How To: Look up the efficiency of a particular result, for a particular set of masses

In [8]:
# Set up the path to SModelS installation folder
import sys; sys.path.append("."); import smodels_paths
In [9]:
# Import those parts of smodels that are needed for this exercise
from import GeV
from smodels.experiment.databaseObj import Database
In [10]:
## Load the official database:
db = Database("official")
FastLim v1.1 efficiencies loaded. Please cite: arXiv:1402.0492, EPJC74 (2014) 11

Look up efficiency for an Upper Limit-type result:

In [11]:
# Select desired result:
resultID = ["CMS-PAS-SUS-13-016"]
txname = ["T1tttt"]
expResult = db.getExpResults(analysisIDs=resultID,txnames=txname,dataTypes='upperLimit')[0]
print ('selected result:',expResult)
selected result: CMS-PAS-SUS-13-016:(0):T1tttt(1)
In [12]:
# Define the desired mass vector (must be consistent with the txname/simplified model):
massesA = [[500*GeV, 150*GeV],[500*GeV, 150*GeV]]
massesB = [[5000*GeV, 150*GeV],[5000*GeV, 150*GeV]]
# For UL-type results, the efficiency is 1, if the mass is inside the grid or zero if it is outside:
print ('efficiency for mass\n',massesA,' is: ',expResult.getEfficiencyFor(mass=massesA,txname="T1tttt"))
print ('efficiency for mass\n',massesB,' is: ',expResult.getEfficiencyFor(mass=massesB,txname="T1tttt"))
efficiency for mass
 [[5.00E+02 [GeV], 1.50E+02 [GeV]], [5.00E+02 [GeV], 1.50E+02 [GeV]]]  is:  1.0
efficiency for mass
 [[5.00E+03 [GeV], 1.50E+02 [GeV]], [5.00E+03 [GeV], 1.50E+02 [GeV]]]  is:  0.0

Look up efficiency for an Efficiency Map-type result:

In [13]:
# Select desired result:
resultID = ["CMS-PAS-SUS-13-016"]
txname = ["T1tttt"]
expResult = db.getExpResults(analysisIDs=resultID,txnames=txname,dataTypes='efficiencyMap')[0]
print ('selected result:',expResult)
selected result: CMS-PAS-SUS-13-016: sr0(1):T1tttt(1)
In [14]:
# For an efficiency map result one needs to specify the desired signal region (dataset) and mass
masses = [[500*GeV, 150*GeV],[500*GeV, 150*GeV]]
datasetID = 'sr0'
print ('efficinecy for mass\n ',masses,'\n in dataset',datasetID,' is: ',expResult.getEfficiencyFor(mass=masses,txname="T1tttt",dataset=datasetID))
efficinecy for mass
  [[5.00E+02 [GeV], 1.50E+02 [GeV]], [5.00E+02 [GeV], 1.50E+02 [GeV]]] 
 in dataset sr0  is:  0.0010565