Source code for tools.databaseBrowser

.. module:: databaseBrowser
   :synopsis: Centralized facility to access smodels-database.

.. moduleauthor:: Veronika Magerl <>
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>


import numpy, unum
from smodels.base.smodelsLogging import logger
from smodels.experiment.expAuxiliaryFuncs import getAttributesFrom,getValuesForObj
from smodels.experiment.exceptions import SModelSExperimentError as SModelSError
from smodels.experiment.databaseObj import Database,ExpResult


[docs]class Browser(object): """ Browses the database, exits if given path does not point to a valid smodels-database. Browser can be restricted to specified run or experiment. """ def __init__(self, database, force_txt = False ): """ :param force_txt: If True forces loading the text database. :param database: Path to the database or Database object """ self._selectedExpResults = [] load = None if force_txt == True: load = "txt" if isinstance(database,str): if database.endswith(".pcl"): load = "pcl" self.database = Database(database, load ) elif isinstance(database,Database): self.database = database else: logger.error("The input must be the database location or a Database object.") raise SModelSError() self.loadAllResults() def __iter__(self): return iter(self._selectedExpResults) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._selectedExpResults[index] def __setitem__(self, index, expRes): if not isinstance(expRes,ExpResult): logger.error("Input object must be a ExpResult() object") raise SModelSError() else: self._selectedExpResults[index] = expRes def __len__(self): return len(self._selectedExpResults) def __str__(self): return str([expRes.globalInfo.getInfo('id') for expRes in self._selectedExpResults])
[docs] def loadAllResults(self): """ Saves all the results from database to the _selectedExpResults. Can be used to restore all results to _selectedExpResults. """ self._selectedExpResults = self.database.expResultList[:]
[docs] def getValuesFor(self,attribute,expResult=None): """ Returns a list for the possible values appearing in the database for the required attribute (sqrts,id,constraint,...). :param attribute: name of a field in the database (string). :param expResult: if defined, restricts the list to the corresponding expResult. Must be an ExpResult object. :return: list of values """ if not expResult: return getValuesForObj(self,attribute) else: return getValuesForObj(expResult,attribute)
[docs] def getAttributes(self,showPrivate=False): """ Checks for all the fields/attributes it contains as well as the attributes of its objects if they belong to smodels.experiment. :param showPrivate: if True, also returns the protected fields (_field) :return: list of field names (strings) """ attributes = getAttributesFrom(self) if not showPrivate: attributes = list(filter(lambda a: a[0] != '_', attributes)) return attributes
[docs] def getEfficiencyFor(self,expid,dataset,txname,massarray): """ Get an efficiency for the given experimental id, the dataset name, the txname, and the massarray. Can only be used for EfficiencyMap-type experimental results. Interpolation is done, if necessary. :param expid: experimental id (string) :param dataset: dataset name (string) :param txname: txname (string). :param massarray: list of masses with units, e.g. [[ 400.*GeV, 100.*GeV],[400.*GeV, 100.*GeV]] :return: efficiency """ #First select the experimental results matching the id and the result type: expres = None for expResult in self: if != expid: continue else: if 'efficiencyMap' in [ds.dataInfo.dataType for ds in expResult.datasets]: expres = expResult break if not expres: logger.warning( "Could not find efficiencyMap result %s."\ " getEfficiencyForr can only be\ used for efficiencyMap results." % (expid)) return None return expres.getEfficiencyFor(txname=txname, mass=massarray, dataset=dataset)
[docs] def getULFor(self,expid,txname,massarray, expected=False ): """ Get an upper limit for the given experimental id, the txname, and the massarray. Can only be used for UL experimental results. Interpolation is done, if necessary. :param expid: experimental id (string) :param txname: txname (string). ONLY required for upper limit results :param massarray: list of masses with units, e.g. [[ 400.*GeV, 100.*GeV],[400.*GeV, 100.*GeV]] :param expected: If true, return expected upper limit, otherwise return observed upper limit. :return: upper limit [fb] """ #First select the experimental results matching the id and the result type: expres = None for expResult in self: if != expid: continue else: if 'upperLimit' in [ds.dataInfo.dataType for ds in expResult.datasets]: expres = expResult break if not expres: logger.warning( "Could not find UL result %s. getULFor can only be\ used for upper-limit results." % (expid)) return None txnames = expres.getTxNames() for tx in txnames: if not tx.txName == txname: continue return tx.getULFor(sms=None,mass=massarray,expected=expected) logger.warning( "Could not find TxName %s ." % (txname)) return None
[docs] def getULForSR(self,expid,datasetID): """ Get an upper limit for the given experimental id and dataset (signal region). Can only be used for efficiency-map results. :param expid: experimental id (string) :param datasetID: string defining the dataset id, e.g. ANA5-CUT3. :return: upper limit [fb] """ #First select the experimental results matching the id and the result type: expres = None for expResult in self: if != expid: continue else: if 'efficiencyMap' in [ds.dataInfo.dataType for ds in expResult.datasets]: expres = expResult break if not expres: logger.warning ("Could not find efficiency-map result %s . getULForSR can only be\ used for efficiency-map results." % (expid)) return None for dataset in expres.datasets: if dataset.getID() != datasetID: continue return dataset.getSRUpperLimit() logger.warning ( "Could not find dataset %s ." % (datasetID)) return None
[docs] def selectExpResultsWith(self,**restrDict): """ Loads the list of the experimental results (pair of InfoFile and DataFile) satisfying the restrictions to the _selectedExpResults. The restrictions specified as a dictionary. :param restrDict: selection fields and their allowed values. E.g. lumi = [19.4/fb, 20.3/fb], txName = 'T1',....} The values can be single entries or a list of values. For the fields not listed, all values are assumed to be allowed. """ #First check all the selected fields exist and build the corresponding #restriction dictionary rDict = {} allfields = self.getAttributes() for tag,value in restrDict.items(): if tag in allfields: rDict[tag] = value else: logger.warning("Field/attribute %s not found (will be ignored)." % tag) results = self.database.expResultList[:] for expRes in results[:]: expAttributes = expRes.getAttributes() for tag in restrDict: #Check if the restriction tag appears in the experimental result if not tag in expAttributes: results.remove(expRes) break vals = expRes.getValuesFor(tag) #If it does, check if any of the values in expResult match any of the values given #as restrictions if not isinstance(restrDict[tag],list): rvals = [restrDict[tag]] else: rvals = restrDict[tag] #If there is a type mismatch, also remove try: intersec = numpy.intersect1d(vals,rvals) except unum.IncompatibleUnitsError: logger.warning("Incompatible units, skipping result.") results.remove(expRes) break if len(intersec) == 0: results.remove(expRes) break self._selectedExpResults = results[:] if not self._selectedExpResults: logger.warning("Zero results loaded.")
[docs]def main(args): """ IPython interface for browsing the Database. """ try: import IPython except ImportError: print("IPython is not installed.") print("To use this script, please install ipython.") import sys sys.exit() from import databaseBrowser from smodels.base.physicsUnits import fb, pb, GeV, TeV def getHeader (): from smodels.installation import installDirectory header = "" with open( installDirectory()+"smodels/share/BANNER") as f: lines=f.readlines() for line in lines: header+=line header += "\n" header += "fb, pb, GeV, TeV defined.\n" header += "\nBrowser loaded for %s \n" %( args.path_to_database ) header += "Try 'print(browser)' for the list of available results.\n" header += "More examples on how to access the database can be found in the SModelS manual.\n" header += "\nType 'exit' to exit this session." return header browser = databaseBrowser.Browser(args.path_to_database, args.text ) IPython.embed(header=getHeader())