Source code for tools.pyhfInterface

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: pyhfInterface
   :synopsis: Code that delegates the computation of limits and likelihoods to

.. moduleauthor:: Gael Alguero <>
.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>

import jsonpatch
import warnings
import jsonschema
import copy

    import importlib.metadata
    jsonver = importlib.metadata.version("jsonschema")
except Exception as e:
        from jsonschema import __version__ as jsonver
    except Exception as e:
if jsonver[0] == "2":
#if jsonschema.__version__[0] == "2": ## deprecated
    print ( "[SModelS:pyhfInterface] jsonschema is version %s, we need > 3.x.x" % \
            ( jsonschema.__version__ ) )

import time, sys, os
    import pyhf
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print ( "[SModelS:pyhfInterface] pyhf import failed. Is the module installed?" )

ver = pyhf.__version__.split(".")
if ver[1]=="4" or (ver[1]=="5" and ver[2] in [ "0", "1" ]):
    print ( "[SModelS:pyhfInterface] WARNING you are using pyhf v%s." % pyhf.__version__ )
    print ( "[SModelS:pyhfInterface] We recommend pyhf >= 0.5.2. Please try to update pyhf ASAP!" )

pyhfinfo = { "backend": "numpy", "hasgreeted": False, "backendver": "?", "ver": ver,
             "required": "0.6.1".split(".") }

    import torch
    pyhfinfo["backend"] = "pytorch"
    pyhfinfo["backendver"] = torch.__version__
except pyhf.exceptions.ImportBackendError as e:
    print ( "[SModelS:pyhfInterface] WARNING could not set pytorch as the pyhf backend, falling back to the default." )
    print ( "[SModelS:pyhfInterface] We however recommend that pytorch be installed." )
    import numpy

    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'invalid value encountered in log')

from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
from import logger
import logging

[docs]def getLogger(): """ Configure the logging facility. Maybe adapted to fit into your framework. """ import logging logger = logging.getLogger("pyhfInterface") # formatter = logging.Formatter('%(module)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s') # ch = logging.StreamHandler() # ch.setFormatter(formatter) # ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # logger.addHandler(ch) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return logger
countWarning = { "llhdszero": 0 } #logger=getLogger()
[docs]class PyhfData: """ Holds data for use in pyhf :ivar nsignals: signal predictions list divided into sublists, one for each json file :ivar inputJsons: list of json instances :ivar jsonFiles: optional list of json files :ivar nWS: number of workspaces = number of json files """ def __init__ (self, nsignals, inputJsons, jsonFiles = None ): self.nsignals = nsignals # fb self.inputJsons = inputJsons self.cached_likelihoods = {} ## cache of likelihoods (actually twice_nlls) self.cached_lmaxes = {} # cache of lmaxes (actually twice_nlls) self.cachedULs = { False: {}, True: {}, "posteriori": {} } self.jsonFiles = jsonFiles self.combinations = None if jsonFiles != None: self.combinations = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(js))[0] for js in jsonFiles] self.nWS = len(inputJsons) self.errorFlag = False self.getWSInfo() self.checkConsistency()
[docs] def getWSInfo(self): """ Getting informations from the json files :ivar channelsInfo: list of dictionaries (one dictionary for each json file) containing useful information about the json files - :key signalRegions: list of dictonaries with 'json path' and 'size' (number of bins) of the 'signal regions' channels in the json files - :key otherRegions: list of strings indicating the path to the control and validation region channels """ # Identifying the path to the SR and VR channels in the main workspace files self.channelsInfo = [] # workspace specifications if not isinstance(self.inputJsons, list): logger.error("The `inputJsons` parameter must be of type list") self.errorFlag = True return for ws in self.inputJsons: wsChannelsInfo = {} wsChannelsInfo['signalRegions'] = [] wsChannelsInfo['otherRegions'] = [] if not 'channels' in ws.keys(): logger.error("Json file number {} is corrupted (channels are missing)".format(self.inputJsons.index(ws))) self.channelsInfo = None return for i_ch, ch in enumerate(ws['channels']): if ch['name'][:2] == 'SR': # if channel name starts with 'SR' wsChannelsInfo['signalRegions'].append({'path':'/channels/'+str(i_ch)+'/samples/0', # Path of the new sample to add (signal prediction) 'size':len(ch['samples'][0]['data'])}) # Number of bins else: wsChannelsInfo['otherRegions'].append('/channels/'+str(i_ch)) wsChannelsInfo['otherRegions'].sort(key=lambda path: path.split('/')[-1], reverse=True) # Need to sort correctly the paths to the channels to be removed self.channelsInfo.append(wsChannelsInfo)
[docs] def checkConsistency(self): """ Check various inconsistencies of the PyhfData attributes :param zeroSignalsFlag: boolean identifying if all SRs of a single json are empty """ if not isinstance(self.nsignals, list): logger.error("The `nsignals` parameter must be of type list") self.errorFlag = True if self.nWS != len(self.nsignals): logger.error('The number of subsignals provided is different from the number of json files') self.errorFlag = True self.zeroSignalsFlag = list() if self.channelsInfo == None: return for wsInfo, subSig in zip(self.channelsInfo, self.nsignals): if not isinstance(subSig, list): logger.error("The `nsignals` parameter must be a two dimensional list") self.errorFlag = True nBinsJson = 0 for sr in wsInfo['signalRegions']: nBinsJson += sr['size'] if nBinsJson != len(subSig): logger.error('The number of signals provided is different from the number of bins for json number {} and channel number {}'.format(self.channelsInfo.index(wsInfo), self.nsignals.index(subSig))) self.errorFlag = True allZero = all([s == 0 for s in subSig]) # Checking if all signals matching this json are zero self.zeroSignalsFlag.append(allZero)
[docs]class PyhfUpperLimitComputer: """ Class that computes the upper limit using the jsons files and signal informations in the `data` instance of `PyhfData` """ def __init__ ( self, data, cl=0.95, includeCRs = False): """ :param data: instance of `PyhfData` holding the signals information :param cl: confdence level at which the upper limit is desired to be computed :ivar data: created from :param data: :ivar nsignals: signal predictions list divided into sublists, one for each json file :ivar inputJsons: list of input json files as python json instances :ivar channelsInfo: list of channels information for the json files :ivar zeroSignalsFlag: list boolean flags in case all signals are zero for a specific json :ivar nWS: number of workspaces = number of json files :ivar patches: list of patches to be applied to the inputJsons as python dictionary instances :ivar workspaces: list of workspaces resulting from the patched inputJsons ;ivar workspaces_expected: list of patched workspaces with observation yields replaced by the expected ones :ivar cl: created from :param cl: :ivar scale: scale that is applied to the signal predictions, dynamically changes throughout the upper limit calculation :ivar alreadyBeenThere: boolean flag that identifies when the :ivar nsignals: accidentally passes twice at two identical values """ = data self.nsignals = logger.debug("Signals : {}".format(self.nsignals)) self.inputJsons = self.channelsInfo = self.zeroSignalsFlag = self.nWS = self.includeCRs = includeCRs self.patches = self.patchMaker() self.workspaces = self.wsMaker() self.workspaces_expected = self.wsMaker(apriori = True) = cl self.scale = 1. self.alreadyBeenThere = False # boolean to detect wether self.signals has returned to an older value self.checkPyhfVersion() self.welcome()
[docs] def welcome ( self ): """ greet the world """ if pyhfinfo["hasgreeted"]: return ( f"Pyhf interface, we are using v{'.'.join(pyhfinfo['ver'])}, with {pyhfinfo['backend']} v{pyhfinfo['backendver']} as backend." ) pyhfinfo["hasgreeted"] = True
[docs] def checkPyhfVersion ( self ): """ check the pyhf version, currently we need 0.6.1+ """ if pyhfinfo["ver"] < pyhfinfo["required"]: logger.warning ( f"pyhf version is {'.'.join(pyhfinfo['ver'])}. SModelS currently requires pyhf>={'.'.join(pyhfinfo['required'])}. You have been warned." )
[docs] def rescale(self, factor): """ Rescales the signal predictions (self.nsignals) and processes again the patches and workspaces :return: updated list of patches and workspaces (self.patches, self.workspaces and self.workspaces_expected) """ self.nsignals = [[sig*factor for sig in ws] for ws in self.nsignals] try: self.alreadyBeenThere = self.nsignals == self.nsignals_2 except AttributeError: pass self.scale *= factor logger.debug('new signal scale : {}'.format(self.scale)) self.patches = self.patchMaker() self.workspaces = self.wsMaker() self.workspaces_expected = self.wsMaker(apriori = True) try: self.nsignals_2 = self.nsignals_1.copy() # nsignals at previous-to-previous loop except AttributeError: pass self.nsignals_1 = self.nsignals.copy() # nsignals at previous loop
[docs] def patchMaker(self): """ Method that creates the list of patches to be applied to the `self.inputJsons` workspaces, one for each region given the `self.nsignals` and the informations available in `self.channelsInfo` and the content of the `self.inputJsons` NB: It seems we need to include the change of the "modifiers" in the patches as well :return: the list of patches, one for each workspace """ if self.channelsInfo == None: return None nsignals = self.nsignals # Constructing the patches to be applied on the main workspace files patches = [] for ws, info, subSig in zip(self.inputJsons, self.channelsInfo, self.nsignals): patch = [] for srInfo in info['signalRegions']: nBins = srInfo['size'] operator = {} operator["op"] = "add" operator["path"] = srInfo['path'] value = {} value["data"] = subSig[:nBins] subSig = subSig[nBins:] value["modifiers"] = [] value["modifiers"].append({"data": None, "type": "normfactor", "name": "mu_SIG"}) value["modifiers"].append({"data": None, "type": "lumi", "name": "lumi"}) value["name"] = "bsm" operator["value"] = value patch.append(operator) if self.includeCRs: logger.debug("keeping the CRs") else: for path in info['otherRegions']: patch.append({'op':'remove', 'path':path}) patches.append(patch) return patches
[docs] def wsMaker(self, apriori = False): """ Apply each region patch (self.patches) to his associated json (self.inputJsons) to obtain the complete workspaces :param apriori: - If set to `True`: Replace the observation data entries of each workspace by the corresponding sum of the expected yields - Else: The observed yields put in the workspace are the ones written in the corresponfing json dictionary :returns: the list of patched workspaces """ if self.patches == None: return None if self.nWS == 1: try: wsDict = jsonpatch.apply_patch(self.inputJsons[0], self.patches[0]) if apriori == True: # Replace the observation data entries by the corresponding sum of the expected yields for obs in wsDict['observations']: for ch in wsDict['channels']: # Finding matching observation and bkg channel if obs['name'] == ch['name']: bkg = [0.]*len(obs['data']) for sp in ch['samples']: if sp['name'] == 'bsm': continue for iSR in range(len(obs['data'])): # Summing over all bkg samples for each bin/SR bkg[iSR] += sp['data'][iSR] # logger.debug('bkgs for channel {} :\n{}'.format(obs['name'], bkg)) obs['data'] = bkg return [pyhf.Workspace(wsDict)] except (pyhf.exceptions.InvalidSpecification, KeyError) as e: logger.error("The json file is corrupted:\n{}".format(e)) return None else: workspaces = [] for js, patch in zip(self.inputJsons, self.patches): wsDict = jsonpatch.apply_patch(js, patch) if apriori == True: # Replace the observation data entries by the corresponding sum of the expected yields for obs in wsDict['observations']: for ch in wsDict['channels']: # Finding matching observation and bkg channel if obs['name'] == ch['name']: bkg = [0.]*len(obs['data']) for sp in ch['samples']: if sp['name'] == 'bsm': continue for iSR in range(len(obs['data'])): # Summing over all bkg samples for each bin/SR bkg[iSR] += sp['data'][iSR] # logger.debug('bkgs for channel {} :\n{}'.format(obs['name'], bkg)) obs['data'] = bkg try: ws = pyhf.Workspace(wsDict) except (pyhf.exceptions.InvalidSpecification, KeyError) as e: logger.error("Json file number {} is corrupted:\n{}".format(self.inputJsons.index(json), e)) return None workspaces.append(ws) return workspaces
[docs] def backup ( self ): self.bu_signal = copy.deepcopy ( )
[docs] def restore ( self ): if not hasattr ( self, "bu_signal" ): return = copy.deepcopy ( self.bu_signal ) del self.bu_signal
[docs] def likelihood( self, mu=1., workspace_index=None, nll=False, expected=False ): """ Returns the value of the likelihood. Inspired by the `pyhf.infer.mle` module but for non-log likelihood :param workspace_index: supply index of workspace to use. If None, choose index of best combo :param nll: if true, return nll, not llhd :param expected: if False, compute expected values, if True, compute a priori expected, if "posteriori" compute posteriori expected """ mumin,mumax = -10., 20. if mu>mumax: if countWarning["llhdszero"]<1: logger.warning ( f"likelihoods of signal strengths mu= {mu:.1f} > {mumax} are automatically set to 0 (will suppress similar msgs)" ) countWarning["llhdszero"]+=1 return self.exponentiateNLL ( None, not nll ) if mu<mumin: if countWarning["llhdszero"]<1: logger.warning ( f"likelihoods of signal strengths mu= {mu:.1f} < {mumin} are automatically set to 0 (will suppress similar msgs)" ) countWarning["llhdszero"]+=1 return self.exponentiateNLL ( None, not nll ) # print ( "pyhf likelihood for", mu ) logger.debug("Calling likelihood") if type(workspace_index ) == float: logger.error ( "workspace index is float" ) # logger.error("expected flag needs to be heeded!!!") with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings ( "ignore", "Values in x were outside bounds during a minimize step, clipping to bounds" ) # warnings.filterwarnings ( "ignore", "", module="pyhf.exceptions" ) if workspace_index == None: workspace_index = self.getBestCombinationIndex() if workspace_index == None: return None self.backup() try: if abs ( mu-1.) > 1e-6: for i,ns in enumerate ( ): for j,v in enumerate ( ns ):[i][j]=v*mu self.__init__( ### allow this, for computation of l_SM #if self.zeroSignalsFlag[workspace_index] == True: # logger.warning("Workspace number %d has zero signals" % workspace_index) # return None workspace = self.updateWorkspace(workspace_index, expected = expected) # Same modifiers_settings as those used when running the 'pyhf cls' command line msettings = { 'normsys': {'interpcode': 'code4'}, 'histosys': {'interpcode': 'code4p'}} model = workspace.model(modifier_settings=msettings) d = indices = [] slices = list ( workspace.channel_slices.values() ) for slce in slices: for i in range ( slce.start, slce.stop ): indices.append ( i ) total = np.array( [ d[i][0][i] for i in indices ]) if np.any ( total[total<0] ): # we have negative total yields. return a llhd of 0 for that self.restore() return self.exponentiateNLL ( None, not nll ) _, nllh = pyhf.infer.mle.fixed_poi_fit( 1., d, model, return_fitted_val=True, maxiter=200 ) except (pyhf.exceptions.FailedMinimization, ValueError) as e: logger.debug ( f"pyhf fixed_poi_fit failed for mu={mu}: {e}" ) # lets try with different initialisation init, n_ = pyhf.infer.mle.fixed_poi_fit( 0.,, model, return_fitted_val=True, maxiter=200 ) initpars=init.tolist() initpars[1]=1 for i in [ 0, 2 ]: initpars[i]=1. try: _, nllh = pyhf.infer.mle.fixed_poi_fit( 1.,, model, return_fitted_val=True, init_pars = initpars, maxiter=200 ) except (pyhf.exceptions.FailedMinimization, ValueError) as e: ( f"pyhf fixed_poi_fit failed twice for mu={mu}: {e}" ) self.restore() return self.exponentiateNLL ( None, not nll ) except: self.restore() return self.exponentiateNLL ( None, not nll ) # print ( "likelihood best fit", _ ) ret = nllh.tolist() try: ret = float(ret) except: ret = float(ret[0])[workspace_index]=ret #THIS CAN STAY BC IT MAY BE NEEDED ELSEWHERE IN THE CODE ret = self.exponentiateNLL ( ret, not nll ) # print ( "now leaving the fit mu=", mu, "llhd", ret, "nsig was", ) self.restore() return ret
[docs] def getBestCombinationIndex( self ): """ find the index of the best expected combination """ if self.nWS == 1: return 0 logger.debug("Finding best expected combination among %d workspace(s)" % self.nWS) ulMin = float('+inf') i_best = None for i_ws in range(self.nWS): if self.zeroSignalsFlag[i_ws] == True: logger.debug("Workspace number %d has zero signals" % i_ws) continue else: ul = self.ulSigma(expected=True, workspace_index=i_ws) if ul == None: continue if ul < ulMin: ulMin = ul i_best = i_ws return i_best
[docs] def chi2(self, workspace_index=None): """ Returns the chi square """ return 2 * ( self.lmax ( workspace_index, nll=True ) - self.likelihood ( workspace_index, nll=True ) )
[docs] def exponentiateNLL ( self, twice_nll, doIt ): """ if doIt, then compute likelihood from nll, else return nll """ if twice_nll == None: if doIt: return 0. return 9000. if doIt: return np.exp(-twice_nll/2.) return twice_nll / 2.
[docs] def lmax( self, workspace_index=None, nll=False, expected=False, allowNegativeSignals = False ): """ Returns the negative log max likelihood :param nll: if true, return nll, not llhd :param workspace_index: supply index of workspace to use. If None, choose index of best combo :param expected: if False, compute expected values, if True, compute a priori expected, if "posteriori" compute posteriori expected :param allowNegativeSignals: if False, then negative nsigs are replaced with 0. """ # logger.error("expected flag needs to be heeded!!!") logger.debug("Calling lmax") with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings ( "ignore", "Values in x were outside bounds during a minimize step, clipping to bounds" ) self.__init__( if workspace_index == None: workspace_index = self.getBestCombinationIndex() if workspace_index != None: if self.zeroSignalsFlag[workspace_index] == True: logger.warning("Workspace number %d has zero signals" % workspace_index) return None else: workspace = self.updateWorkspace(workspace_index, expected = expected) else: return None # Same modifiers_settings as those used when running the 'pyhf cls' command line msettings = {'normsys': {'interpcode': 'code4'}, 'histosys': {'interpcode': 'code4p'}} model = workspace.model(modifier_settings=msettings) try: bounds = model.config.suggested_bounds() if allowNegativeSignals: bounds[model.config.poi_index] = (-5., 10. ) muhat, maxNllh =, model, return_fitted_val=True, par_bounds = bounds ) muhat = muhat[model.config.poi_index]*self.scale except (pyhf.exceptions.FailedMinimization, ValueError) as e: logger.error ( f"pyhf failed {e}" ) muhat, maxNllh = float("nan"), float("nan") self.muhat = muhat try: ret = maxNllh.tolist() except: ret = maxNllh try: ret = float(ret) except: ret = float(ret[0]) [ workspace_index ] = ret ret = self.exponentiateNLL ( ret, not nll ) return ret
[docs] def updateWorkspace(self, workspace_index = None, expected = False): """ Small method used to return the appropriate workspace :param workspace_index: the index of the workspace to retrieve from the corresponding list :param expected: if False, retuns the unmodified (but patched) workspace. Used for computing observed or aposteriori expected limits. if True, retuns the modified (and patched) workspace, where obs = sum(bkg). Used for computing apriori expected limit. """ if self.nWS == 1: if expected == True: return self.workspaces_expected[0] else: return self.workspaces[0] else: if workspace_index == None: logger.error("No workspace index was provided.") if expected == True: return self.workspaces_expected[workspace_index] else: return self.workspaces[workspace_index]
# Trying a new method for upper limit computation : # re-scaling the signal predictions so that mu falls in [0, 10] instead of # looking for mu bounds # Usage of the index allows for rescaling
[docs] def ulSigma (self, expected=False, workspace_index=None): """ Compute the upper limit on the signal strength modifier with: - by default, the combination of the workspaces contained into self.workspaces - if workspace_index is specified, self.workspace[workspace_index] (useful for computation of the best upper limit) :param expected: - if set to `True`: uses expected SM backgrounds as signals - else: uses `self.nsignals` :param workspace_index: - if different from `None`: index of the workspace to use for upper limit - else: choose best combo :return: the upper limit at `` level (0.95 by default) """ if workspace_index in[expected]: return[expected][workspace_index] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings ( "ignore", "Values in x were outside bounds during a minimize step, clipping to bounds" ) startUL = time.time() logger.debug("Calling ulSigma") if or self.workspaces == None: # For now, this flag can only be turned on by PyhfData.checkConsistency return None if all( [self.zeroSignalsFlag[workspace_index] for workspace_index in range(self.nWS)] ) == True: logger.debug("There is (are) %d workspace(s) and no signal(s) was (were) found" % self.nWS) return None if workspace_index == None: workspace_index = self.getBestCombinationIndex() if workspace_index == None: logger.debug("Best combination index not found") return None def root_func(mu ): # If expected == False, use unmodified (but patched) workspace # If expected == True, use modified workspace where observations = sum(bkg) (and patched) # If expected == posteriori, use unmodified (but patched) workspace workspace = self.updateWorkspace(workspace_index, expected = expected) # Same modifiers_settings as those use when running the 'pyhf cls' command line msettings = {'normsys': {'interpcode': 'code4'}, 'histosys': {'interpcode': 'code4p'}} model = workspace.model(modifier_settings=msettings) bounds = model.config.suggested_bounds() bounds[model.config.poi_index] = (0,10) start = time.time() args = {} args["return_expected"] = ( expected == "posteriori" ) args["par_bounds"] = bounds # args["maxiter"]=100000 pver = float ( pyhf.__version__[:3] ) stat = "qtilde" if pver < 0.6: args["qtilde"]=True else: args["test_stat"]=stat with np.testing.suppress_warnings() as sup: if pyhfinfo["backend"] == "numpy": sup.filter ( RuntimeWarning, r'invalid value encountered in log') # print ("expected", expected, "return_expected", args["return_expected"], "mu", mu, "\ :",, include_auxdata = False), "\nworkspace.observations :", workspace.observations, "\nobs[data] :", workspace['observations']) try: result = pyhf.infer.hypotest(mu,, model, **args ) except Exception as e: ( f"when testing hypothesis {mu}, caught exception: {e}" ) result = float("nan") if expected == "posteriori": result = [ float("nan") ]*2 end = time.time() logger.debug("Hypotest elapsed time : %1.4f secs" % (end - start)) logger.debug(f"result for {mu} {result}" ) if expected == "posteriori": logger.debug('computing a-posteriori expected limit') logger.debug("expected = {}, mu = {}, result = {}".format(expected, mu, result)) try: CLs = float(result[1].tolist()) except TypeError: CLs = float(result[1][0]) else: logger.debug("expected = {}, mu = {}, result = {}".format(expected, mu, result)) CLs = float(result) # logger.debug("Call of root_func(%f) -> %f" % (mu, 1.0 - CLs)) return 1.0 - - CLs # Rescaling singals so that mu is in [0, 10] factor = 3. wereBothLarge = False wereBothTiny = False nattempts = 0 nNan = 0 lo_mu, med_mu, hi_mu = .2, 1., 5. # print ( "starting with expected", expected ) while "mu is not in [lo_mu,hi_mu]": nattempts += 1 if nNan > 5: #logger.warning("encountered NaN 5 times while trying to determine the bounds for brent bracketing. now trying with q instead of qtilde test statistic") return None # nattempts = 0 if nattempts > 10: logger.warning ( "tried 10 times to determine the bounds for brent bracketing. we abort now." ) return None # Computing CL(1) - 0.95 and CL(10) - 0.95 once and for all rt1 = root_func(lo_mu ) # rt5 = root_func(med_mu) rt10 = root_func(hi_mu ) # print ( "we are at",lo_mu,med_mu,hi_mu,"values at", rt1, rt5, rt10, "scale at", self.scale,"factor at", factor ) if rt1 < 0. and 0. < rt10: # Here's the real while condition break if self.alreadyBeenThere: factor = 1 + (factor-1)/2 logger.debug("Diminishing rescaling factor") if np.isnan(rt1): rt5 = root_func ( med_mu ) if rt5 < 0. and rt10 > 0.: lo_mu = med_mu med_mu = np.sqrt (lo_mu * hi_mu) continue if rt10 < 0.: ## also try to increase hi_mu hi_mu = hi_mu + ( 10. - hi_mu ) * .5 med_mu = np.sqrt (lo_mu * hi_mu) nNan += 1 self.rescale(factor) continue if np.isnan(rt10): rt5 = root_func ( med_mu ) if rt5 > 0. and rt1 < 0.: hi_mu = med_mu med_mu = np.sqrt (lo_mu * hi_mu) continue if rt1 > 0.: ## also try to decrease lo_mu lo_mu = lo_mu * .5 med_mu = np.sqrt (lo_mu * hi_mu) nNan += 1 self.rescale(1/factor) continue # Analyzing previous values of wereBoth*** if rt10 < 0 and rt1 < 0 and wereBothLarge: factor = 1 + (factor-1)/2 logger.debug("Diminishing rescaling factor") if rt10 > 0 and rt1 > 0 and wereBothTiny: factor = 1 + (factor-1)/2 logger.debug("Diminishing rescaling factor") # Preparing next values of wereBoth*** wereBothTiny = rt10 < 0 and rt1 < 0 wereBothLarge = rt10 > 0 and rt1 > 0 # Main rescaling code if rt10 < 0.: self.rescale(factor) continue if rt1 > 0.: self.rescale(1/factor) continue # Finding the root (Brent bracketing part) logger.debug("Final scale : %f" % self.scale) logger.debug("Starting brent bracketing") ul = optimize.brentq(root_func, lo_mu, hi_mu, rtol=1e-3, xtol=1e-3) endUL = time.time() logger.debug("ulSigma elpased time : %1.4f secs" % (endUL - startUL))[expected][workspace_index]=ul*self.scale return ul*self.scale # self.scale has been updated within self.rescale() method
if __name__ == "__main__": C = [ 18774.2, -2866.97, -5807.3, -4460.52, -2777.25, -1572.97, -846.653, -442.531, -2866.97, 496.273, 900.195, 667.591, 403.92, 222.614, 116.779, 59.5958, -5807.3, 900.195, 1799.56, 1376.77, 854.448, 482.435, 258.92, 134.975, -4460.52, 667.591, 1376.77, 1063.03, 664.527, 377.714, 203.967, 106.926, -2777.25, 403.92, 854.448, 664.527, 417.837, 238.76, 129.55, 68.2075, -1572.97, 222.614, 482.435, 377.714, 238.76, 137.151, 74.7665, 39.5247, -846.653, 116.779, 258.92, 203.967, 129.55, 74.7665, 40.9423, 21.7285, -442.531, 59.5958, 134.975, 106.926, 68.2075, 39.5247, 21.7285, 11.5732] nsignal = [ x/100. for x in [47,29.4,21.1,14.3,9.4,7.1,4.7,4.3] ] m=Data( observed=[1964,877,354,182,82,36,15,11], backgrounds=[2006.4,836.4,350.,147.1,62.0,26.2,11.1,4.7], covariance= C, # third_moment = [ 0.1, 0.02, 0.1, 0.1, 0.003, 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0005 ], third_moment = [ 0. ] * 8, nsignal = nsignal, name="ATLAS-SUSY-2018-31 model" ) ulComp = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(cl=.95) #uls = ulComp.ulSigma ( Data ( 15,17.5,3.2,0.00454755 ) ) #print ( "uls=", uls ) ul_old = 131.828*sum(nsignal) #With respect to the older refernece value one must normalize the xsec print ( "old ul=", ul_old ) ul = ulComp.ulSigma ( m ) print ( "ul (marginalized)", ul ) ul = ulComp.ulSigma ( m, marginalize=False ) print ( "ul (profiled)", ul )