Source code for tools.statistics

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: statistics
   :synopsis: a module meant to collect various statistical algorithms. For now it only contains the procedure that computes an approximate Gaussian likelihood from an expected an observer upper limit. See

.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>


from scipy import stats, optimize
from import logger
from scipy.special import erf
import numpy as np
from import runtime

[docs]def likelihoodFromLimits( upperLimit, expectedUpperLimit, nsig, nll=False ): """ computes the likelihood from an expected and an observed upper limit. :param upperLimit: observed upper limit, as a yield (i.e. unitless) :param expectedUpperLimit: expected upper limit, also as a yield :param nSig: number of signal events :param nll: if True, return negative log likelihood :returns: likelihood (float) """ assert ( upperLimit > 0. ) def getSigma ( ul, muhat = 0. ): """ get the standard deviation sigma, given an upper limit and a central value. assumes a truncated Gaussian likelihood """ # the expected scale, eq 3.24 in arXiv:1202.3415 return ( ul - muhat ) / 1.96 def llhd ( nsig, mumax, sigma_exp, nll ): ## need to account for the truncation! ## first compute how many sigmas left of center is 0. Zprime = mumax / sigma_exp ## now compute the area of the truncated gaussian A = stats.norm.cdf(Zprime) if nll: return np.log(A ) - stats.norm.logpdf ( nsig, mumax, sigma_exp ) return float ( stats.norm.pdf ( nsig, mumax, sigma_exp ) / A ) dr = 2. * ( upperLimit - expectedUpperLimit ) / ( expectedUpperLimit + upperLimit ) if dr>runtime._drmax: if runtime._cap_likelihoods == False: logger.warn("asking for likelihood from limit but difference between oUL(%.2f) and eUL(%.2f) is too large (dr=%.2f>%.2f)" % ( upperLimit, expectedUpperLimit, dr, runtime._drmax ) ) return None oldUL = upperLimit upperLimit = expectedUpperLimit * ( 2. + runtime._drmax ) / ( 2. - runtime._drmax ) logger.warn("asking for likelihood from limit but difference between oUL(%.2f) and eUL(%.2f) is too large (dr=%.2f>%.2f). capping to %.2f." % \ ( oldUL, expectedUpperLimit, dr, runtime._drmax, upperLimit ) ) ## we are asked to cap likelihoods, so we set observed UL such that dr == drmax # sigma_exp = expectedUpperLimit / 1.96 # the expected scale, eq 3.24 in arXiv:1202.3415 sigma_exp = getSigma ( expectedUpperLimit ) # the expected scale, eq 3.24 in arXiv:1202.3415 if upperLimit < expectedUpperLimit: ## underfluctuation. mumax = 0. return llhd ( nsig, 0., sigma_exp, nll ) def root_func ( x ): ## we want the root of this one return (erf((upperLimit-x)/denominator)+erf(x/denominator)) / ( 1. + erf(x/denominator)) - .95 denominator = np.sqrt(2.) * sigma_exp fA = root_func ( 0. ) fB = root_func ( max(upperLimit,expectedUpperLimit) ) if np.sign(fA*fB) > 0.: ## the have the same sign logger.error ( "when computing likelihood: fA and fB have same sign") return None mumax = optimize.brentq ( root_func, 0., max(upperLimit, expectedUpperLimit), rtol=1e-03, xtol=1e-06 ) llhdexp = llhd ( nsig, mumax, sigma_exp, nll ) return llhdexp
[docs]def rvsFromLimits( upperLimit, expectedUpperLimit, n=1 ): """ Generates a sample of random variates, given expected and observed likelihoods. The likelihood is modelled as a truncated Gaussian. :param upperLimit: observed upper limit, as a yield (i.e. unitless) :param expectedUpperLimit: expected upper limit, also as a yield :param n: sample size :returns: sample of random variates """ sigma_exp = expectedUpperLimit / 1.96 # the expected scale denominator = np.sqrt(2.) * sigma_exp def root_func ( x ): ## we want the root of this one return (erf((upperLimit-x)/denominator)+erf(x/denominator)) / ( 1. + erf(x/denominator)) - .95 fA,fB = root_func ( 0. ), root_func ( max(upperLimit,expectedUpperLimit) ) if np.sign(fA*fB) > 0.: ## the have the same sign logger.error ( "when computing likelihood for %s: fA and fB have same sign" % self.analysisId() ) return None mumax = optimize.brentq ( root_func, 0., max(upperLimit, expectedUpperLimit), rtol=1e-03, xtol=1e-06 ) ret = [] while len(ret)<n: tmp = stats.norm.rvs ( mumax, sigma_exp ) if tmp > 0.: ret.append ( tmp ) return ret
[docs]def deltaChi2FromLlhd ( likelihood ): """ compute the delta chi2 value from a likelihood (convenience function) """ if likelihood == 0.: return 1e10 ## a very high number is good elif likelihood is None: return None return -2. * np.log ( likelihood )
[docs]def chi2FromLimits ( likelihood, expectedUpperLimit ): """ compute the chi2 value from a likelihood (convenience function). """ sigma_exp = expectedUpperLimit / 1.96 # the expected scale l0 = 2. * stats.norm.logpdf ( 0., 0., sigma_exp ) l = deltaChi2FromLlhd(likelihood) if l is None: return None return l + l0