Source code for theory.branch

.. module:: branch
   :synopsis: Module holding the branch class and methods.
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>

import sys
from smodels.theory.particleNames import simParticles, elementsInStr
from import fb, MeV
from smodels.theory.exceptions import SModelSTheoryError as SModelSError
from import logger

[docs]class Branch(object): """ An instance of this class represents a branch. A branch-element can be constructed from a string (e.g., ('[b,b],[W]'). :ivar masses: list of masses for the intermediate states :ivar particles: list of particles (strings) for the final states :ivar PIDs: a list of the pdg numbers of the intermediate states appearing in the branch. If the branch represents more than one possible pdg list, PIDs will correspond to a nested list (PIDs = [[pid1,pid2,...],[pidA,pidB,...]) :ivar maxWeight: weight of the branch (XSection object) """ def __init__(self, info=None): """ Initializes the branch. If info is defined, tries to generate the branch using it. :parameter info: string describing the branch in bracket notation (e.g. [[e+],[jet]]) """ self.masses = [] self.particles = [] self.PIDs = [] self.maxWeight = None self.vertnumb = None self.vertparts = None from smodels.particlesLoader import rEven from smodels.theory.particleNames import ptcDic if type(info) == type(str()): branch = elementsInStr(info) if not branch or len(branch) > 1: logger.error("Wrong input string " + info) raise SModelSError() else: branch = branch[0] vertices = elementsInStr(branch[1:-1]) for vertex in vertices: ptcs = vertex[1:-1].split(',') # Syntax check: for ptc in ptcs: if not ptc in rEven.values() \ and not ptc in ptcDic: logger.error("Unknown particle. Add " + ptc + " to smodels/") raise SModelSError() self.particles.append(ptcs) self.vertnumb = len(self.particles) self.vertparts = [len(v) for v in self.particles] def __str__(self): """ Create the branch bracket notation string, e.g. [[e+],[jet]]. :returns: string representation of the branch (in bracket notation) """ st = str(self.particles).replace("'", "") st = st.replace(" ", "") return st def __cmp__(self,other): """ Compares the branch with other. The comparison is made based on . OBS: The particles inside each vertex MUST BE sorted (see branch.sortParticles()) :param other: branch to be compared (Branch object) :return: -1 if self < other, 0 if self == other, +1, if self > other. """ # print ( type ( self.masses[0] ) ) if self.vertnumb != other.vertnumb: comp = self.vertnumb > other.vertnumb if comp: return 1 else: return -1 elif self.vertparts != other.vertparts: comp = self.vertparts > other.vertparts if comp: return 1 else: return -1 elif self.particles != other.particles: comp = self.particles > other.particles if comp: return 1 else: return -1 elif not self.masses == other.masses: comp = self.masses > other.masses if comp: return 1 else: return -1 else: return 0 #Branches are equal
[docs] def sortParticles(self): """ Sort the particles inside each vertex """ for iv,vertex in enumerate(self.particles): self.particles[iv] = sorted(vertex)
[docs] def setInfo(self): """ Defines the number of vertices (vertnumb) and number of particles in each vertex (vertpats) properties, if they have not been defined yet. """ self.vertnumb = len(self.particles) self.vertparts = [len(v) for v in self.particles]
[docs] def particlesMatch(self, other): """ Compare two Branches for matching particles, allow for inclusive particle labels (such as the ones defined in :parameter other: branch to be compared (Branch object) :returns: True if branches are equal (particles and masses match); False otherwise. """ if type (other) != type(self): return False #Make sure number of vertices and particles have been defined self.setInfo() other.setInfo() if self.vertnumb != other.vertnumb: return False if self.vertparts != other.vertparts: return False for iv,vertex in enumerate(self.particles): if not simParticles(vertex,other.particles[iv]): return False return True
[docs] def copy(self): """ Generate an independent copy of self. Faster than deepcopy. :returns: Branch object """ newbranch = Branch() newbranch.masses = self.masses[:] newbranch.particles = self.particles[:] newbranch.PIDs = [] self.setInfo() newbranch.vertnumb = self.vertnumb newbranch.vertparts = self.vertparts[:] for pidList in self.PIDs: newbranch.PIDs.append(pidList[:]) if not self.maxWeight is None: newbranch.maxWeight = self.maxWeight.copy() return newbranch
[docs] def getLength(self): """ Returns the branch length (number of R-odd particles). :returns: length of branch (number of R-odd particles) """ return len(self.masses)
def __lt__( self, b2 ): return self.__cmp__ ( b2 ) == -1 def __eq__( self, b2 ): return self.__cmp__ ( b2 ) == 0 def _addDecay(self, br, massDictionary): """ Generate a new branch adding a 1-step cascade decay This is described by the br object, with particle masses given by massDictionary. :parameter br: branching ratio object (see pyslha). Contains information about the decay. :parameter massDictionary: dictionary containing the masses for all intermediate states. :returns: extended branch (Branch object). False if there was an error. """ newBranch = self.copy() newparticles = [] newmass = [] if len(self.PIDs) != 1: logger.error("During decay the branch should \ not have multiple PID lists!") return False from smodels.particlesLoader import rEven for partID in br.ids: # Add R-even particles to final state if partID in rEven: newparticles.append(rEven[partID]) else: # Add masses of non R-even particles to mass vector newmass.append(massDictionary[partID]) newBranch.PIDs[0].append(partID) if len(newmass) > 1: logger.warning("Multiple R-odd particles in the final state: " + str(br.ids)) return False if newparticles: newBranch.particles.append(sorted(newparticles)) if newmass: newBranch.masses.append(newmass[0]) if not self.maxWeight is None: newBranch.maxWeight = self.maxWeight * return newBranch
[docs] def decayDaughter(self, brDictionary, massDictionary): """ Generate a list of all new branches generated by the 1-step cascade decay of the current branch daughter. :parameter brDictionary: dictionary with the decay information for all intermediate states (values are br objects, see pyslha) :parameter massDictionary: dictionary containing the masses for all intermediate states. :returns: list of extended branches (Branch objects). Empty list if daughter is stable or if daughterID was not defined. """ if len(self.PIDs) != 1: logger.error("Can not decay branch with multiple PID lists") return False if not self.PIDs[0][-1]: # Do nothing if there is no R-odd daughter (relevant for RPV decays # of the LSP) return [] #If decay table is not defined, assume daughter is stable: if not self.PIDs[0][-1] in brDictionary: return [] # List of possible decays (brs) for R-odd daughter in branch brs = brDictionary[self.PIDs[0][-1]] if len(brs) == 0: # Daughter is stable, there are no new branches return [] newBranches = [] for br in brs: if not continue #Skip zero BRs # Generate a new branch for each possible decay newBranches.append(self._addDecay(br, massDictionary)) return newBranches
[docs]def decayBranches(branchList, brDictionary, massDictionary, sigcut=0. *fb): """ Decay all branches from branchList until all unstable intermediate states have decayed. :parameter branchList: list of Branch() objects containing the initial mothers :parameter brDictionary: dictionary with the decay information for all intermediate states (values are br objects, see pyslha) :parameter massDictionary: dictionary containing the masses for all intermediate states. :parameter sigcut: minimum sigma*BR to be generated, by default sigcut = 0. (all branches are kept) :returns: list of branches (Branch objects) """ finalBranchList = [] while branchList: # Store branches after adding one step cascade decay newBranchList = [] for inbranch in branchList: if sigcut.asNumber() > 0. and inbranch.maxWeight < sigcut: # Remove the branches above sigcut and with length > topmax continue # Add all possible decays of the R-odd daughter to the original # branch (if any) newBranches = inbranch.decayDaughter(brDictionary, massDictionary) if newBranches: # New branches were generated, add them for next iteration newBranchList.extend(newBranches) else: # All particles have already decayed, store final branch finalBranchList.append(inbranch) # Use new branches (if any) for next iteration step branchList = newBranchList #Sort list by initial branch PID: finalBranchList = sorted(finalBranchList, key=lambda branch: branch.PIDs) return finalBranchList