Source code for theory.topology

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: topology
   :synopsis: Provides a Topology class and a TopologyList collection type.

.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>
.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Magerl <>


from smodels.theory import crossSection
from smodels.theory.element import Element
from smodels.theory.exceptions import SModelSTheoryError as SModelSError
from smodels.theory.auxiliaryFunctions import index_bisect
from import logger
import itertools

[docs]class Topology(object): """ An instance of this class represents a topology. :ivar vertnumb: list with number of vertices in each branch :ivar verparts: list with number of final states in each branch :ivar elementList: list of Element objects with this common topology """ def __init__(self, elements=None): """ Constructor. If elements is defined, create the topology from it. If elements it is a list, all elements must share a common global topology. :parameter elements: Element object or list of Element objects """ self.vertnumb = [] self.vertparts = [] self.elementList = [] if elements: if isinstance(elements,Element): self.addElement(elements) elif isinstance(elements,list): for element in elements: self.addElement(element) def __str__(self): """ Return string with numbers of particles per vertex, e.g. [1],[2,1] :returns: string with number of final states in each branch """ ret = "" for p in self.vertparts: ret += "%s" % str(p).replace(" ", "") return ret def __ne__(self,other): return not ( self.__eq__(other) ) def __eq__(self,other): ret = (self.__cmp__(other)==0 ) return ret def __lt__(self,other): return self.__cmp__(other)<0 def __cmp__(self,other): """ Compares the topology with other. The comparison is made on number of vertices and then on the total number of particles coming out of the vertices. :param other: topology to be compared (Topology object) :return: -1 if self < other, 0 if self == other, +1, if self > other. """ #Check for any permutation of branches: for v1 in itertools.permutations(self.vertparts): for v2 in itertools.permutations(other.vertparts): if v1 == v2: return 0 if sorted(self.vertnumb,reverse=True) != sorted(other.vertnumb,reverse=True): comp = sorted(self.vertnumb,reverse=True) > sorted(other.vertnumb,reverse=True) if comp: return 1 else: return -1 elif sorted(self.vertparts) != sorted(other.vertparts): comp = sorted(self.vertparts) > sorted(other.vertparts) if comp: return 1 else: return -1 else: return 0
[docs] def checkConsistency(self): """ Check if the all the elements in elementList are consistent with the topology (same number of vertices and final states) :returns: True if all the elements are consistent. Print error message and exits otherwise. """ for element in self.elementList: info = element.getEinfo() if self.vertnumb != info["vertnumb"]: logger.error("Inconsistent topology.") raise SModelSError() if self.vertparts != info["vertparts"]: logger.error("Inconsistent topology.") raise SModelSError()"Consistent topology.") return True
[docs] def describe(self): """ Create a detailed description of the topology. :returns: list of strings with a description of the topology """ ret = ("number of vertices: %s, number of vertex particles: %s, " "number of elements: %d" % \ (self.vertnumb, self.vertparts, len(self.elementList))) return ret
[docs] def getElements(self): """ Get list of elements of the topology. :return: elementList (list of Element objects) """ return self.elementList
[docs] def addElement(self, newelement): """ Add an Element object to the elementList. For all the pre-existing elements, which match the new element, add weight. If no pre-existing elements match the new one, add it to the list. OBS: newelement MUST ALREADY BE SORTED (see element.sort()) :parameter newelement: element to be added (Element object) :returns: True, if the element was added. False, otherwise """ # If the topology info has not been set yet, set it using the element # info if not self.vertparts: self.vertparts = newelement.getEinfo()["vertparts"] if not self.vertnumb: self.vertnumb = newelement.getEinfo()["vertnumb"] #First check if element matches topology structure info = newelement.getEinfo() if info != self._getTinfo(): logger.warning('Element to be added does not match topology') return False index = index_bisect(self.elementList,newelement) if index != len(self.elementList) and self.elementList[index] == newelement: self.elementList[index].weight.combineWith(newelement.weight) self.elementList[index].combinePIDs(newelement) self.elementList[index].combineMotherElements(newelement) else: self.elementList.insert(index,newelement) return True
def _getTinfo(self): """ Return a dictionary with the topology number of vertices and vertparts. :returns: dictionary with topology information """ return {'vertnumb' : self.vertnumb, 'vertparts' : self.vertparts}
[docs] def getTotalWeight(self): """ Return the sum of all elements weights. :returns: sum of weights of all elements (XSection object) """ if len(self.elementList) == 0: return None sumw = crossSection.XSectionList() for element in self.elementList: sumw.combineWith(element.weight) return sumw
[docs]class TopologyList(object): """ An instance of this class represents an iterable collection of topologies. :ivar topos: list of topologies (Topology objects) """ def __init__(self, topologies=[]): """ Add topologies sequentially, if provided. """ self.topos = [] for topo in topologies: self.add(topo) def __ne__(self,other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self,other): return self.topos == other.topos def __len__(self): return len(self.topos) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.topos[index] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.topos) def __str__(self): s = "TopologyList:\n" for topo in self.topos: s += str(topo) + "\n" return s
[docs] def insert(self,index,topo): self.topos.insert(index,topo)
[docs] def addList(self, topoList): """ Adds topologies in topoList using the add method. """ for topo in topoList: self.add(topo)
[docs] def describe(self): """ Returns string with basic information about the topology list. """ s = "TopologyList:\n" for topo in self.topos: s += str(topo) + "\n" return s
[docs] def index(self,topo): """ Uses bisect to find the index where of topo in the list. If topo does not appear in the list, returns None. :param topo: Topology object :return: position of topo in the list. If topo does not appear in the list, return None. """ i = index_bisect(self, topo) if i != len(self) and self[i] == topo: return i return None
[docs] def hasTopology(self,topo): """ Checks if topo appears in any of the topologies in the list. :param topo: Topology object :return: True if topo appears in the list, False otherwise. """ for t in self: if t == topo: return True return False
[docs] def add(self, newTopology): """ Check if elements in newTopology matches an entry in self.topos. If it does, add weight. If the same topology exists, but not the same element, add element. If neither element nor topology exist, add the new topology and all its elements. :param newTopology: Topology object """ index = index_bisect(self, newTopology) if index != len(self) and self[index] == newTopology: for newelement in newTopology.elementList: self.topos[index].addElement(newelement) else: self.insert(index,newTopology)
[docs] def addElement(self, newelement): """ Add an Element object to the corresponding topology in the list. If the element topology does not match any of the topologies in the list, create a new topology and insert it in the list. If the element topology already exists, add it to the respective topology. :parameter newelement: element to be added (Element object) :returns: True, if the element was added. False, otherwise """ #First create a dummy topology from the element to check #if this topology already exists in the list: elInfo = newelement.getEinfo() topoDummy = Topology() topoDummy.elementList.append(newelement) topoDummy.vertnumb = elInfo["vertnumb"] topoDummy.vertparts = elInfo["vertparts"] index = index_bisect(self,topoDummy) if index != len(self) and self.topos[index] == topoDummy: self.topos[index].addElement(newelement) else: self.topos.insert(index,topoDummy)
[docs] def getTotalWeight(self): """ Return the sum of all topologies total weights. """ sumw = crossSection.XSectionList() for topo in self: topoweight = topo.getTotalWeight() if topoweight: sumw.combineWith(topoweight) return sumw
[docs] def getElements(self): """ Return a list with all the elements in all the topologies. """ elements = [] for top in self.topos: elements.extend(top.elementList) return elements
[docs] def compressElements(self,doCompress,doInvisible,minmassgap): """ Compress all elements in the list and included the compressed elements in the topology list. :parameter doCompress: if True, perform mass compression :parameter doInvisible: if True, perform invisible compression :parameter minmassgap: value (in GeV) of the maximum mass difference for compression (if mass difference < minmassgap, perform mass compression) """ for el in self.getElements(): newElements = el.compressElement(doCompress,doInvisible,minmassgap) if not newElements: continue for newelement in newElements: newelement.sortBranches() #Make sure elements are sorted BEFORE adding them self.addElement(newelement)
def _setElementIds(self): """ Assign unique ID to each element in the Topology list """ elID = 1 for element in self.getElements(): element.elID = elID elID += 1