Source code for theory.lheDecomposer

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: lheDecomposer
   :synopsis: Decomposition of LHE events and creation of TopologyLists.

.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>


from smodels.theory import lheReader, topology, crossSection, element
from smodels.theory import branch
from import fb, GeV
from import logger
from smodels.theory.exceptions import SModelSTheoryError as SModelSError
import pyslha
import copy

[docs]def decompose(lhefile, inputXsecs=None, nevts=None, doCompress=False, doInvisible=False, minmassgap=-1. * GeV ): """ Perform LHE-based decomposition. :param lhefile: LHE file with e.g. pythia events, may be given as URL (though http and ftp only) :param inputXsecs: xSectionList object with cross sections for the mothers appearing in the LHE file. If None, use information from file. :param nevts: (maximum) number of events used in the decomposition. If None, all events from file are processed. :param doCompress: mass compression option (True/False) :param doInvisible: invisible compression option (True/False) :param minmassgap: minimum mass gap for mass compression (only used if doCompress=True) :returns: list of topologies (TopologyList object) """ if lhefile.startswith("http") or lhefile.startswith("ftp"): ( "asked for remote lhefile %s. will fetch it." % lhefile ) import requests import os.path r=requests.get(lhefile) if r.status_code != 200: logger.error ( "could not retrieve remote file %d: %s" % ( r.status_code, r.reason ) ) sys.exit() basename = os.path.basename ( lhefile ) f=open ( basename, "w" ) f.write ( r.text ) f.close() lhefile = basename if doCompress and minmassgap < 0. * GeV: logger.error("Asked for compression without specifying minmassgap. Please set minmassgap.") raise SModelSError() reader = lheReader.LheReader(lhefile, nevts) smsTopList = topology.TopologyList() # Get cross section from file (= event weight, assuming a common weight for # all events) if not inputXsecs: xSectionList = crossSection.getXsecFromLHEFile(lhefile, addEvents=False) else: xSectionList = inputXsecs # Loop over events and decompose for event in reader: momPDG = tuple(sorted(event.getMom())) # Get mother PDGs eventweight = xSectionList.getXsecsFor(momPDG) # Get event element newElement = elementFromEvent(event, eventweight) if not newElement: continue allElements = [newElement] # Perform compression if doCompress or doInvisible: allElements += newElement.compressElement(doCompress, doInvisible, minmassgap) for el in allElements: el.sortBranches() smsTopList.addElement(el) smsTopList._setElementIds() return smsTopList
[docs]def elementFromEvent(event, weight=None): """ Creates an element from a LHE event and the corresponding event weight. :param event: LHE event :param weight: event weight. Must be a XSectionList object (usually with a single entry) or None if not specified. :returns: element """ if not event.particles: logger.error("Empty event") return None brDic, massDic = _getDictionariesFromEvent(event) # Create branch list finalBranchList = [] from smodels.particlesLoader import rOdd, rEven for ip, particle in enumerate(event.particles): keys = list ( rEven.keys() ) + \ list ( rOdd.keys() ) if not particle.pdg in keys: logger.warning("Particle %i not defined in, events containing this particle will be ignored" %(particle.pdg)) return None # Particle came from initial state (primary mother) if 1 in particle.moms: mombranch = branch.Branch() mombranch.PIDs = [[particle.pdg]] if weight: mombranch.maxWeight = weight.getMaxXsec() else: mombranch.maxWeight = 0.*fb # Get simple BR and Mass dictionaries for the corresponding branch branchBR = brDic[ip] branchMass = massDic[ip] mombranch.masses = [branchMass[mombranch.PIDs[0][0]]] # Generate final branches (after all R-odd particles have decayed) finalBranchList += branch.decayBranches([mombranch], branchBR, branchMass, sigcut=0. * fb ) if len(finalBranchList) != 2: logger.error(str(len(finalBranchList)) + " branches found in event; " "Possible R-parity violation") raise SModelSError() # Create element from event newElement = element.Element(finalBranchList) if weight: newElement.weight = copy.deepcopy(weight) return newElement
def _getDictionariesFromEvent(event): """ Create mass and BR dictionaries for each branch in an event. :param event: LHE event :returns: BR and mass dictionaries for the branches in the event """ particles = event.particles # Identify and label to which branch each particle belongs #(the branch label is the position of the primary mother) branches = {} for ip, particle in enumerate(particles): if particle.status == -1: continue if particles[particle.moms[0]].status == -1: # If a primary mother, the branch index is its own position initMom = ip else: # If not a primary mother, check if particle has a single parent # (as it should) if particle.moms[0] != particle.moms[1] and \ min(particle.moms) != 0: logger.error("More than one parent particle found") raise SModelSError() initMom = max(particle.moms) - 1 while particles[particles[initMom].moms[0]].status != -1: # Find primary mother (labels the branch) initMom = max(particles[initMom].moms) - 1 branches[ip] = initMom # Get mass and BR dictionaries for all branches: massDic = {} brDic = {} for ibranch in branches.values(): #ibranch = position of primary mother massDic[ibranch] = {} brDic[ibranch] = {} from smodels.particlesLoader import rEven for ip, particle in enumerate(particles): if particle.pdg in rEven or particle.status == -1: # Ignore R-even particles and initial state particles continue ibranch = branches[ip] # Get particle branch massDic[ibranch][particle.pdg] = round(particle.mass,1)* GeV # Create empty BRs brDic[ibranch][particle.pdg] = [pyslha.Decay(0., 0, [], particle.pdg)] # Get BRs from event for ip, particle in enumerate(particles): if particle.status == -1: # Ignore initial state particles continue if particles[particle.moms[0]].status == -1: # Ignore initial mothers continue ibranch = branches[ip] momPdg = particles[max(particle.moms) - 1].pdg if momPdg in rEven: # Ignore R-even decays continue # BR = 1 always for an event brDic[ibranch][momPdg][0].br = 1. brDic[ibranch][momPdg][0].nda += 1 brDic[ibranch][momPdg][0].ids.append(particle.pdg) return brDic, massDic