Source code for base.particle

.. module:: particle
   :synopsis: Defines the particle, multiparticle and particle list classes, their methods and related functions

.. moduleauthor:: Alicia Wongel <>
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>

import itertools
import weakref

[docs]class Particle(object): """ An instance of this class represents a single particle. The properties are: label, pdg, mass, electric charge, color charge, width """ _instances = set() _lastID = 0 def __new__(cls, attributesDict={}, **kwargs): """ Creates a particle. If a particle with the exact same attributes have already been created return this particle instead. Assigns an ID to the instance using the class Particle._instance list. Reset the comparison dictionary. :param attributesDict: A dictionary with particle attributes (useful for pickling/unpickling). Attributes can also be directly assigned using keyword arguments. Possible properties for arguments. isSM: True/False label: str, e.g. 'e-' pdg: number in pdg mass: mass of the particle echarge: electric charge as multiples of the unit charge colordim: color dimension of the particle spin: spin of the particle totalwidth: total width """ if not kwargs and not attributesDict: raise ValueError("Particle object can not be created with empty attributes") attrDict = dict(attributesDict.items()) attrDict.update(kwargs) attrDict.pop('_id', None) attrDict.pop('_comp', None) for obj in Particle.getinstances(): if not isinstance(obj, Particle): continue objAttr = dict(obj.__dict__.items()) objAttr.pop('_id', None) objAttr.pop('_comp', None) if objAttr != attrDict: continue return obj newParticle = super(Particle, cls).__new__(cls) for attr, value in attrDict.items(): setattr(newParticle, attr, value) newParticle._id = Particle.getID() newParticle._comp = {newParticle._id: 0} newParticle._isStable = None newParticle._isPrompt = None Particle._instances.add(weakref.ref(newParticle)) return newParticle def __getnewargs__(self): """ Required for unpickling the object. When loading the pickled object, it will call __new__ with the arguments returned by this method. """ attrDict = dict(self.__dict__.items()) # Make sure pickled/unpickled objects do no store ID nor comparison dict attrDict.pop('_id', None) attrDict.pop('_comp', None) return (attrDict,) def __getstate__(self): """ Makes sure the particle ID and comparison matrix are not stored in the pickle file, so they are dynamically assigned when the pickle file is loaded. """ attrDict = dict(self.__dict__.items()) # Make sure pickled objects do no store ID nor comparison dict attrDict.pop('_id', None) attrDict.pop('_comp', None) return attrDict def __setstate__(self, state): """ Dummy function, since all the initialization and attribute setting is handled by __new__. """ pass def __hash__(self): """ Return the object address. Required for using weakref """ return self._id
[docs] @classmethod def getinstances(cls): dead = set() instances = [] for ref in Particle._instances: obj = ref() if obj is not None: instances.append(obj) else: dead.add(ref) Particle._instances -= dead return instances
[docs] @classmethod def getID(cls): if len(Particle.getinstances()) == 0: Particle._lastID = 0 else: Particle._lastID += 1 return Particle._lastID
def __cmp__(self, other): """ Compares particle with other. The comparison is based on the particle properties. :param other: particle to be compared (Particle or MultiParticle object) :return: -1 if particle < other, 1 if particle > other and 0 if particle == other """ # First check if we have already compared to this object if other._id in self._comp: return self._comp[other._id] elif self._id in other._comp: return -other._comp[self._id] cmpProp = self.cmpProperties(other) # Objects have not been compared yet. self._comp[other._id] = cmpProp other._comp[self._id] = -cmpProp return cmpProp def __lt__(self, p2): return self.__cmp__(p2) == -1 def __gt__(self, p2): return self.__cmp__(p2) == 1 def __eq__(self, p2): return self.__cmp__(p2) == 0 def __ne__(self, p2): return self.__cmp__(p2) != 0 def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'label'): return self.label else: return '' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __add__(self, other): """ Define addition of two Particle objects or a Particle object and a MultiParticle object. The result is a MultiParticle object containing both particles. """ if isinstance(other, MultiParticle): return other.__add__(self) elif self.contains(other): return self elif other.contains(self): return other else: combined = MultiParticle(particles=[self, other]) return combined def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __iadd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other)
[docs] def describe(self): return str(self.__dict__)
[docs] def eqProperties(self, other, properties=['isSM', 'spin', 'colordim', 'eCharge', 'mass', 'totalwidth']): """ Check if particle has the same properties (default is spin, colordim and eCharge) as other. Only compares the attributes which have been defined in both objects. :param other: a Particle or MultiParticle object :param properties: list with properties to be compared. Default is spin, colordim and eCharge :return: True if all properties are the same, False otherwise. """ if self.cmpProperties(other, properties=properties) == 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def cmpProperties(self, other, properties=['isSM', 'spin', 'colordim', 'eCharge', 'mass', 'totalwidth']): """ Compare properties (default is isSM, spin, colordim, eCharge, mass and totalwidth). Return 0 if properties are equal, -1 if self < other and 1 if self > other. Only compares the attributes which have been defined in both objects. The comparison is made in hierarchical order, following the order defined by the properties list. :param other: a Particle or MultiParticle object :param properties: list with properties to be compared. Default is spin, colordim and eCharge :return: 0 if properties are equal, -1 if self < other and 1 if self > other. """ if isinstance(other, (MultiParticle)): return -1 * other.cmpProperties(self, properties=properties) for prop in properties: if not hasattr(self, prop) or not hasattr(other, prop): continue x = getattr(self, prop) y = getattr(other, prop) if x == y: continue if x > y: return 1 else: return -1 return 0
[docs] def copy(self): """ Make a copy of self with a distinct ID. :return: A Particle object identical to self, except for its ID and comparison dict """ newParticle = object.__new__(Particle) for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(newParticle, attr, value) newParticle._id = Particle.getID() newParticle._comp = {newParticle._id: 0} Particle._instances.add(weakref.ref(newParticle)) return newParticle
[docs] def chargeConjugate(self, label=None): """ Returns the charge conjugate particle (flips the sign of eCharge). If it has a pdg property also flips its sign. If label is None, the charge conjugate name is defined as the original name plus "~" or if the original name ends in "+" ("-"), it is replaced by "-" ("+"). :parameter label: If defined, defines the label of the charge conjugated particle. :return: the charge conjugate particle (Particle object) """ particleAttr = dict(self.__dict__.items()) for attr, value in particleAttr.items(): if attr in ['pdg', 'eCharge'] and isinstance(value, (float, int)): particleAttr[attr] = -1*value if attr == 'label': if value[-1] == '+': particleAttr[attr] = value[:-1]+'-' elif value[-1] == '-': particleAttr[attr] = value[:-1]+'+' elif value[-1] == '~': particleAttr[attr] = value[:-1] else: particleAttr[attr] = value+'~' # Overwrite default labelling if label is not None: particleAttr['label'] = label pConjugate = Particle(**particleAttr) return pConjugate
[docs] def isNeutral(self): """ Return True if the particle is electrically charged and color neutral. If these properties have not been defined, return True. :return: True/False """ if hasattr(self, 'eCharge') and self.eCharge != 0: return False if hasattr(self, 'colordim') and self.colordim != 1: return False return True
[docs] def isMET(self): """ Checks if the particle can be considered as MET. If the _isInvisible attribute has not been defined, it will return True/False is isNeutral() = True/False. Else it will return the _isInvisible attribute. :return: True/False """ if hasattr(self, '_isInvisible'): return self._isInvisible else: return self.isNeutral()
[docs] def isPrompt(self): """ Checks if the particle decays promptly. If _isPrompt has been set, return its value, otherwise set to True if self.totalwidth == inf. :return: True/False """ if self._isPrompt is None: self._isPrompt = (self.totalwidth.asNumber() == float('inf')) return self._isPrompt
[docs] def isStable(self): """ Checks if the particle is stable. If _isStable has been set, return its value, otherwise set to True if self.totalwidth == 0. :return: True/False """ if self._isStable is None: self._isStable = (self.totalwidth.asNumber() == 0) return self._isStable
[docs] def contains(self, particle): """ If particle is a Particle object check if self and particle are the same object. :param particle: Particle or MultiParticle object :return: True/False """ if self is particle: return True else: return False
[docs]class MultiParticle(Particle): """ An instance of this class represents a list of particle object to allow for inclusive expressions such as jets. The properties are: label, pdg, mass, electric charge, color charge, width """ def __new__(cls, label=None, particles=[], attributesDict={}, **kwargs): """ Creates a multiparticle. If a multiparticle with the exact same particles already been created return this multiparticle instead. Assigns an ID to the isntance using the class Particle._instance list. Reset the comparison dictionary. :param label: Label for the MultiParticle (string) :param particles: List of Particle or MultiParticle objects (list) :param attributesDict: A dictionary with particle attributes (useful for pickling/unpickling). Attributes can also be directly assigned using keyword arguments. """ particles = sorted(particles) if not label: label = "/".join(sorted(list(set([p.label for p in particles])))) attrDict = dict(attributesDict.items()) attrDict.update(kwargs) attrDict.pop('_id', None) attrDict.pop('_comp', None) for obj in Particle.getinstances()[:]: if not isinstance(obj, MultiParticle): continue # Directly compare attributes, except for particles,label,id and _comp objAttr = dict(obj.__dict__.items()) objAttr.pop('_id', None) objAttr.pop('_comp', None) objAttr.pop('label', None) objAttr.pop('particles', None) if objAttr != attrDict: continue pListB = obj.particles if len(particles) != len(pListB): continue if any(pA is not pListB[i] for i, pA in enumerate(particles)): continue return obj newMultiParticle = super(Particle, cls).__new__(cls) for attr, value in attrDict.items(): setattr(newMultiParticle, attr, value) newMultiParticle.particles = particles[:] newMultiParticle.label = label newMultiParticle._id = Particle.getID() newMultiParticle._comp = {newMultiParticle._id: 0} newMultiParticle._comp.update(dict([[ptc._id, 0] for ptc in particles])) Particle._instances.add(weakref.ref(newMultiParticle)) return newMultiParticle def __getnewargs__(self): """ Required for unpickling the object. When loading the pickled object, it will call __new__ with the arguments returned by this method. """ attrDict = dict(self.__dict__.items()) attrDict.pop('label', None) attrDict.pop('particles', None) # Make sure pickled/unpickled objects do no store ID nor comparison dict attrDict.pop('_id', None) attrDict.pop('_comp', None) return (self.label, self.particles, attrDict) def __getstate__(self): """ Makes sure the particle ID and comparison matrix are not stored in the pickle file, so they are dynamically assigned when the pickle file is loaded. """ attrDict = dict(self.__dict__.items()) # Make sure pickled objects do no store ID nor comparison dict attrDict.pop('_id', None) attrDict.pop('_comp', None) return attrDict def __setstate__(self, state): """ Dummy function, since all the initialization and attribute setting is handled by __new__. """ pass def __getattr__(self, attr): """ If MultiParticle does not have attribute, return a list if the attributes of each particle in self.particles. If not all particles have the attribute, it will raise an exception. If all particles share a common attribute, a single value will be returned. :parameter attr: Attribute string :return: Attribute or list with the attribute values in self.particles """ try: values = [getattr(particle, attr) for particle in self.particles] if all(type(x) == type(values[0]) for x in values): if all(x == values[0] for x in values): return values[0] return values except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError) as e: raise AttributeError(e)
[docs] def cmpProperties(self, other, properties=['isSM', 'spin', 'colordim', 'eCharge', 'mass', 'totalwidth']): """ Compares the properties in self with the ones in other. If other is a Particle object, checks if any of the particles in self matches other. If other is a MultiParticle object, checks if any particle in self matches any particle in other. If self and other are equal returns 0, else returns the result of comparing the first particle of self with other. :param other: a Particle or MultiParticle object :param properties: list with properties to be compared. Default is spin, colordim and eCharge :return: 0 if properties are equal, -1 if self < other and 1 if self > other. """ # Check if any of its particles matches other if isinstance(other, Particle): otherParticles = [other] elif isinstance(other, MultiParticle): otherParticles = other.particles for otherParticle in otherParticles: if any(p.cmpProperties(otherParticle, properties) == 0 for p in self.particles): return 0 cmpv = self.particles[0].cmpProperties(otherParticles[0], properties) return cmpv
def __add__(self, other): """ Define addition of two Particle objects or a Particle object and a MultiParticle object. The result is a MultiParticle object containing both particles. """ if other is self or self.contains(other): # Check if other is self or a subset of self return self # Check if self is a subset of other if other.contains(self): return other elif isinstance(other, MultiParticle): addParticles = [ptc for ptc in other.particles if not self.contains(ptc)] elif isinstance(other, Particle): addParticles = [other] combinedParticles = self.particles + addParticles combined = MultiParticle(particles=combinedParticles) return combined def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __iadd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other)
[docs] def getPdgs(self): """ pdgs appearing in MultiParticle :return: list of pgds of particles in the MultiParticle """ pdgs = [particle.pdg for particle in self.particles] return pdgs
[docs] def getLabels(self): """ labels appearing in MultiParticle :return: list of labels of particles in the MultiParticle """ labels = [particle.label for particle in self.particles] return labels
[docs] def isNeutral(self): """ Return True if ALL particles in particle list are neutral. :return: True/False """ neutral = all(particle.isNeutral() for particle in self.particles) return neutral
[docs] def isMET(self): """ Checks if all the particles in self can be considered as MET. :return: True/False """ met = all(particle.isMET() for particle in self.particles) return met
[docs] def contains(self, particle): """ Check if MultiParticle contains the Particle object or MultiParticle object. :param particle: Particle or MultiParticle object :return: True/False """ if isinstance(particle, MultiParticle): checkParticles = particle.particles else: checkParticles = [particle] for otherParticle in checkParticles: hasParticle = False for p in self.particles: if p.contains(otherParticle): hasParticle = True if not hasParticle: return False return True