Source code for theory.slhaDecomposer

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: slhaDecomposer
   :synopsis: Decomposition of SLHA events and creation of TopologyLists.

.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>
.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>


import copy
import time
import sys
import pyslha
from smodels.theory import element, topology, crossSection
from smodels.theory.branch import Branch, decayBranches
from import fb, GeV
from smodels.theory.exceptions import SModelSTheoryError as SModelSError
from import logger

[docs]def decompose(slhafile, sigcut=.1 * fb, doCompress=False, doInvisible=False, minmassgap=-1.*GeV, useXSecs=None): """ Perform SLHA-based decomposition. :param sigcut: minimum sigma*BR to be generated, by default sigcut = 0.1 fb :param doCompress: turn mass compression on/off :param doInvisible: turn invisible compression on/off :param minmassgap: maximum value (in GeV) for considering two R-odd particles degenerate (only revelant for doCompress=True ) :param useXSecs: optionally a dictionary with cross sections for pair production, by default reading the cross sections from the SLHA file. :returns: list of topologies (TopologyList object) """ t1 = time.time() if doCompress and minmassgap / GeV < 0.: logger.error("Asked for compression without specifying minmassgap. Please set minmassgap.") raise SModelSError() if type(sigcut) == type(1.): sigcut = sigcut * fb try: f=pyslha.readSLHAFile ( slhafile ) except pyslha.ParseError as e: logger.error ( "The file %s cannot be parsed as an SLHA file: %s" % (slhafile, e) ) raise SModelSError() # Get cross section from file xSectionList = crossSection.getXsecFromSLHAFile(slhafile, useXSecs) # Get BRs and masses from file brDic, massDic = _getDictionariesFromSLHA(slhafile) # Only use the highest order cross sections for each process xSectionList.removeLowerOrder() # Order xsections by PDGs to improve performance xSectionList.order() # Get maximum cross sections (weights) for single particles (irrespective # of sqrtS) maxWeight = {} for pid in xSectionList.getPIDs(): maxWeight[pid] = xSectionList.getXsecsFor(pid).getMaxXsec() # Generate dictionary, where keys are the PIDs and values # are the list of cross sections for the PID pair (for performance) xSectionListDict = {} for pids in xSectionList.getPIDpairs(): xSectionListDict[pids] = xSectionList.getXsecsFor(pids) # Create 1-particle branches with all possible mothers branchList = [] for pid in maxWeight: branchList.append(Branch()) branchList[-1].PIDs = [[pid]] if not pid in massDic: logger.error ( "pid %d does not appear in masses dictionary %s in slhafile %s" % ( pid, massDic, slhafile ) ) branchList[-1].masses = [massDic[pid]] branchList[-1].maxWeight = maxWeight[pid] # Generate final branches (after all R-odd particles have decayed) finalBranchList = decayBranches(branchList, brDic, massDic, sigcut) # Generate dictionary, where keys are the PIDs and values are the list of branches for the PID (for performance) branchListDict = {} for branch in finalBranchList: if len(branch.PIDs) != 1: logger.error("During decomposition the branches should \ not have multiple PID lists!") return False if branch.PIDs[0][0] in branchListDict: branchListDict[branch.PIDs[0][0]].append(branch) else: branchListDict[branch.PIDs[0][0]] = [branch] for pid in xSectionList.getPIDs(): if not pid in branchListDict: branchListDict[pid] = [] #Sort the branch lists by max weight to improve performance: for pid in branchListDict: branchListDict[pid] = sorted(branchListDict[pid], key=lambda br: br.maxWeight, reverse=True) smsTopList = topology.TopologyList() # Combine pairs of branches into elements according to production # cross section list for pids in xSectionList.getPIDpairs(): weightList = xSectionListDict[pids] minBR = (sigcut/weightList.getMaxXsec()).asNumber() if minBR > 1.: continue for branch1 in branchListDict[pids[0]]: BR1 = branch1.maxWeight/maxWeight[pids[0]] #Branching ratio for first branch if BR1 < minBR: break #Stop loop if BR1 is already too low for branch2 in branchListDict[pids[1]]: BR2 = branch2.maxWeight/maxWeight[pids[1]] #Branching ratio for second branch if BR2 < minBR: break #Stop loop if BR2 is already too low finalBR = BR1*BR2 if type(finalBR) == type(1.*fb): finalBR = finalBR.asNumber() if finalBR < minBR: continue # Skip elements with xsec below sigcut if len(branch1.PIDs) != 1 or len(branch2.PIDs) != 1: logger.error("During decomposition the branches should \ not have multiple PID lists!") return False newElement = element.Element([branch1, branch2]) newElement.weight = weightList*finalBR newElement.sortBranches() #Make sure elements are sorted BEFORE adding them smsTopList.addElement(newElement) smsTopList.compressElements(doCompress, doInvisible, minmassgap) smsTopList._setElementIds() logger.debug("slhaDecomposer done in %.2f s." % (time.time() -t1 ) ) return smsTopList
[docs]def writeIgnoreMessage ( keys, rEven, rOdd ): msg = "" from smodels.particlesLoader import rEven for pid in keys: if not pid in list(rEven) + list(rOdd): logger.warning("Particle %i not defined in, its decays will be ignored" %(pid)) continue if pid in rEven: msg += "%s, " % rEven[pid] continue if len(msg)>0: logger.debug ( "Ignoring %s decays" % msg[:-2] )
def _getDictionariesFromSLHA(slhafile): """ Create mass and BR dictionaries from an SLHA file. Ignore decay blocks with R-parity violating or unknown decays """ res = pyslha.readSLHAFile(slhafile) # Get mass and branching ratios for all particles brDic = {} from smodels.particlesLoader import rOdd, rEven writeIgnoreMessage ( res.decays.keys(), rEven.keys(), rOdd.keys() ) for pid in res.decays.keys(): if not pid in list(rOdd.keys()): continue brs = [] for decay in res.decays[pid].decays: nEven = nOdd = 0. for pidd in decay.ids: if pidd in rOdd.keys(): nOdd += 1 elif pidd in rEven.keys(): nEven += 1 else: logger.warning("Particle %i not defined in,decay %i -> [%s] will be ignored" %(pidd,pid,decay.ids)) break if nOdd + nEven == len(decay.ids) and nOdd == 1: brs.append(decay) else:"Ignoring decay: %i -> [%s]",pid,decay.ids) brsConj = copy.deepcopy(brs) for br in brsConj: br.ids = [-x for x in br.ids] brDic[pid] = brs brDic[-pid] = brsConj # Get mass list for all particles massDic = dict(res.blocks['MASS'].items()) for pid in list ( massDic.keys() )[:]: massDic[pid] = round(abs(massDic[pid]),1)*GeV if not -pid in massDic: massDic[-pid] = massDic[pid] return brDic, massDic