decomposition package


decomposition.decomposer module

decomposition.decomposer.addOneStepDecays(sms, sigmacutFB=0.0)[source]

Given a tree, generates a list of new trees (Tree objects), where all the (unstable) nodes appearing at the end of the original tree have been decayed. Each entry in the list corresponds to a different combination of decays. If no decays were possible, return an empty list.

  • tree – Tree (Tree object) for which to add the decays

  • sigmacutFB – Cut on the tree weight (xsec*BR) in fb. Any tree with weights smaller than sigmacutFB will be ignored.


List of trees with all possible 1-step decays added.

decomposition.decomposer.cascadeDecay(tree, sigmacutFB=0.0)[source]

Given a tree, generates a list of new trees (Tree objects), where all the particles have cascade decayed to stable final states.

  • tree – Tree (Tree object) for which to add the decays

  • sigmacutFB – Cut on the tree weight (xsec*BR) inf b. Any tree with weights smaller than sigmacutFB will be ignored.


List of trees with all possible decays added.

decomposition.decomposer.decompose(model, sigmacut=0.00E+00[fb], massCompress=True, invisibleCompress=True, minmassgap=0.00E+00[GeV])[source]

Perform decomposition using the information stored in model.

  • sigmacut – minimum sigma*BR to be generated, by default sigcut = 0.1 fb

  • massCompress – turn mass compression on/off

  • invisibleCompress – turn invisible compression on/off

  • minmassgap – maximum value (in GeV) for considering two R-odd particles degenerate (only revelant for massCompress=True )


list of topologies (TopologyList object)


Generates a simple list of trees with all the decay channels for the mother. In each tree the mother appears as the root and each of its decays as daughters. (The node numbering for the root/mother node is kept equal, while the numbering of the daughters is automatically assigned to avoid overlap with any previously created nodes, so the decay tree can be directly merged to any other tree.)


mother – Mother for which the decay trees will be generated (ParticleNode object)


A list with simple tuples ((mom,daughters,BRs)) where the first entry is the new mother ParticleNode, the second is a list of daughter ParticleNode objects and the third the corresponding BR.

decomposition.exceptions module

exception decomposition.exceptions.SModelSDecompositionError(value=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

Class to define SModelS specific errors

decomposition.theorySMS module

class decomposition.theorySMS.TheorySMS[source]

Bases: GenericSMS

A class for describing Simplified Model Topologies generated by the decompostion of full BSM models.

Initialize basic attributes.


Combines the nodes (add particles) in equivalent nodes in each trees. Can only be done if the trees have the same topology and ordering.


other – TheorySMS object

attachDecay(motherIndex, decayNodes, br=1.0, copy=True)[source]

Attaches a decay to self. If copy = True, returns a copy of self with the decay attached.

  • motherIndex – Node index for the mother to which the decay should be added.

  • decayNodes – Particle nodes for the daughters.

  • copy – if True, return a copy of self, with the decay attached.


Branching ratio value for the decay


new tree with the other composed with self.


Compare self to other. If the SMS are not sorted, sort them and then do a direct comparison of each node with the same nodeIndex.


other – SMS object to be compared against self


0, if objects are equal, -1 if self < other, 1 if other > sekf

compress(doCompress, doInvisible, minmassgap)[source]

Keep compressing the original SMS and the derived ones till they can be compressed no more.

  • doCompress – if True, perform mass compression

  • doInvisible – if True, perform invisible compression

  • minmassgap – value (in GeV) of the maximum mass difference for compression (if mass difference < minmassgap, perform mass compression)


list with the compressed SMS (TheorySMS objects)


Computes the SMS weight (production cross-section*BRs) using maxWeight and the production cross-section.


CrossSectionList object


Returns a shallow copy of self.


emptyNodes – If True, does not copy any of the nodes from self.


TheorySMS object


Get a list of all the ancestors of self. The list is ordered so the mothers appear first, then the grandmother, then the grandgrandmothers,…


A list of SMS objects containing all the ancestors sorted by generation.


Perform invisible compression. It is done if there is a decay of the type BSM > xxx if all daughters are leaves and can be considered MET and the mother can be considered MET OR decays promptly.


compressed copy of the SMS, if element ends with invisible particles; None, if compression is not possible


Checks if self has other as an ancestor or they share ancestors. Returns True if self and other have at least one ancestor in common, otherwise returns False.




Perform mass compression. It is only done if there is one decay of type BSM_i -> BSM_j + (any number of SM), where mass(BSM_i) - mass(BSM_j) < minmassgap AND BSM_i have a prompt decay.


minmassgap – value (in GeV) of the maximum mass difference for compression (if mass difference < minmassgap -> perform mass compression)


compressed copy of self, if two masses in the SMS can be considered degenerate; None, if compression is not possible;


Tag the sms as covered by the result type (it is tested AND its parameters are within the result grid). It also recursively tags all of its ancestors.


resultType – String describing the type of result (e.g. ‘prompt’, ‘displaced’)

setGlobalProperties(sort=True, canonName=True, weight=True)[source]

Compute and set global properties for the SMS (sort, renumber nodes, compute the canonical name and its total weight). Should only be called once the SMS will no longer be modified.

  • canonName – If True, compute its canonical name

  • sort – If True, sort the SMS

  • weight – If True, compute its total weight


Tag the sms as tested by the result type. It also recursively tags all of its ancestors.


resultType – String describing the type of result (e.g. ‘prompt’, ‘displaced’)

decomposition.topologyDict module

class decomposition.topologyDict.TopologyDict[source]

Bases: OrderedDict

An instance of this class represents an iterable collection of topologies.

compress(doCompress, doInvisible, minmassgap)[source]

Compress all SMS in the dictionary and include the compressed SMS in the topology list.

  • doCompress – if True, perform mass compression

  • doInvisible – if True, perform invisible compression

  • minmassgap – value (in GeV) of the maximum mass difference for compression (if mass difference < minmassgap, perform mass compression)


Return a list with all the SMS appearing in the dict. If canonName is not None, return the SMS with the corresponding canonical name only.


canonName – if None, return all SMS, otherwise return only the the SMS with the corresponding canonical name.


List of TheorySMS objects.


Compute the summed cross-section over all the SMS. If canonName is not None, return the total cross-section for the SMS with the corresponding canonName.


Assign unique ID to each SMS in the Topology list


Sort the dictionary keys and store it in a new ordered dict in self.

Module contents