Source code for tools.interactivePlots

.. module:: interactive_plots
   :synopsis: Main module of the interactive plots.

.. moduleauthor:: Humberto Reyes <>
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>
.. moduleauthor:: Sabine Kraml <>


from __future__ import print_function

from import logger, setLogLevel
from smodels.theory.exceptions import SModelSTheoryError as SModelSError
import os,glob,pathlib
import importlib.util
from import interactivePlotsHelpers as helpers
import smodels

[docs]class Plotter(object): """ A class to store the required data and produce the interactive plots """ def __init__(self,smodelsFolder,slhaFolder,parameterFile,modelFile=None ): """ Initializes the class. :parameter smodelsFolder: path to the folder or tarball containing the smodels (python) output files :parameter slhaFolder: path to the folder or tarball containing the SLHA input files :parameter parameterFile: path to the file containing the plotting definitions :parameter modelFile: path to the model file, e.g smodels/share/models/ """ self.data_dict = [] self.smodelsFolder = smodelsFolder self.slhaFolder = slhaFolder self.parameterFile = parameterFile self.modelFile = modelFile self.slha_hover_information = None self.ctau_hover_information = None self.BR_hover_information = None self.SModelS_hover_information = None self.plot_data = None self.variable_x = None self.variable_y = None self.plot_list = None self.min_BR = None if not os.path.isfile(parameterFile): raise SModelSError('Parameters file %s not found' %parameterFile) if modelFile != None: if not os.path.isfile(self.modelFile): raise SModelSError(' file %s not found' % modelFile ) if not os.path.exists(smodelsFolder): raise SModelSError("%s not found" %smodelsFolder) if not os.path.exists(slhaFolder): raise SModelSError("%s not found" %slhaFolder) self.loadParameters() self.loadModelFile() self.initializeDataDict()
[docs] def loadParameters(self): """ Reads the parameters from the plotting parameter file. """"Reading parameters from %s ..." %(self.parameterFile)) parFile = self.parameterFile try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "parameters", self.parameterFile ) parameters = importlib.util.module_from_spec( spec ) spec.loader.exec_module(parameters) # except Exception as e: except (IOError,ValueError,ImportError,SyntaxError) as e: logger.error("Error loading parameters file %s: %s" % (self.parameterFile,e) ) raise SModelSError() if not hasattr(parameters, 'slha_hover_information'): logger.debug("slha_hover_information dictionary was not found in %s. SLHA data will not be included in info box." %parFile) self.slha_hover_information = {} else: self.slha_hover_information = parameters.slha_hover_information if not hasattr(parameters, 'ctau_hover_information'): logger.debug("ctau_hover_information dictionary was not found in %s. Lifetime data will not be included in info box." %parFile) self.ctau_hover_information = {} else: self.ctau_hover_information = parameters.ctau_hover_information if not hasattr(parameters, 'BR_hover_information'): logger.debug("BR_hover_information dictionary was not found in %s. Branching ratio data will not be included in info box." %parFile) self.BR_hover_information = {} else: self.BR_hover_information = parameters.BR_hover_information if not hasattr(parameters, 'SModelS_hover_information'): logger.debug("SModelS_hover_information dictionary was not found in %s. SModelS data will not be included in info box." %parFile) self.SModelS_hover_information = {} else: self.SModelS_hover_information = list(set(parameters.SModelS_hover_information)) if not hasattr(parameters, 'plot_data'): logger.debug("plot_data list was not found in %s. All points will be plotted" %parFile) self.plot_data = ['all'] else: self.plot_data = list(set(parameters.plot_data)) if not hasattr(parameters, 'variable_x'): raise SModelSError("variable_x was not found in %s. Please define the variable to be plotted in the x-axis." %parFile) else: self.variable_x = parameters.variable_x if not hasattr(parameters, 'variable_y'): raise SModelSError("variable_y was not found in %s. Please define the variable to be plotted in the y-axis." %parFile) else: self.variable_y = parameters.variable_y if not hasattr(parameters, 'plot_list'): raise SModelSError("plot_list was not found in %s. Please define the list of plots to be plotted." %parFile) else: self.plot_list = list(set(parameters.plot_list)) if not hasattr(parameters,'min_BR'): logger.debug("min_BR not found in %s. Will include all decay channels") self.min_BR = 'all' else: self.min_BR = parameters.min_BR if not hasattr(parameters,'plot_title'): logger.warning("plot_title not defined in %s. Using default title" %parFile) self.plot_title = 'interactive-plots' else: self.plot_title = parameters.plot_title
[docs] def loadModelFile(self): """ Reads the parameters from the plotting parameter file. """"Reading file from %s ..." %(self.modelFile)) if self.modelFile==None: self.particle_names=None else: try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "BSMparticles", self.modelFile ) parameters = importlib.util.module_from_spec( spec ) spec.loader.exec_module(parameters) self.particle_names = parameters except: logger.warning("Error loading file %s , will use pdgs instead.", self.modelFile) self.particle_names=None
[docs] def getParticleName(self,pdg): """ looks for the particle label in the file """ found=False full_list=self.particle_names.BSMList for particle in full_list: #print(particle.pdg) if isinstance(particle,smodels.theory.particle.MultiParticle): for sub_pdg in particle.pdg: if sub_pdg==pdg: particle_name=particle.label found=True else: if particle.pdg==pdg: particle_name=particle.label found=True if found: break if not found: particle_name=pdg return particle_name
[docs] def editSlhaInformation(self): """Edits slha_hover_information,ctau_hover_information,BR_hover_information,variable_x,variable_y if they are defined as a list. The function transforms it in a dict whose keys are the object names """ #variable_x if isinstance(self.variable_x,list): variable_x_dict={} if self.variable_x[0]=='MASS' and self.particle_names!=None: particle_name=Plotter.getParticleName(self,self.variable_x[1]) var_name='m('+particle_name+')' else: var_name=str(self.variable_x[0])+str(self.variable_x[1]) variable_x_dict[var_name]=self.variable_x self.variable_x=variable_x_dict #variable_y if isinstance(self.variable_y,list): variable_y_dict={} if self.variable_y[0]=='MASS' and self.particle_names!=None: particle_name=Plotter.getParticleName(self,self.variable_y[1]) var_name='m('+particle_name+')' else: var_name=str(self.variable_y[0])+str(self.variable_y[1]) variable_y_dict[var_name]=self.variable_y self.variable_y=variable_y_dict #slha_hover_information if isinstance(self.slha_hover_information,list): slha_hover_information_dict={} for slha_info in self.slha_hover_information: if slha_info[0]=='MASS' and self.particle_names!=None: particle_name=Plotter.getParticleName(self,slha_info[1]) var_name='m('+particle_name+')' else: var_name=str(slha_info[0])+str(slha_info[1]) slha_hover_information_dict[var_name]=slha_info self.slha_hover_information=slha_hover_information_dict #ctau hover information if isinstance(self.ctau_hover_information,list): ctau_hover_information_dict={} for slha_info in self.ctau_hover_information: if self.particle_names!=None: particle_name=Plotter.getParticleName(self,slha_info) var_name='ctau('+particle_name+')' else: var_name='ctau('+str(slha_info)+')' ctau_hover_information_dict[var_name]=slha_info self.ctau_hover_information=ctau_hover_information_dict #BR hover information if isinstance(self.BR_hover_information,list): BR_hover_information_dict={} for slha_info in self.BR_hover_information: if self.particle_names!=None: particle_name=Plotter.getParticleName(self,slha_info) var_name='BR('+particle_name+')' else: var_name='BR('+str(slha_info)+')' BR_hover_information_dict[var_name]=slha_info self.BR_hover_information=BR_hover_information_dict return
[docs] def initializeDataDict(self): """ Initializes an empty dictionary with the plotting options. """ Plotter.editSlhaInformation(self) self.data_dict = {} self.data_dict['SModelS_status']=[] for smodels_names in sorted(self.SModelS_hover_information): if smodels_names=='SModelS_status': continue self.data_dict[smodels_names]=[] for plot_name in self.plot_list: self.data_dict[plot_name]=[] for slha_names in self.slha_hover_information: self.data_dict[slha_names]=[] if list(self.variable_x.keys())[0] not in self.slha_hover_information.keys(): for variable in self.variable_x: self.data_dict[variable]=[] if list(self.variable_y.keys())[0] not in self.slha_hover_information.keys(): for variable in self.variable_y: self.data_dict[variable]=[] for ctau in self.ctau_hover_information: self.data_dict[ctau]=[] for BR in self.BR_hover_information: self.data_dict[BR]=[] self.data_dict['file'] = []
[docs] def fillWith(self,smodelsOutput,slhaData): """ Fill the dictionary (data_dict) with the desired data from the smodels output dictionary (smodelsDict) and the pyslha.Doc object slhaData """ filler=helpers.Filler(self,smodelsOutput,slhaData) #Fill with smodels data if defined if smodelsOutput is None: for key in self.SModelS_hover_information: if key != 'file': self.data_dict[key].append(False) else: self.data_dict=filler.getSmodelSData() self.data_dict=filler.getSlhaData(self.variable_x,self.variable_y)
[docs] def rmFiles ( self, flist ): """ remove files in flist """ for f in flist: if os.path.exists ( f ): os.remove ( f )
[docs] def loadData(self,npoints=-1): """ Reads the data from the smodels and SLHA folders. If npoints > 0, it will limit the number of points in the plot to npoints. :parameter npoints: Number of points to be plotted (int). If < 0, all points will be used. """ f"Reading data folders {self.smodelsFolder} and {self.slhaFolder} ..." ) n = 0 rmfiles = [] if self.smodelsFolder.endswith(".tar.gz"): import tarfile with ( self.smodelsFolder, "r:gz" ) as tar: tar.extractall() files = [ for x in tar.getmembers() ] rmfiles += files tar.close() else: files = glob.glob(self.smodelsFolder+'/*') slhaFolderIsTarball=False if self.slhaFolder.endswith ( ".tar.gz" ): slhaFolderIsTarball=True import tarfile with ( self.slhaFolder, "r:gz" ) as tar: tar.extractall() slhafiles = [ for x in tar.getmembers() ] rmfiles += slhafiles tar.close() for f in files: if npoints > 0 and n >= npoints: break smodelsOutput = helpers.importPythonOutput(f) if not smodelsOutput: continue #Get SLHA file name: slhaFile = helpers.getSlhaFile(smodelsOutput) files = [] if not slhaFolderIsTarball: slhaFile = os.path.join(self.slhaFolder,os.path.basename(slhaFile)) slhaData = helpers.getSlhaData(slhaFile) if not slhaData: continue #Data read successfully self.data_dict['file'].append(f.split('/')[-1]) outputStatus = helpers.outputStatus(smodelsOutput) if outputStatus == -1: self.fillWith(None,slhaData) else: self.fillWith(smodelsOutput,slhaData) n += 1 self.rmFiles ( rmfiles ) return True
[docs] def display ( self ): """ display the pages, works in jupyter notebooks only """ from IPython.core.display import display,HTML mainFile = open( self.outFolder + self.indexfile,'r') display(HTML( mainFile.close()
[docs] def plot(self, outFolder, indexfile = "plots.html" ): """ Uses the data in self.data_dict to produce the plots. :parameter outFolder: Path to the output folder. :parameter indexfile: name of entry webpage """ if not os.path.isdir(outFolder): os.makedirs(outFolder) self.outFolder = outFolder self.indexfile = indexfile'Making plots...') plotter=helpers.PlotlyBackend(self, outFolder ) plotter.makePlots( indexfile )'Generation of interactive plots finished. Go to: \n %s/%s \n to see the plots.' % ( outFolder, indexfile ) )
[docs]def main(args,indexfile= "index.html" ): """ Create the interactive plots using the input from argparse :parameter args: argparser.Namespace object containing the options for the plotter Main interface for the interactive-plots. :parameter smodelsFolder: Path to the folder or tarball containing the SModelS python output :parameter slhaFolder: Path to the folder or tarball containing the SLHA files corresponding to the SModelS output :parameter parameters: Path to the parameter file setting the options for the interactive plots :parameter npoints: Number of points used to produce the plot. If -1, all points will be used. :parameter verbosity: Verbosity of the output (debug,info,warning,error) :parameter indexfile: name of the starting web page (index.html) :return: True if the plot creation was successfull """ #First check if the needed directories are there #inputdirSlha = os.path(args.slhaFolder) #args.modelFile='/Users/humberto/Documents/work/smodels-iplots/github/smodels/smodels/share/models/' if not os.path.exists(args.slhaFolder): raise SModelSError("slha directory: "+str(args.slhaFolder)+"' does not exist") if not os.path.exists(args.smodelsFolder): raise SModelSError("directory of SModelS python output files: "+str(args.smodelsFolder)+"' does not exist") if not os.path.exists ( args.outputFolder ): os.mkdir ( args.outputFolder ) if os.path.isdir(args.outputFolder)==False: raise SModelSError(f"output directory '{args.outputFolder}' does not exist or is a file") if os.path.isfile(args.parameters)==False: raise SModelSError("parameter file '"+str(args.parameters)+"' does not exist") if args.modelFile != None: if os.path.isfile(args.modelFile)==False: raise SModelSError("model file '"+str(args.modelFile)+"' does not exist") #Basic checks: smodelsFolder = args.smodelsFolder slhaFolder = args.slhaFolder parFile = args.parameters modelFile=args.modelFile verbosity=args.verbosity outputFolder=args.outputFolder npoints=args.npoints try: import plotly except ImportError: raise SModelSError("Plotly is not installed. To use this tool, please install plotly") try: import pandas except ImportError: raise SModelSError("Pandas is not installed. To use this tool, please install pandas") setLogLevel(verbosity) plotter = Plotter(smodelsFolder,slhaFolder,parFile, modelFile ) loadData = plotter.loadData(npoints) if not loadData: raise SModelSError("Error loading data from folders:\n %s\n %s" %\ (smodelsFolder,slhaFolder)) plotter.plot(outputFolder, indexfile ) return outputFolder