Source code for tools.externalPythonTools

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: externalPythonTools
   :synopsis: This module is to check the installation of python tools, 
              i.e. unum, scipy, numpy, pyslha.

.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>


from import logger

[docs]class ExternalPythonTool(object): """ An instance of this class represents the installation of unum. As it is python-only, we need this only for installation, not for running (contrary to nllfast or pythia). """ def __init__(self, importname, optional=False ): """ Initializes the ExternalPythonTool object. Useful for installation. :params optional: optional package, not needed for core SModelS. """ = importname self.optional = optional self.pythonPath = "" try: i = __import__(importname) self.pythonPath = i.__file__.replace("/__init__.pyc", "") except ImportError as e: if optional: logger.debug("could not find %s: %s (but its not necessary for smodels, so dont worry)" % (importname, e)) else: logger.error("could not find %s: %s" % (importname, e))
[docs] def compile ( self ): pass
[docs] def pathOfExecutable (self): """ Just returns the pythonPath variable """ return self.pythonPath
[docs] def installDirectory(self): """ Just returns the pythonPath variable """ return self.pythonPath
[docs] def checkInstallation(self): """ The check is basically done in the constructor """ if self.pythonPath == "": return False return True
pythonTools = { "unum" : ExternalPythonTool("unum"), "numpy": ExternalPythonTool("numpy"), "pyslha": ExternalPythonTool("pyslha"), "scipy": ExternalPythonTool("scipy"), "plotly": ExternalPythonTool("plotly",optional=True), "pyhf": ExternalPythonTool("pyhf",optional=True), "pandas": ExternalPythonTool("pandas",optional=True), "ipython": ExternalPythonTool("IPython",optional=True), } if __name__ == "__main__": for (name, tool) in pythonTools.items(): print("%s: installed in %s" % (name, str(tool.installDirectory())))