How To: Compute likelihood and chi2

In [1]:
# Set up the path to SModelS installation folder
import sys; sys.path.append("."); import smodels_paths
In [2]:
from import LikelihoodComputer, Data

How to compute the likelihood and chi2 from the number of events

In [3]:
# If the number of observed events, the number of expected background events,
# its error and the number of signal events and its error are known, the likelihood
# for the signal (assuming a truncated gaussian distribution for the background and signal uncertainties)
# can be computed as:
m=Data ( observed=5, backgrounds=4.2, covariance=0.71**2, third_moment=None, nsignal=.1 )
comp=LikelihoodComputer ( m )
print ('likelihood=',comp.likelihood(nsig = 10. ) )
print ('chi2=',comp.chi2( nsig=10.))
likelihood= 0.0014241306489629875
chi2= 8.425350487466552

How to compute the likelihood and chi2 from a theory prediction

In [4]:
# In most cases one wants to compute the likelihood and chi2 for a given theory prediction computed by SModelS.
# Below we generate theory predictions and compute the likelihood and chi2 values for them
# First we import those parts of smodels that are needed for this exercise
#(We will assume the input is a SLHA file. For LHE files, use the lheDecomposer instead)
from smodels.theory import slhaDecomposer
from smodels.installation import installDirectory
from import fb, GeV
from smodels.theory.theoryPrediction import theoryPredictionsFor
from smodels.experiment.databaseObj import Database
In [5]:
# Define the SLHA input file name
filename="%s/inputFiles/slha/gluino_squarks.slha" % installDirectory()
In [6]:
# Load the database, do the decomposition and compute theory predictions:
# (Look at the theory predictions HowTo to learn how to compute theory predictions)
database = Database("official")
expResults = database.getExpResults()
topList = slhaDecomposer.decompose(filename, sigcut = 0.03 * fb, doCompress=True, doInvisible=True,minmassgap = 5* GeV)
allThPredictions = [theoryPredictionsFor(exp, topList) for exp in expResults]
In [7]:
# For each theory prediction, compute the corresponding likelihood and chi2 values
# (This is only possible for efficiency map-type results):
for i,thPreds in enumerate(allThPredictions):
    if not thPreds: continue #skip results with no predictions
    expID = expResults[i]
    dataType = expResults[i].getValuesFor('dataType')[0]    
    for theoryPred in thPreds:
        #Compute the likelihood and chi2:
        print ("\nExperimental Result: %s (%s-type)" %(expID,dataType)) #Result ID and type
        print ("Theory prediction xsec = ",theoryPred.xsection.value) #Signal xsection*efficiency*BR
        if dataType == 'efficiencyMap':
            print ('likelihood =',theoryPred.likelihood,', chi2 =',theoryPred.chi2)
            print ("(likelihood not available)")
Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2015-06 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  2.79E-04 [pb]
likelihood = 0.0050359628700245174 , chi2 = 3.0840515186725916

Experimental Result: CMS-PAS-SUS-16-022 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.50E-05 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-PAS-SUS-17-004 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  2.07E-01 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-PAS-SUS-17-004 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.99E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-033 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.50E-05 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-033 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.15E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-033 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  7.53E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-034 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.99E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-035 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.50E-05 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-036 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.15E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-036 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  7.53E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-036 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.50E-05 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-037 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.50E-05 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-039 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.99E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-039 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  2.07E-01 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-041 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.50E-05 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-042 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.50E-05 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-043 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  2.07E-01 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-045 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  2.07E-01 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-16-050 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.50E-05 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-007 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-024 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.57E-06 [pb]
likelihood = 0.03552144112434013 , chi2 = 1.2908610697112488

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-037 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  7.32E-07 [pb]
likelihood = 0.024499151313233693 , chi2 = 0.34726082857627727

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-047 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  2.67E-04 [pb]
likelihood = 0.002412978100802775 , chi2 = 1.1001933139076296

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-048 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.34E-07 [pb]
likelihood = 0.03343980433243834 , chi2 = 0.3629550573418445

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-053 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  9.67E-08 [pb]
likelihood = 0.14305663806518287 , chi2 = 0.053559313990082735

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-054 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  9.49E-06 [pb]
likelihood = 0.020329418637285657 , chi2 = 0.0316808134090083

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-061 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-061 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.22E-06 [pb]
likelihood = 0.07305778571920976 , chi2 = 0.2333050177556828

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-062 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  8.87E-07 [pb]
likelihood = 0.11929764353379285 , chi2 = 3.1575684527847923

Experimental Result: ATLAS-CONF-2013-089 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  6.66E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-02 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  6.62E-04 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-02 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  6.66E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-02 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  9.07E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-02 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.96E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-02 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  6.23E-04 [pb]
likelihood = 0.0012785956928507054 , chi2 = 0.12618145188070073

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-04 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-04 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.53E-04 [pb]
likelihood = 0.01768627235355377 , chi2 = 0.31024134443470075

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-09 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-11 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.85E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-11 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  4.39E-05 [pb]
likelihood = 0.020730697027885686 , chi2 = 0.05404478894414755

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-12 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.85E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-18 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: ATLAS-SUSY-2013-18 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.32E-07 [pb]
likelihood = 0.05698838999145924 , chi2 = 4.246330204023675

Experimental Result: CMS-PAS-SUS-13-016 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-PAS-SUS-13-016 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  2.88E-08 [pb]
likelihood = 0.13866390723201363 , chi2 = 0.01712330843623011

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-12-024 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-12-024 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.79E-08 [pb]
likelihood = 0.04653167016160565 , chi2 = 0.7282558489640794

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-12-028 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  6.62E-04 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-12-028 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-12-028 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.96E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-002 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-004 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-006 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  9.59E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-006 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.85E-02 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-007 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-007 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  2.07E-08 [pb]
likelihood = 0.37733888977186214 , chi2 = 1.1588851189782319

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-012 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.96E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-012 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-012 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  6.62E-04 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-012 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  8.71E-05 [pb]
likelihood = 0.04109162480546924 , chi2 = 0.008070550971909896

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-013 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-013 (efficiencyMap-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  4.16E-08 [pb]
likelihood = 0.10977273124946735 , chi2 = 0.006572298674409005

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-019 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  6.62E-04 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-019 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-13-019 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  1.96E-03 [pb]
(likelihood not available)

Experimental Result: CMS-SUS-14-010 (upperLimit-type)
Theory prediction xsec =  3.07E-06 [pb]
(likelihood not available)