Source code for theory.particleNames

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: particleNames
   :synopsis: Provides functions for getting particle names from pdg ids, and
              other helpers.

.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>


import sys
import copy
from smodels.theory.exceptions import SModelSTheoryError as SModelSError
import itertools

from import logger

ptcDic = {"e"  : ["e+",  "e-"],                                                                                                               
          "mu" : ["mu+", "mu-"],                                                                                                              
          "ta" : ["ta+", "ta-"],                                                                                                              
          "l+" : ["e+",  "mu+"],                                                                                                              
          "l-" : ["e-",  "mu-"],                                                                                                              
          "l"  : ["e-",  "mu-", "e+", "mu+"],                                                                                                 
          "W"  : ["W+",  "W-"],                                                                                                               
          "t"  : ["t+",  "t-"],                                                                                                               
          "L+" : ["e+",  "mu+", "ta+"],                                                                                                       
          "L-" : ["e-",  "mu-", "ta-"],                                                                                                       
          "L"  : ["e+",  "mu+", "ta+", "e-", "mu-", "ta-"],                                                                                   
          "jet" : ["q", "g", "c", "pi"],                                                                                                      
          "all" : ["e+",  "mu+", "ta+", "e-", "mu-", "ta-", "W+", "W-","Z",                                                                   

[docs]def getName(pdg): """ Convert pdg number to particle name according to the dictionaries rOdd and rEven. :type pdg: int :returns: particle name (e.g. gluino, mu-, ...) """ from smodels.particlesLoader import rEven, rOdd p = int(pdg) if p in rOdd: return rOdd[p] if p in rEven: return rEven[p] else: return False
[docs]def getPdg(name): """ Convert a name to the pdg number according to the dictionaries rOdd and rEven. :type name: string :returns: particle pdg; None, if name could not be resolved """ from smodels.particlesLoader import rEven, rOdd for (pdg, pname) in rOdd.items(): if name == pname: return abs(pdg) for (pdg, pname) in rEven.items(): if name == pname: return abs(pdg) return None
[docs]def elementsInStr(instring,removeQuotes=True): """ Parse instring and return a list of elements appearing in instring. instring can also be a list of strings. :param instring: string containing elements (e.g. "[[['e+']],[['e-']]]+[[['mu+']],[['mu-']]]") :param removeQuotes: If True, it will remove the quotes from the particle labels. Set to False, if one wants to run eval on the output. :returns: list of elements appearing in instring in string format """ from smodels.particlesLoader import rEven, rOdd outstr = "" if type(instring) == type('st'): outstr = instring elif type(instring) == type([]): for st in instring: if type(st) != type('st'): logger.error("Input must be a string or a list of strings") raise SModelSError() # Combine list of strings in a single string outstr += st else: raise SModelSError ( "syntax error in constraint/condition: ``%s''." \ "Check your constraints and conditions in your database." % str(instring) ) elements = [] outstr = outstr.replace(" ", "") if removeQuotes: outstr = outstr.replace("'", "") elStr = "" nc = 0 # Parse the string and looks for matching ['s and ]'s, when the matching is # complete, store element for c in outstr: delta = 0 if c == '[': delta = -1 elif c == ']': delta = 1 nc += delta if nc != 0: elStr += c if nc == 0 and delta != 0: elements.append(elStr + c) elStr = "" # Syntax checks ptclist = elements[-1].replace(']', ',').replace('[', ',').\ split(',') for ptc in ptclist: ptc = ptc.replace("'","") if not ptc: continue if not ptc in rEven.values() and not ptc in ptcDic: logger.error("Unknown particle. Add " + ptc + " to your") raise SModelSError() # Check if there are not unmatched ['s and/or ]'s in the string if nc != 0: logger.error("Wrong input (incomplete elements?) " + instring) raise SModelSError() return elements
[docs]def vertInStr(instring): """ Parses instring (or a list of strings) and returns the list of particle vertices appearing in instring. """ if type(instring) == type('st'): outstr = instring elif type(instring) == type([]): outstr = "" for st in instring: if type(st) != type('st'): logger.error("Input must be a string or a list of strings") raise SModelSError() # Combine list of strings in a single string outstr += st vertices = [] outstr = outstr.replace(" ", "").replace("'", "") vertStr = "" nc = 0 # Parse the string and looks for matching ['s and ]'s, when the matching is # complete, store element for c in outstr: delta = 0 if c == '[': delta = -1 elif c == ']': delta = 1 nc += delta if c == '[': vertStr = "" if nc != 0 and c != '[' and c != ']': vertStr += c if delta > 0 and vertStr: vertices.append(vertStr.split(',')) # Syntax checks: for ptc in vertices[-1]: if not ptc: continue if not ptc in rEven.values() and not ptc in ptcDic: logger.error("Unknown particle. Add " + ptc + " to smodels/") raise SModelSError() vertStr = "" # Check if there are not unmatched ['s and/or ]'s in the string if nc != 0: logger.error("Wrong input (incomplete elements?) " + instring) raise SModelSError() return vertices
[docs]def simParticles(plist1, plist2, useDict=True): """ Compares two lists of particle names. Allows for dictionary labels (Ex: L = l, l+ = l, l = l-,...). Ignores particle ordering inside the list :param plist1: first list of particle names, e.g. ['l','jet'] :param plist2: second list of particle names :param useDict: use the translation dictionary, i.e. allow e to stand for e+ or e-, l+ to stand for e+ or mu+, etc :returns: True/False if the particles list match (ignoring order) """ from smodels.particlesLoader import rEven, rOdd if not isinstance(plist1,list) or type(plist1) != type(plist2): logger.error("Input must be a list") raise SModelSError() if len(plist1) != len(plist2): return False for i,p in enumerate(plist1): if not isinstance(p,str) or not isinstance(plist2[i],str): logger.error("Input must be a list of particle strings") raise SModelSError() elif not p in list ( ptcDic.keys() ) + list ( rEven.values() ): logger.error("Unknow particle: %s" %p) raise SModelSError() elif not plist2[i] in list ( ptcDic.keys() ) + list ( rEven.values() ): logger.error("Unknow particle: %s" %plist2[i]) raise SModelSError() l1 = sorted(plist1) l2 = sorted(plist2) if not useDict: return l1 == l2 #If dictionary is to be used, replace particles by their dictionay entries #e.g. [jet,mu+] -> [[q,g,c],[mu+]], [jet,mu] -> [[q,g,c],[mu+,mu-]] extendedL1 = [] for i,p in enumerate(plist1): if not p in ptcDic: extendedL1.append([p]) else: extendedL1.append(ptcDic[p]) extendedL2 = [] for i,p in enumerate(plist2): if not p in ptcDic: extendedL2.append([p]) else: extendedL2.append(ptcDic[p]) #Generate all combinations of particle lists (already sorted to avoid ordering issues) #e.g. [[q,g,c],[mu+]] -> [[q,mu+],[g,mu+],[c,mu+]] extendedL1 = [sorted(list(i)) for i in itertools.product(*extendedL1)] extendedL2 = [sorted(list(i)) for i in itertools.product(*extendedL2)] #Now compare the two lists and see if there is a match: for plist in extendedL1: if plist in extendedL2: return True return False