the signal


a StatsComputer

classmethod forSingleBin(dataset, nsig, deltas_rel)[source]

get a statscomputer for an efficiency map (single bin).

  • dataset – DataSet object

  • nsig – Number of signal events for each SR


Relative uncertainty for the signal


a StatsComputer

classmethod forTruncatedGaussian(theorypred, corr: float = 0.6)[source]

get a statscomputer for truncated gaussians :param theorypred: TheoryPrediction object :param corr: correction factor: ULexp_mod = ULexp / (1. - corr*((ULobs-ULexp)/(ULobs+ULexp))) a factor of corr = 0.6 is proposed. :returns: a StatsComputer


Create computer from a single bin :param nsig: signal yields.


Create computer from a multi bin SL result


Create computer for a pyhf result


Create computer from a single bin


Create computer for truncated gaussians

get_five_values(expected: Union[bool, str], return_nll: bool = False, check_for_maxima: bool = False) Dict[source]

Return the Five Values: l(bsm), l(sm), muhat, l(muhat), sigma(mu_hat)


check_for_maxima – if true, then check lmax against l(sm) and l(bsm) correct, if necessary

likelihood(poi_test: float, expected: Union[bool, str], return_nll: bool) float[source]

simple frontend to individual computers

maximize_likelihood(expected: Union[bool, str], return_nll: bool = False) dict[source]

simple frontend to the individual computers, later spey :param return_nll: if True, return negative log likelihood :returns: Dictionary of llhd (llhd at mu_hat), muhat, sigma_mu (sigma of mu_hat), optionally also theta_hat

poi_upper_limit(expected: Union[bool, str], limit_on_xsec: bool = False) float[source]

Simple frontend to the upperlimit computers, later to spey.poi_upper_limit


limit_on_xsec – if True, then return the limit on the cross section


SL only. transform the data to expected or observed


statistics.truncatedGaussians module

class statistics.truncatedGaussians.TruncatedGaussians(upperLimitOnMu: float, expectedUpperLimitOnMu: float, corr: Optional[float] = 0.6, cl=0.95)[source]

Bases: object

likelihood computer based on the trunacated Gaussian approximation, see arXiv:1202.3415

  • upperLimitOnMu – observed upper limit on signal strength mu

  • expectedUpperLimitOnMu – expected upper limit on signal strength mu

  • corr – correction factor: ULexp_mod = ULexp / (1. - corr*((ULobs-ULexp)/(ULobs+ULexp))) When comparing with likelihoods constructed from efficiency maps, a factor of corr = 0.6 has been found to result in the best approximations.

  • cl – confidence level

likelihood(mu: Optional[float], return_nll: Optional[bool] = False, allowNegativeSignals: Optional[bool] = True, corr: Optional[float] = 0.6, expected: Union[str, bool] = False) Union[None, float][source]

return the likelihood, as a function of mu

  • mu – number of signal events, if None then mu = muhat

  • return_nll – if True, return negative log likelihood

  • allowNegativeSignals – if True, then allow muhat to become negative, else demand that muhat >= 0. In the presence of underfluctuations in the data, setting this to True results in more realistic approximate likelihoods.


likelihood (float)

lmax(return_nll: Optional[bool] = False, allowNegativeSignals: Optional[bool] = True, corr: Optional[float] = 0.6, expected: Union[bool, str] = False) Dict[source]

Return the likelihood, as a function of mu

  • mu – number of signal events, if None then mu = muhat

  • return_nll – if True, return negative log likelihood

  • allowNegativeSignals – if True, then allow muhat to become negative, else demand that muhat >= 0. In the presence of underfluctuations in the data, setting this to True results in more realistic approximate likelihoods.


dictionary with likelihood (float), muhat, and sigma_mu

newCorrectionType = False

Module contents