Source code for tools.combinations

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: combinations
   :synopsis: a module to contain the logic around combinations, be they
              SL-based or pyhf-based.

.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>


from import LikelihoodComputer, Data, UpperLimitComputer
from import logger
from smodels.theory.exceptions import SModelSTheoryError as SModelSError
import numpy as np

[docs]def getCombinedUpperLimitFor(dataset, nsig, expected=False, deltas_rel=0.2): """ Get combined upper limit. If covariances are given in globalInfo then simplified likelihood is used, else if json files are given pyhf cimbination is performed. :param nsig: list of signal events in each signal region/dataset. The list should obey the ordering in globalInfo.datasetOrder. :param expected: return expected, not observed value :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%. :returns: upper limit on sigma*eff """ if dataset.type == "simplified": cov = dataset.globalInfo.covariance if type(cov) != list: raise SModelSError("covariance field has wrong type: %s" % type(cov)) if len(cov) < 1: raise SModelSError("covariance matrix has length %d." % len(cov)) computer = UpperLimitComputer(ntoys=10000) nobs = [x.dataInfo.observedN for x in dataset._datasets] bg = [x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in dataset._datasets] no = nobs ret = computer.ulSigma(Data(observed=no, backgrounds=bg, covariance=cov, third_moment=None, nsignal=nsig, deltas_rel=deltas_rel), marginalize=dataset._marginalize, expected=expected) if ret != None: #Convert limit on total number of signal events to a limit on sigma*eff ret = ret/dataset.getLumi() logger.debug("SL upper limit : {}".format(ret)) return ret elif dataset.type == "pyhf": logger.debug("Using pyhf") if all([s == 0 for s in nsig]): logger.warning("All signals are empty") return None ulcomputer = _getPyhfComputer(dataset, nsig) ret = ulcomputer.ulSigma(expected=expected) if ret == None: return None ret = ret/dataset.getLumi() logger.debug("pyhf upper limit : {}".format(ret)) return ret else: logger.error("no covariance matrix or json file given in globalInfo.txt for %s" % raise SModelSError("no covariance matrix or json file given in globalInfo.txt for %s" %
[docs]def computeCombinedLikelihood(dataset, nsig, marginalize=False, deltas_rel=0.2, expected = False, mu = 1. ): """ compute only lBSM :param nsig: predicted signal (list) :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%. :param expected: compute expected, not observed likelihood. if "posteriori", compute expected posteriori. :param mu: signal strength parameter mu """ if dataset.type == "pyhf": # Getting the path to the json files # Loading the jsonFiles ulcomputer = _getPyhfComputer(dataset, nsig, False) index = ulcomputer.getBestCombinationIndex() lbsm = ulcomputer.likelihood( mu = mu, workspace_index = index, expected = expected ) return lbsm lbsm = combinedSimplifiedLikelihood(dataset, nsig, marginalize, deltas_rel, expected = expected, mu = mu ) return lbsm
[docs]def computeCombinedStatistics(dataset, nsig, marginalize=False, deltas_rel=0.2, expected=False, allowNegativeSignals = False ): """ compute lBSM, lmax, and LSM in a single run :param nsig: predicted signal (list) :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%. :param expected: compute expected values, not observed """ if dataset.type == "pyhf": # Getting the path to the json files # Loading the jsonFiles ulcomputer = _getPyhfComputer(dataset, nsig, False) index = ulcomputer.getBestCombinationIndex() lbsm = ulcomputer.likelihood( mu = 1., workspace_index = index, expected=expected ) lmax = ulcomputer.lmax( workspace_index = index, expected=expected, allowNegativeSignals = allowNegativeSignals ) muhat = float ( ulcomputer.muhat ) ulcomputer = _getPyhfComputer(dataset, [0.]*len(nsig), False) lsm = ulcomputer.likelihood( mu = 0., workspace_index = index, expected=expected ) return lbsm, lmax, lsm, muhat lbsm = combinedSimplifiedLikelihood(dataset, nsig, marginalize, deltas_rel, expected=expected) lmax, muhat = combinedSimplifiedLmax(dataset, nsig, marginalize, deltas_rel, expected=expected, allowNegativeSignals = allowNegativeSignals) lsm = combinedSimplifiedLikelihood(dataset, [0.]*len(nsig), marginalize, deltas_rel, expected=expected) if lsm > lmax: lmax = lsm muhat = 0. if lbsm > lmax: lmax = lbsm muhat = 1. return lbsm, lmax, lsm, muhat
def _getPyhfComputer(dataset, nsig, normalize=True): """ create the pyhf ul computer object :param normalize: if true, normalize nsig :returns: pyhf upper limit computer, and combinations of signal regions """ # Getting the path to the json files jsonFiles = [js for js in dataset.globalInfo.jsonFiles] jsons = dataset.globalInfo.jsons.copy() datasets = [ds.getID() for ds in dataset._datasets] total = sum(nsig) if total == 0.: # all signals zero? can divide by anything! total = 1. if normalize: nsig = [s/total for s in nsig] # Normalising signals to get an upper limit on the events count # Filtering the json files by looking at the available datasets for jsName in dataset.globalInfo.jsonFiles: if all([ds not in dataset.globalInfo.jsonFiles[jsName] for ds in datasets]): # No datasets found for this json combination jsIndex = jsonFiles.index(jsName) jsonFiles.pop(jsIndex) jsons.pop(jsIndex) continue if not all([ds in datasets for ds in dataset.globalInfo.jsonFiles[jsName]]): # Some SRs are missing for this json combination logger.error("Wrong json definition in globalInfo.jsonFiles for json : %s" % jsName) logger.debug("list of datasets: {}".format(datasets)) logger.debug("jsonFiles after filtering: {}".format(jsonFiles)) # Constructing the list of signals with subsignals matching each json nsignals = list() for jsName in jsonFiles: subSig = list() for srName in dataset.globalInfo.jsonFiles[jsName]: try: index = datasets.index(srName) except ValueError: line = f"{srName} signal region provided in globalInfo is not in the list of datasets" raise ValueError(line) sig = nsig[index] subSig.append(sig) nsignals.append(subSig) # Loading the jsonFiles, unless we already have them (because we pickled) from import PyhfData, PyhfUpperLimitComputer data = PyhfData(nsignals, jsons, jsonFiles) if data.errorFlag: return None if hasattr(dataset.globalInfo, "includeCRs"): includeCRs = dataset.globalInfo.includeCRs else: includeCRs = False ulcomputer = PyhfUpperLimitComputer(data, includeCRs=includeCRs) return ulcomputer
[docs]def combinedSimplifiedLikelihood(dataset, nsig, marginalize=False, deltas_rel=0.2, expected=False, mu = 1. ): """ Computes the combined simplified likelihood to observe nobs events, given a predicted signal "nsig", with nsig being a vector with one entry per dataset. nsig has to obey the datasetOrder. Deltas is the error on the signal. :param nsig: predicted signal (list) :param deltas_rel: relative uncertainty in signal (float). Default value is 20%. :param expected: compute expected likelihood, not observed :param mu: signal strength parameter mu :returns: likelihood to observe nobs events (float) """ for k,v in enumerate ( nsig ): nsig[k] = v * mu if dataset.type != "simplified": logger.error("Asked for combined simplified likelihood, but no covariance given: %s" % dataset.type ) return None if len(dataset._datasets) == 1: if isinstance(nsig, list): nsig = nsig[0] return dataset._datasets[0].likelihood(nsig, marginalize=marginalize) if expected: nobs = [x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in dataset._datasets] else: nobs = [x.dataInfo.observedN for x in dataset._datasets] bg = [x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in dataset._datasets] cov = dataset.globalInfo.covariance computer = LikelihoodComputer(Data(nobs, bg, cov, None, nsig, deltas_rel=deltas_rel)) return computer.likelihood(nsig, marginalize=marginalize)
[docs]def combinedSimplifiedLmax(dataset, nsig, marginalize, deltas_rel, nll=False, expected=False, allowNegativeSignals=False ): """ compute likelihood at maximum, for simplified likelihoods only """ if dataset.type != "simplified": return -1., None nobs = [x.dataInfo.observedN for x in dataset._datasets] if expected: # nobs = [ x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in dataset._datasets] nobs = [int(np.round(x.dataInfo.expectedBG)) for x in dataset._datasets] bg = [x.dataInfo.expectedBG for x in dataset._datasets] cov = dataset.globalInfo.covariance if type(nsig) in [list, tuple]: nsig = np.array(nsig) computer = LikelihoodComputer(Data(nobs, bg, cov, None, nsig, deltas_rel=deltas_rel)) mu_hat = computer.findMuHat(nsig, allowNegativeSignals=allowNegativeSignals) musig = nsig * mu_hat llhd = computer.likelihood(musig, marginalize=marginalize, nll=nll) return llhd, mu_hat