Source code for tools.coverage

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: coverage
   :synopsis: Definitions of classes used to find, format missing topologies
.. moduleauthor:: Ursula Laa <>    
.. moduleauthor:: Suchita Kulkarni <>

import copy, sys
from import fb

[docs]class Uncovered(object): """ Object collecting all information of non-tested/covered elements :ivar topoList: sms topology list :ivar sumL: if true, sum up electron and muon to lepton, for missing topos :ivar sumJet: if true, sum up jets, for missing topos :ivar sqrts: Center of mass energy. If defined it will only consider cross-sections for this value. Otherwise the highest sqrts value will be used. """ def __init__(self, topoList, sumL=True, sumJet=True, sqrts=None): if sqrts is None: self.sqrts = max([ for xsec in topoList.getTotalWeight()]) else: self.sqrts = sqrts self.missingTopos = UncoveredList(sumL, sumJet, self.sqrts) self.outsideGrid = UncoveredList(sumL, sumJet, self.sqrts) # FIXME change this to derived objects for printout self.longCascade = UncoveredClassifier() self.asymmetricBranches = UncoveredClassifier() self.motherIDs = [] self.prevMothers = [] self.outsideGridMothers = [] self.getAllMothers(topoList) self.fill(topoList) self.asymmetricBranches.combine() self.longCascade.combine()
[docs] def getAllMothers(self, topoList): """ Find all IDs of mother elements, only most compressed element can be missing topology :ivar topoList: sms topology list """ for el in topoList.getElements(): for mEl in el.motherElements: motherID = mEl[-1].elID if not motherID in self.motherIDs: self.motherIDs.append(motherID)
[docs] def fill(self, topoList): """ Check all elements, categorise those not tested / missing, classify long cascade decays and asymmetric branches Fills all corresponding objects :ivar topoList: sms topology list """ for el in topoList.getElements(): # loop over all elements, by construction we start with the most compressed if self.inPrevMothers(el): missing = False # cannot be missing if element with same mothers has already appeared # this is because it can certainly be compressed further to the smaller element already seen in the loop else: #if not the case, we add mothers to previous mothers and test if the topology is missin self.addPrevMothers(el) missing = self.isMissingTopo(el) #missing topo only if not covered, and counting only weights of non-covered mothers # in addition, mother elements cannot be missing, we consider only the most compressed one if not missing: # any element that is not missing might be outside the grid # outside grid should be smalles covered but not tested in compression if el.covered and not el.tested: # verify first that element is covered but not tested if not el.weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts): continue # remove elements that only have weight at higher sqrts if self.inOutsideGridMothers(el): continue # if daughter element of current element is already counted skip this element # in this way we do not double count, but always count the smallest compression that is outside the grid outsideX = self.getOutsideX(el) # as for missing topo, recursively find untested cross section if outsideX: # if all mothers are tested, this is no longer outside grid contribution, otherwise add to list el.missingX = outsideX # for combined printing function, call outside grid weight missingX as well self.outsideGrid.addToTopos(el) # add to list of outsideGrid topos continue self.missingTopos.addToTopos(el) #keep track of all missing topologies if self.hasLongCascade(el): self.longCascade.addToClasses(el) elif self.hasAsymmetricBranches(el): self.asymmetricBranches.addToClasses(el) # if no long cascade, check for asymmetric branches
[docs] def inPrevMothers(self, el): #check if smaller element with same mother has already been checked for mEl in el.motherElements: if mEl[-1].elID in self.prevMothers: return True return False
[docs] def inOutsideGridMothers(self, el): #check if this element or smaller element with same mother has already been checked if el.elID in self.outsideGridMothers: return True for mEl in el.motherElements: if mEl[-1].elID in self.outsideGridMothers: return True return False
[docs] def addPrevMothers(self, el): #add mother elements of currently tested element to previous mothers for mEl in el.motherElements: self.prevMothers.append(mEl[-1].elID)
[docs] def hasLongCascade(self, el): """ Return True if element has more than 3 particles in the decay chain :ivar el: Element """ if el._getLength() > 3: return True return False
[docs] def hasAsymmetricBranches(self, el): """ Return True if Element branches are not equal :ivar el: Element """ if el.branches[0] == el.branches[1]: return False return True
[docs] def isMissingTopo(self, el): """ A missing topology is not a mother element, not covered, and does not have mother which is covered :ivar el: Element """ if el.elID in self.motherIDs: return False # mother element can not be missing if el.covered: return False # covered = not missing missingX = self.getMissingX(el) # find total missing cross section by checking if mothers are covered if not missingX: return False # if all mothers covered, element is not missing el.missingX = missingX # missing cross section is found by adding up cross section of mothers not covered return True
[docs] def getMissingX(self,el): """ Calculate total missing cross section of element, by recursively checking if mothers are covered :ivar el: Element :returns: missing cross section in fb as number """ mothers = el.motherElements alreadyChecked = [] # for sanity check # if element has no mothers, the full cross section is missing if not el.weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts): return 0. missingX = el.weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts)[0].value.asNumber(fb) if not mothers: return missingX while mothers: # recursive loop to check all mothers newmothers = [] for mother in mothers: if mother[-1].elID in alreadyChecked: continue # sanity check, to avoid double counting alreadyChecked.append(mother[-1].elID) # now checking, so adding to alreadyChecked if mother[-1].covered: if not mother[-1].weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts): continue missingX -= mother[-1].weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts)[0].value.asNumber(fb) continue # do not count cross section if mother is covered, do not continue recursion for this contribution if not mother[-1].motherElements: continue # end of recursion if element has no mothers, we keep its cross section in missingX else: newmothers += mother[-1].motherElements # if element has mother element, check also if those are covered before adding the cross section contribution mothers = newmothers # all new mothers will be checked until we reached the end of all recursions return missingX
[docs] def getOutsideX(self,el): """ Calculate total outside grid cross section of element, by recursively checking if mothers are covered :ivar el: Element :returns: missing cross section in fb as number """ #same as getMissingX, but we also keep track of the mother elements of outsideGrid contributions # this is so we can find the smallest covered but not tested element in a chain of compressed elements mothers = el.motherElements alreadyChecked = [] if not el.weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts): return 0. missingX = el.weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts)[0].value.asNumber(fb) if not mothers: return missingX while mothers: newmothers = [] for mother in mothers: if mother[-1].elID in alreadyChecked: continue # sanity check, to avoid double counting alreadyChecked.append(mother[-1].elID) # now checking, so adding to alreadyChecked if mother[-1].tested: if not mother[-1].weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts): continue missingX -= mother[-1].weight.getXsecsFor(self.sqrts)[0].value.asNumber(fb) continue self.outsideGridMothers.append(mother[-1].elID) # mother element is not tested, but should no longer be considered as outside grid, because we already count its contribution here if not mother[-1].motherElements: continue else: newmothers += mother[-1].motherElements mothers = newmothers return missingX
[docs] def getMissingXsec(self, sqrts=None): """ Calculate total missing topology cross section at sqrts. If no sqrts is given use self.sqrts :ivar sqrts: sqrts """ xsec = 0. if not sqrts: sqrts = self.sqrts for topo in self.missingTopos.topos: for el in topo.contributingElements: xsec += el.missingX return xsec
[docs] def getOutOfGridXsec(self, sqrts=None): #FIXME same as getMissingXsec but different object, should not be separate functions xsec = 0. if not sqrts: sqrts = self.sqrts for topo in self.outsideGrid.topos: for el in topo.contributingElements: xsec += el.missingX return xsec
[docs] def getLongCascadeXsec(self, sqrts=None): xsec = 0. if not sqrts: sqrts = self.sqrts for uncovClass in self.longCascade.classes: for el in uncovClass.contributingElements: xsec += el.missingX return xsec
[docs] def getAsymmetricXsec(self, sqrts=None): xsec = 0. if not sqrts: sqrts = self.sqrts for uncovClass in self.asymmetricBranches.classes: for el in uncovClass.contributingElements: xsec += el.missingX return xsec
[docs]class UncoveredClassifier(object): """ Object collecting elements with long cascade decays or asymmetric branches. Objects are grouped according to the initially produced particle PID pair. """ def __init__(self): self.classes = []
[docs] def addToClasses(self, el): """ Add Element in corresponding UncoveredClass, defined by mother PIDs. If no corresponding class in self.classes, add new UncoveredClass :ivar el: Element """ motherPIDs = self.getMotherPIDs(el) for entry in self.classes: if entry.add(motherPIDs, el): return self.classes.append(UncoveredClass(motherPIDs, el))
[docs] def getMotherPIDs(self, el): allPIDs = [] for pids in el.getMothers(): cPIDs = [] for pid in pids: cPIDs.append(abs(pid)) cPIDs.sort() if not cPIDs in allPIDs: allPIDs.append(cPIDs) allPIDs.sort() return allPIDs
[docs] def combine(self): for ecopy in copy.deepcopy(self.classes): for e in self.classes: if e.isSubset(ecopy): e.combine(ecopy) self.remove(ecopy)
[docs] def remove(self, cl): """ Remove element where mother pids match exactly """ for i, o in enumerate(self.classes): if o.motherPIDs == cl.motherPIDs: del self.classes[i] break
[docs] def getSorted(self,sqrts): """ Returns list of UncoveredClass objects in self.classes, sorted by weight :ivar sqrts: sqrts for weight lookup """ return sorted(self.classes, key=lambda x: x.getWeight(), reverse=True)
[docs]class UncoveredClass(object): """ Object collecting all elements contributing to the same uncovered class, defined by the mother PIDs. :ivar motherPIDs: PID of initially produces particles, sorted and without charge information :ivar el: Element """ def __init__(self, motherPIDs, el): self.motherPIDs = motherPIDs # holds nested list of mother PIDs as given by element.getMothers self.contributingElements = [el] # collect all contributing elements, to keep track of weights as well
[docs] def add(self, motherPIDs, el): """ Add Element to this UncoveredClass object if motherPIDs match and return True, else return False :ivar motherPIDs: PID of initially produces particles, sorted and without charge information :ivar el: Element """ if not motherPIDs == self.motherPIDs: return False self.contributingElements.append(el) return True
[docs] def combine(self, other): for el in other.contributingElements: self.contributingElements.append(el)
[docs] def getWeight(self): """ Calculate weight at sqrts :ivar sqrts: sqrts """ xsec = 0. for el in self.contributingElements: xsec += el.missingX return xsec
[docs] def isSubset(self, other): """ True if motherPIDs of others are subset of the motherPIDs of this UncoveredClass """ if len(other.motherPIDs) >= len(self.motherPIDs): return False for mothers in other.motherPIDs: if not mothers in self.motherPIDs: return False return True
[docs]class UncoveredTopo(object): """ Object to describe one missing topology result / one topology outside the mass grid :ivar topo: topology description :ivar weights: weights dictionary """ def __init__(self, topo, contributingElements=[]): self.topo = topo self.contributingElements = contributingElements self.value = 0. # weight for sqrts set in uncoveredList, only set this in printout
[docs]class UncoveredList(object): """ Object to find and collect UncoveredTopo objects, plus printout functionality :ivar sumL: if true sum electrons and muons to leptons :ivar sumJet: if true, sum up jets :ivar sqrts: sqrts, for printout """ def __init__(self, sumL, sumJet, sqrts): self.topos = [] self.sumL = sumL self.sumJet = sumJet self.sqrts = sqrts
[docs] def addToTopos(self, el): """ adds an element to the list of missing topologies if the element contributes to a missing topology that is already in the list, add weight to topology :parameter el: element to be added """ name = self.orderbranches(self.generalName(el.__str__())) for topo in self.topos: if name == topo.topo: topo.contributingElements.append(el) return self.topos.append(UncoveredTopo(name, [el])) return
[docs] def generalName(self, instr): """ generalize by summing over charges e, mu are combined to l :parameter instr: element as string :returns: string of generalized element """ # 180318 mat: BUG? ############################# from smodels.theory.particleNames import ptcDic if self.sumL: exch = ["W", "l", "t", "ta"] else: exch = ["W", "e", "mu", "t", "ta"] if self.sumJet: exch.append("jet") for pn in exch: for on in ptcDic[pn]: instr = instr.replace(on, pn).replace("hijetjets","higgs") return instr
[docs] def orderbranches(self, instr): """ unique ordering of branches :parameter instr: element as string :returns: string of ordered element """ from smodels.theory.element import Element li = Element(instr).getParticles() for be in li: for ve in be: ve.sort() li.sort() return str(li).replace("'", "").replace(" ", "")