Import the plot creator

In [1]:
# Set up the path to SModelS installation folder
import sys,os
import smodels_paths
from import makePlots
import smodels

Define the input folders, the parameters file and where to store the plots

In [3]:
smodelsOutput = 'inputFiles/scanExample/smodels-output'
slhaFiles = 'inputFiles/scanExample/slha'
parameters = './'
outputFolder = './'
npoints = -1 #If negative will use all the points in the folders

Create plots

In [4]:
plotsOutput = makePlots(smodelsOutput,slhaFiles,outputFolder,parameters,npoints,verbosity='info')
INFO in interactivePlots.loadParameters() in 64: Reading parameters from ./ ...
INFO in interactivePlots.loadData() in 195: Reading data folders inputFiles/scanExample/smodels-output and inputFiles/scanExample/slha ...
INFO in interactivePlots.makePlots() in 237: Making plots...
INFO in interactivePlots.makePlots() in 277: Generation of interactive plots finished. Go to: 
 to see the plots.
create_index_html ./

Display the output

In [5]:
from IPython.core.display import display,HTML
In [6]:
#Main page (to open the plots go to the plots output folder and open them with the browser)
mainFile = open(plotsOutput + '/index.html','r')
Smodels interactive plots.

Analysis: all non-excluded excluded

Tx: all non-excluded excluded

chi2: all non-excluded excluded

MT_max: all non-excluded excluded

MT_max_xsec: all non-excluded excluded

r_max: all non-excluded excluded

MT_long_xsec: all non-excluded excluded

MT_asym_xsec: all non-excluded excluded

MT_total_xsec: all non-excluded excluded

In [2]:
In [ ]: