Source code for experiment.txnameObj

#!/usr/bin/env python3

.. module:: txnameObj
   :synopsis: Holds the classes and methods used to read and store the
              information in the txname.txt files.
              Also contains the interpolation methods.

.. moduleauthor:: Veronika Magerl <>
.. moduleauthor:: Andre Lessa <>
.. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <>


import os,sys
from import physicsUnits
from import GeV
from smodels.theory.auxiliaryFunctions import (elementsInStr, removeUnits, unscaleWidth,
                                               rescaleWidth, flattenArray, reshapeList,
                                               removeInclusives, addInclusives)
from import concatenateLines
from smodels.theory.element import Element
from smodels.theory.topology import TopologyList
from import logger
from smodels.experiment.exceptions import SModelSExperimentError as SModelSError
from import _memoize
from import defaultEffReweight,defaultULReweight
from scipy.linalg import svd, LinAlgError
import scipy.spatial.qhull as qhull
import numpy as np
import unum
import math,itertools
from math import floor, log10

#Build a dictionary with defined units. It can be used to evaluate
#expressions containing units.
unitsDict = dict([[varname,varobj] for varname,varobj \
                  in physicsUnits.__dict__.items()
                  if isinstance(varobj,unum.Unum)])

[docs]class TxName(object): """ Holds the information related to one txname in the Txname.txt file (constraint, condition,...) as well as the data. """ def __init__(self, path, globalObj, infoObj, databaseParticles): self.path = path self.globalInfo = globalObj self._infoObj = infoObj self.txnameData = None self.txnameDataExp = None ## expected Data self._topologyList = TopologyList() self.finalState = ['MET','MET'] #default final state self.intermediateState = None #default intermediate state logger.debug('Creating object based on txname file: %s' %self.path) #Open the info file and get the information: if not os.path.isfile(path): logger.error("Txname file %s not found" % path) raise SModelSError() txtFile = open(path,'r') txdata = txtFile.close() if not "txName" in txdata: raise TypeError if not 'upperLimits' in txdata and not 'efficiencyMap' in txdata: raise TypeError content = concatenateLines(txdata.split("\n")) #Get tags in info file: tags = [line.split(':', 1)[0].strip() for line in content] data = None expectedData = None dataType = None for i,tag in enumerate(tags): if not tag: continue line = content[i] value = line.split(':',1)[1].strip() if tags.count(tag) != 1:"Duplicated field %s found in file %s" \ % (tag, self.path)) if ';' in value: value = value.split(';') if tag == 'upperLimits': data = value dataType = 'upperLimit' elif tag == 'expectedUpperLimits': expectedData = value dataType = 'upperLimit' elif tag == 'efficiencyMap': data = value dataType = 'efficiencyMap' else: self.addInfo(tag,value) ident =":"+dataType[0]+":"+ str(self._infoObj.dataId) ident += ":" + self.txName #Get detector size (if not found in self, look for it in datasetInfo or globalInfo). #If not defined anywhere, set it to None and default values will be used for reweighting. self.Leff_inner = self.fetchAttribute('Leff_inner',fillvalue=None) self.Leff_outer = self.fetchAttribute('Leff_outer',fillvalue=None) self.txnameData = TxNameData(data, dataType, ident, Leff_inner=self.Leff_inner, Leff_outer=self.Leff_outer) if expectedData: self.txnameDataExp = TxNameData( expectedData, dataType, ident, Leff_inner=self.Leff_inner, Leff_outer=self.Leff_outer) #Builds up a list of elements appearing in constraints: elements = [] if not databaseParticles: raise SModelSError("Database particles is empty. Can not create TxName object.") if hasattr(self,'constraint'): elements += [Element(el,self.finalState,self.intermediateState,databaseParticles) for el in elementsInStr(str(self.constraint))] if any((elA == elB and not elA is elB) for elA in elements for elB in elements): txt = "Duplicate elements in constraint: %s in %s" % \ ( self.constraint, ) logger.error( txt ) raise SModelSError( txt ) if hasattr(self,'condition') and self.condition: conds = self.condition if not isinstance(conds,list): conds = [conds] for cond in conds: for el in elementsInStr(str(cond)): newEl = Element(el,self.finalState,self.intermediateState, databaseParticles) if not newEl in elements: elements.append(newEl) # Builds up TopologyList with all the elements appearing in constraints # and conditions: for el in elements: self._topologyList.addElement(el)
[docs] def hasOnlyZeroes(self): ozs = self.txnameData.onlyZeroValues() if self.txnameDataExp: e_ozs = self.txnameDataExp.onlyZeroValues() if ozs and e_ozs: return True if (ozs and not e_ozs) or (e_ozs and not ozs): logger.warning("%s is weird. One of the (expected, observed) results is zeroes-only, the other one isnt." ) return False return ozs
[docs] def fetchAttribute(self,attr,fillvalue=None): """ Auxiliary method to get the attribute from self. If not found, look for it in datasetInfo and if still not found look for it in globalInfo. If not found in either of the above, return fillvalue. :param attr: Name of attribute (string) :param fillvalue: Value to be returned if attribute is not found. :return: Value of the attribute or fillvalue, if attribute was not found. """ if hasattr(self,attr): return getattr(self,attr) elif hasattr(self._infoObj,attr): return getattr(self._infoObj,attr) elif hasattr(self.globalInfo,attr): return getattr(self.globalInfo,attr) else: return fillvalue
def __str__(self): return self.txName def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __lt__ ( self, other ): """ sort by txName """ return self.txName < other.txName
[docs] def getULFor(self,element,expected=False): """ Returns the upper limit (or expected) for element (only for upperLimit-type). Includes the lifetime reweighting (ul/reweight). If called for efficiencyMap results raises an error. If a mass array is given as input, no lifetime reweighting will be applied. :param element: Element object or mass array (with units) :param expected: look in self.txnameDataExp, not self.txnameData """ if hasattr ( self, "dbClient" ): ## we have a databaseClient, so we send the request ## over the network # query = "obs:ATLAS-SUSY-2013-05:ul:T2bb:[[300,100],[300,100]]" query = "obs:" if expected: query = "exp:" query += + ":ul:" query += self.txName + ":" query += self.getMassVectorFromElement ( element ) ( "sending ul query %s to %s:%d" % \ ( query, self.dbClient.servername, self.dbClient.port ) ) from import fb return self.dbClient.query ( query ) if not self.txnameData.dataType == 'upperLimit': logger.error("getULFor method can only be used in UL-type data.") raise SModelSError() if not expected: ul = self.txnameData.getValueFor(element) else: if not self.txnameDataExp: return None else: ul = self.txnameDataExp.getValueFor(element) return ul
[docs] def addInfo(self,tag,value): """ Adds the info field labeled by tag with value value to the object. :param tag: information label (string) :param value: value for the field in string format """ if tag == 'constraint' or tag == 'condition': if isinstance(value,list): value = [val.replace("'","") for val in value] else: value = value.replace("'","") if value == 'None': setattr(self,tag, eval(value)) else: setattr(self,tag,value) #Make sure constraints/conditions are not evaluated else: try: setattr(self,tag,eval(value, unitsDict)) except SyntaxError: setattr(self,tag,value) except NameError: setattr(self,tag,value) except TypeError: setattr(self,tag,value)
[docs] def getInfo(self, infoLabel): """ Returns the value of info field. :param infoLabel: label of the info field (string). It must be an attribute of the TxNameInfo object """ if hasattr(self,infoLabel): return getattr(self,infoLabel) else: return False
[docs] def hasElementAs(self,element): """ Verify if the conditions or constraint in Txname contains the element. Check both branch orderings. If both orderings match, returns the one with the highest mass array. :param element: Element object :return: A copy of the element on the correct branch ordering appearing in the Txname constraint or condition. """ #Stores all orderings of elements which matches the txname matches = [] for el in self._topologyList.getElements(): #Compare branches: for branchesA in itertools.permutations(element.branches): branchesA = list(branchesA) if branchesA == el.branches: newEl = element.copy() newEl.branches = [br.copy() for br in branchesA] matches.append(newEl) #No elements matched: if not matches: return False elif len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] else: #If more than one element ordering matches, return the one with largest mass (relevant for clustering) matches = sorted(matches, key = lambda el: el.mass,reverse=True) return matches[0]
[docs] def hasLikelihood(self): """ can I construct a likelihood for this map? True for all efficiency maps, and for upper limits maps with expected Values. """ if self._infoObj.dataType == "efficiencyMap": return True if self.txnameDataExp != None: return True return False
[docs] def getMassVectorFromElement(self, element ): """ given element, extract the mass vector for the server query. element can be list of masses or "Element" :returns: eg [[300,100],[300,100]] """ if type(element)==list: return str(element).replace(" [GeV]","").replace(" ","") from smodels.theory.clusterTools import AverageElement if type(element) == AverageElement: # ret += str(element.mass).replace(" [GeV]","").replace(" ","") return str(element.mass).replace(" [GeV]","").replace(" ","") ret = "[" for i,br in enumerate(element.branches): ret += str(br.mass).replace(" [GeV]","").replace(" ","") if i+1 < len(element.branches): ret += "," ret += "]" # print ( "getMassVectorFromElement returning", ret ) return ret
[docs] def getQueryStringForElement ( self, element ): ## we have a databaseClient, so we send the request ## over the network # query = "obs:ATLAS-SUSY-2013-05:ul:T2bb:[[300,100],[300,100]]" query = "obs:" #if expected: # query = "exp:" query += + ":" dId = self._infoObj.dataId if dId == None: dId = "ul" query += dId + ":" query += self.txName + ":" query += self.getMassVectorFromElement ( element ) return query
[docs] def getEfficiencyFor(self,element): """ For upper limit results, checks if the input element falls inside the upper limit grid and has a non-zero reweigthing factor. If it does, returns efficiency = 1, else returns efficiency = 0. For efficiency map results, returns the signal efficiency including the lifetime reweighting. If a mass array is given as input, no lifetime reweighting will be applied. :param element: Element object or mass array with units. :return: efficiency (float) """ if self.txnameData.dataType == 'efficiencyMap': if hasattr ( self, "dbClient" ): query = self.getQueryStringForElement ( element ) ( "sending em query %s to %s:%d" % \ ( query, self.dbClient.servername, self.dbClient.port ) ) #print ( "query will be", query ) #return 0.001 eff = self.dbClient.query ( query ) else: eff = self.txnameData.getValueFor(element) if not eff or math.isnan(eff): eff = 0. #Element is outside the grid or has zero efficiency elif self.txnameData.dataType == 'upperLimit': if hasattr ( self, "dbClient" ): query = self.getQueryStringForElement ( element ) ( "sending query %s to %s:%d" % \ ( query, self.dbClient.servername, self.dbClient.port ) ) #print ( "query will be", query ) #return 0.001 ul = self.dbClient.query ( query ) else: ul = self.txnameData.getValueFor(element) if isinstance(element,Element): element._upperLimit = ul #Store the upper limit for convenience if ul is None: eff = 0. #Element is outside the grid or the decays do not correspond to the txname else: eff = 1. else: logger.error("Unknown txnameData type: %s" %self.txnameData.dataType) raise SModelSError() return eff
[docs]class TxNameData(object): """ Holds the data for the Txname object. It holds Upper limit values or efficiencies. """ _keep_values = False ## keep the original values, only for debugging def __init__(self,value,dataType,Id, accept_errors_upto=.05, Leff_inner=None,Leff_outer=None): """ :param value: values in string format :param dataType: the dataType (upperLimit or efficiencyMap) :param Id: an identifier, must be unique for each TxNameData! :param _accept_errors_upto: If None, do not allow extrapolations outside of convex hull. If float value given, allow that much relative uncertainty on the upper limit / efficiency when extrapolating outside convex hull. This method can be used to loosen the equal branches assumption. :param Leff_inner: is the effective inner radius of the detector, given in meters (used for reweighting prompt decays). If None, default values will be used. :param Leff_outer: is the effective outer radius of the detector, given in meters (used for reweighting decays outside the detector). If None, default values will be used. """ self.dataType = dataType self._id = Id self._accept_errors_upto=accept_errors_upto self.Leff_inner = Leff_inner self.Leff_outer = Leff_outer self._V = None self.loadData(value) if self._keep_values: self.origdata = value if self.dataType == 'efficiencyMap': self.reweightF = defaultEffReweight elif self.dataType == 'upperLimit': self.reweightF = defaultULReweight else: raise SModelSError("Default reweighting function not defined for data type %s" %self.dataType) def __str__ ( self ): """ a simple unique string identifier, mostly for _memoize """ return str ( self._id )
[docs] def round_to_n(self, x, n): if x==0.0: return x return round(x, int(-np.sign(x)* int(floor(log10(abs(x)))) + (n - 1)))
def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__ ( self, other ): if type(self) != type(other): return False return self._id == other._id
[docs] def evaluateString(self, value): """ Evaluate string. :param value: String expression. """ if not isinstance(value,str): raise SModelSError("Data should be in string format. Format %s found" %type(value)) try: val = eval(value,unitsDict) except (NameError,ValueError,SyntaxError): raise SModelSError("data string malformed: %s" %value) return val
[docs] def getUnits(self, value): """ Get standard units for the input object. Uses the units defined in physicsUnits.standardUnits. (e.g. [[100*GeV,100.*GeV],3.*pb] -> returns [[GeV,GeV],fb] [[100*GeV,3.],[200.*GeV,2.*pb]] -> returns [[GeV,1.],[GeV,fb]] ) :param value: Object containing units (e.g. [[100*GeV,100.*GeV],3.*pb]) :return: Object with same structure containing the standard units used to normalize the data. """ stdUnits = physicsUnits.standardUnits if isinstance(value,list): return [self.getUnits(x) for x in value] if isinstance(value,tuple): return tuple([self.getUnits(x) for x in value]) elif isinstance(value,dict): return dict([[self.getUnits(x),self.getUnits(y)] for x,y in value.items()]) elif isinstance(value,unum.Unum): #Check if value has unit or not: if not value._unit: return 1. #Now try to find standard unit which matches: for unit in stdUnits: y = (value/unit).normalize() if not y._unit: return unit raise SModelSError("Could not find standard unit which matches %s. Using the standard units: %s" %(str(value),str(stdUnits))) else: return 1.
[docs] def getDataShape(self,value): """ Stores the data format (mass shape) and store it for future use. If there are inclusive objects (mass or branch = None), store their positions. :param value: list of data points """ if isinstance(value,list): return [self.getDataShape(m) for m in value] elif isinstance(value,(float,int,unum.Unum,tuple)): return type(value) else: return value
[docs] def getWidthPosition(self,value): """ Gets the positions of the widths to be used for interpolation. :param value: data point :return: A list with the position of the widths. A position is a tuple of the form (branch-index,vertex-index). """ widthPositions = [(ibr,im) for ibr,br in enumerate(value) for im,m in enumerate(br) if isinstance(m,tuple)] return widthPositions
[docs] def dataToCoordinates(self,dataPoint,rotMatrix=None, transVector=None): """ Format a dataPoint to the format used for interpolation. All the units are removed, the widths are rescaled and the masses and widths are combined in a flat array. The input can be an Element object or a massAndWidth nested arrays (with tuples to store the relevant widths). :param dataPoint: Element object from which the mass and width arrays will be extracted or a nested mass array from the database, which contain tuples to include the width values :param rotMatrix: Rotation matrix for PCA (e.g. self._V). If None, no rotation is performed. :param transVector: Translation vector for PCA (e.g. self.delta_x). If None no translation is performed :return: Point (list of floats) """ #Collect the data if isinstance(dataPoint,Element): masses = dataPoint.mass widths = dataPoint.totalwidth elif isinstance(dataPoint,list): masses = [[mw[0] if isinstance(mw,tuple) else mw for mw in br] for br in dataPoint] widths = [[mw[1] if isinstance(mw,tuple) else None for mw in br] for br in dataPoint] else: logger.error("dataPoint must be an element or a nested array including masses and widths") raise SModelSError() #Select the required masses (remove entries corresponding to inclusive entries in data) masses = removeInclusives(masses, self.dataShape) #Select the required widths (remove widths not used in interpolation) widths = [[widths[ibr][im] for im,_ in enumerate(br) if (ibr,im) in self.widthPosition] for ibr,br in enumerate(widths)] if None in removeUnits ( flattenArray(widths), GeV ): logger.error("Error obtaining widths from %s" %str(dataPoint)) raise SModelSError() #Remove units and flatten arrays: masses = flattenArray(masses) masses = removeUnits(masses,physicsUnits.standardUnits) widths = flattenArray(widths) widths = removeUnits(widths,physicsUnits.standardUnits) #Rescale widths: xwidths = [rescaleWidth(w) for w in widths] #Combine masses and rescaled widths in a single point point = masses + xwidths #Now transform to PCA coordinates (if rotMatrix and transVector are defined: if transVector is not None: point = np.array([point]) point = ((point - transVector)).tolist()[0] #Translate if rotMatrix is not None: point =,rotMatrix) # Rotate point = point.tolist() return point
[docs] def coordinatesToData(self,point,rotMatrix=None,transVector=None): """ A function that return the original mass and width array (including the widths as tuples) for a given point in PCA space (inverse of dataToCoordinates). :param point: Point in PCA space (1D list with size equal to self.full_dimensionality or self.dimensionality) :param rotMatrix: Rotation matrix for PCA (e.g. self._V). If None, no rotation is performed. :param transVector: Translation vector for PCA (e.g. self.delta_x). If None no translation is performed :return: nested mass array including the widths as tuples (e.g. [[(200,1e-10),100],[(200,1e-10),100]]) """ if len(point) != self.full_dimensionality and len(point) != self.dimensionality: logger.error("Wrong point dimensions (%i), it should be %i (reduced dimensions) or %i (full dimensionts)" %(len(point),self.dimensionality, self.full_dimensionality)) elif len(point) != self.full_dimensionality: pointFull = np.array(point[:]) pointFull = np.append(pointFull,[0.]*(self.full_dimensionality-len(point))) else: pointFull = np.array(point[:]) massAndWidths = pointFull if rotMatrix is not None: massAndWidths =,massAndWidths) if transVector is not None: massAndWidths = massAndWidths + transVector massAndWidths = massAndWidths.tolist() if type(massAndWidths[0])==list: massAndWidths = massAndWidths[0] #Extract masses and transformed widths masses = massAndWidths[:len(massAndWidths)-len(self.widthPosition)] xwidths = massAndWidths[len(massAndWidths)-len(self.widthPosition):] #Rescale widths and add unit: widths = [unscaleWidth(xw) for xw in xwidths] #Add units (make sure it is consistent with standardUnits) massUnit = [unit for unit in physicsUnits.standardUnits if not (1*GeV/unit).normalize()._unit][0] masses = [m*massUnit for m in masses[:]] #Add inclusive entries to mass flatShape = flattenArray(self.dataShape) if len([x for x in flatShape if str(x) != '*']) != len(masses): logger.error("Error trying to add inclusive entries (%s) to flat mass array (%s)." %(flatShape,masses)) raise SModelSError() masses = addInclusives(masses, flatShape) #Reshape masses according to dataShape: if len(masses) != len(flatShape): logger.error("Number of elements in %s do not match the number of entries in %s" %(masses,self.dataShape)) raise SModelSError() massArray = reshapeList(masses, self.dataShape) #Add widths to the mass array if len(widths) != len(self.widthPosition): logger.error("The number of converted widths (%i) is not the expected (%i)" %(len(widths),len(self.widthPosition))) raise SModelSError() #Combine masses and widths massAndWidthArray = [] for ibr,br in enumerate(massArray): if str(br) != '*': newBr = [(m,widths.pop(0)) if (ibr,im) in self.widthPosition else m for im,m in enumerate(br)] else: newBr = br massAndWidthArray.append(newBr) return massAndWidthArray
[docs] def loadData(self,value): """ Uses the information in value to generate the data grid used for interpolation. """ if self._V: return if isinstance(value,str): val = self.evaluateString(value) else: val = value if len(val)==0: logger.error ( f"no values for {self._id} found" ) sys.exit(-1) self.units = self.getUnits(val)[0] #Store standard units self.dataShape = self.getDataShape(val[0][0]) #Store the data (mass) format (useful if there are inclusives) self.widthPosition = self.getWidthPosition(val[0][0]) #Store the position of the required widths values = removeUnits(val,physicsUnits.standardUnits) #Remove units and store the normalization units if len(values) < 1 or len(values[0]) < 2: raise SModelSError("input value not in correct format. expecting sth " \ "like [ [ [[ 300.*GeV,100.*GeV], "\ "[ 300.*GeV,100.*GeV] ], 10.*fb ], ... ] "\ "for upper limits or [ [ [[ 300.*GeV,100.*GeV],"\ " [ 300.*GeV,100.*GeV] ], .1 ], ... ] for "\ "efficiency maps. Received %s" % values[:80]) if not isinstance(self.units[-1],unum.Unum) and not isinstance(self.units[-1],float): raise SModelSError("Error obtaining units from value: %s " %values[:80]) self.y_values = np.array(values,dtype=object)[:,1] self.computeV(values)
[docs] def getValueFor(self,element): """ Interpolates the value and returns the UL or efficiency for the respective element rescaled according to the reweighting function self.reweightF. For UL-type data the default rescaling is ul -> ul/(fraction of prompt decays) and for EM-type data it is eff -> eff*(fraction of prompt decays). If a mass array is given as input, no lifetime reweighting will be applied. :param element: Element object or mass array (with units) """ #For backward compatibility: if not hasattr(self,'Leff_inner'): self.Leff_inner = None if not hasattr(self,'Leff_outer'): self.Leff_outer = None #Compute reweight factor according to lifetime/widths #For the widths not used in interpolation we assume that the #analysis require prompt decays #(width=inf for intermediate particles and width=0 for the last particle) if isinstance(element,Element): #Replaced the widths to be used for interpolation #with "prompt" widths (inf for intermediate particles and zero for final particles). #This way the reweight factor is only applied for the widths not used #for interpolation (since inf and zero result in no reweighting). widths = [] for ibr,br in enumerate(element.totalwidth): widths.append([]) for iw,w in enumerate(br): if (ibr,iw) in self.widthPosition: if iw != len(br)-1: widths[ibr].append(float('inf')*GeV) else: widths[ibr].append(0.*GeV) else: widths[ibr].append(w) reweightFactor = self.reweightF(widths, Leff_inner=self.Leff_inner, Leff_outer=self.Leff_outer) elif isinstance(element,list): reweightFactor = 1. else: logger.error("Input of getValueFor must be an Element object or a mass array and not %s" %str(type(element))) raise SModelSError() #Returns None or zero, if reweightFactor is None or zero: if not reweightFactor: return reweightFactor #Extract the mass and width of the element #and convert it to the PCA coordinates (len(point) = self.full_dimensionality): point = self.dataToCoordinates(element,rotMatrix=self._V, transVector=self.delta_x) val = self.getValueForPoint(point) if not isinstance(val,(float,int,unum.Unum)): return val #Apply reweightFactor (if data has no width or partial width dependence) val *= reweightFactor return val
[docs] @_memoize def getValueForPoint(self,point): """ Returns the UL or efficiency for the point (in coordinates) using interpolation :param point: Point in coordinate space (length = self.full_dimensionality) :return: Value of UL or efficiency (float) without units """ #Make sure the point is a numpy array point = np.array(point) self.projected_value = self.interpolate(point[:self.dimensionality]) #Check if input point has larger dimensionality: dp = self.countNonZeros(point) if dp > self.dimensionality: ## we have data in different dimensions if self._accept_errors_upto == None: return None logger.debug( "attempting to interpolate outside of convex hull "\ "(d=%d,dp=%d,point=%s)" % ( self.dimensionality, dp, str(point) ) ) val = self._interpolateOutsideConvexHull(point) else: val = self._returnProjectedValue() return val
[docs] def interpolate(self, point, fill_value=np.nan): """ Returns the interpolated value for the point (in coordinates) :param point: Point in coordinate space (length = self.dimensionality) :return: Value for point without units """ tol = 1e-6 # tol = sys.float_info.epsilon * 1e10 simplex = self.tri.find_simplex(point, tol=tol) if simplex==-1: ## not inside any simplex? return fill_value #Transformation matrix for the simplex: simplexTrans = np.take(self.tri.transform, simplex, axis=0) #Space dimension: d = simplexTrans.shape[-1] #Rotation and translation to baryocentric coordinates: delta_x = simplexTrans[d,:] rot = simplexTrans[:d,:] bary =,point-delta_x) #Point coordinates in the baryocentric system #Weights for the vertices: wts = np.append(bary, 1. - bary.sum()) #Vertex indices: vertices = np.take(self.tri.simplices, simplex, axis=0) #Compute the value: values = np.array(self.y_values) ret =, vertices),wts) minXsec = min(np.take(values, vertices)) if ret < minXsec: logger.debug('Interpolation below simplex values. Will take the smallest simplex value.') ret = minXsec return float(ret)
def _estimateExtrapolationError(self, point): """ When projecting a point from full_dimensionality to self.dimensionality, we estimate the expected extrapolation error with the following strategy: we compute the gradient at point P, and let alpha be the distance between p and P. We then walk one step of length alpha in the direction of the greatest ascent, and the opposite direction. Whichever relative change is greater is reported as the expected extrapolation error. :param point: Point in coordinate space (length = self.full_dimensionality) """ #Make sure the point is a numpy array point = np.array(point) ## how far are we away from the "plane": distance alpha alpha = float(np.sqrt([self.dimensionality:], point[self.dimensionality:]))) if alpha == 0.: ## no distance to the plane, so no extrapolation error return 0. ## the value of the grid at the point projected to the "plane" ## compute gradient gradient=[] for i in range(self.dimensionality): P2 = np.copy(point) P2[i] += alpha pv = self.interpolate(P2[:self.dimensionality]) g = float((pv - self.projected_value)/alpha) if math.isnan(g): ## if we cannot compute a gradient, we return nan return float("nan") gradient.append(g) ## normalize gradient C = float(np.sqrt(, gradient))) if C == 0.: ## zero gradient? we return 0. return 0. for i,grad in enumerate(gradient): gradient[i]=grad/C*alpha ## walk one alpha along gradient P3 = np.copy(point) P4 = np.copy(point) for grad in gradient: P3[i]+= grad P4[i]-= grad agp=self.interpolate(P3[:self.dimensionality]) agm=self.interpolate(P4[:self.dimensionality]) dep,dem=0.,0. if self.projected_value == 0.: if agp!=0.: dep =1.0 if agm!=0.: dem =1.0 else: dep = abs(agp - self.projected_value)/self.projected_value dem = abs(agm - self.projected_value)/self.projected_value de=dep if dem > de: de=dem return de def _interpolateOutsideConvexHull(self, point): """ Experimental routine, meant to check if we can interpolate outside convex hull :param point: Point in coordinate space (length = self.full_dimensionality) """ #Make sure the point is a numpy array point = np.array(point) de = self._estimateExtrapolationError(point) if de < self._accept_errors_upto: return self._returnProjectedValue() if not math.isnan(de): logger.debug ( "Expected propagation error of %f too large to " \ "propagate." % de ) return None def _returnProjectedValue(self): """ Return interpolation result with the appropriate units. """ ## None is returned without units' if self.projected_value is None or math.isnan(self.projected_value): logger.debug("Projected value is None. Projected point not in convex hull?") return None #Set value to zero if it is lower than machine precision (avoids fake negative values) if abs(self.projected_value) < 100.*sys.float_info.epsilon: self.projected_value = 0. return self.projected_value*self.units[-1]
[docs] def countNonZeros(self, mp): """ count the nonzeros in a vector """ nz=0 lim = 10**-4 for i in mp: if abs(i)>lim: nz+=1 return nz
[docs] def onlyZeroValues(self): """ check if the map is zeroes only """ eps = sys.float_info.epsilon negative_values = bool ( sum ( [ x < -eps for x in self.y_values ] ) ) if negative_values: for x in self.y_values: if x < -eps: logger.error ( "negative error in result: %f, %s" % \ ( x, self._id) ) sys.exit() if sum(self.y_values) > 0.: return False return True
[docs] def computeV(self,values): """ Compute rotation matrix _V, and triangulation self.tri :param values: Nested array with the data values without units """ if not self._V is None: return #Convert nested mass arrays (with width tuples) to coordinates #(remove entries in mass corresponding to inclusive values, #select the required widths and combine masses and widths #in a flat array where the widths are the last entries) Morig= [self.dataToCoordinates(pt[0]) for pt in values] aM = np.array(Morig) MT = aM.T.tolist() self.delta_x = np.array([[sum(x)/len(Morig) for x in MT ]]) M = [] for Mx in Morig: m=(np.array([Mx]) - self.delta_x).tolist()[0] M.append(m) try: ## we dont need thousands of points for SVD n = int(math.ceil(len(M)/2000.)) Vt=svd(M[::n])[2] except LinAlgError as e: raise SModelSError("exception caught when performing singular value decomposition: %s, %s" %(type(e), e)) V=Vt.T self._V= V ## self.round ( V ) Mp=[] ## the dimensionality of the whole mass space, disrespecting equal branches ## assumption self.full_dimensionality = len(Morig[0]) self.dimensionality=0 for m in M:,V) Mp.append(mp) nz = self.countNonZeros(mp) if nz > self.dimensionality: self.dimensionality = nz MpCut=[] for i in Mp: MpCut.append(i[:self.dimensionality].tolist() ) if self.dimensionality > 1: self.tri = qhull.Delaunay(MpCut) else: self.tri = Delaunay1D(MpCut)
[docs]class Delaunay1D: """ Uses a 1D data array to interpolate the data. The attribute simplices is a list of N-1 pair of ints with the indices of the points forming the simplices (e.g. [[0,1],[1,2],[3,4],...]). """ def __init__(self,data): self.points = None self.simplices = None self.transform = None if data and self.checkData(data): self.points = sorted(data) #Create simplices as the point intervals (using the sorted data) self.simplices = np.array([[data.index(self.points[i+1]),data.index(pt)] for i,pt in enumerate(self.points[:-1])]) transform = [] #Create trivial transformation to the baryocentric coordinates: for simplex in self.simplices: xmax,xmin = data[simplex[0]][0],data[simplex[1]][0] transform.append([[1./(xmax-xmin)],[xmin]]) self.transform = np.array(transform) #Store convex hull (first and last point): self.convex_hull = np.array([data.index(self.points[0]),data.index(self.points[-1])]) else: raise SModelSError()
[docs] def find_simplex(self,x,tol=0.): """ Find 1D data interval (simplex) to which x belongs :param x: Point (float) without units :param tol: Tolerance. If x is outside the data range with distance < tol, extrapolate. :return: simplex index (int) """ xi = self.find_index(self.points,x) if xi == -1: if abs(x-self.points[0]) < tol: return 0 else: return -1 elif xi == len(self.simplices): if abs(x-self.points[-1]) < tol: return xi-1 else: return -1 else: return xi
[docs] def checkData(self,data): """ Define the simplices according to data. Compute and store the transformation matrix and simplices self.point. """ if not isinstance(data,list): logger.error("Input data for 1D Delaunay should be a list.") return False for pt in data: if (not isinstance(pt,list)) or len(pt) != 1 or (not isinstance(pt[0],float)): logger.error("Input data for 1D Delaunay is in wrong format. It should be [[x1],[x2],..]") return False return True
[docs] def find_index(self,xlist, x): """ Efficient way to find x in a list. Returns the index (i) of xlist such that xlist[i] < x <= xlist[i+1]. If x > max(xlist), returns the length of the list. If x < min(xlist), returns 0. vertices = np.take(self.tri.simplices, simplex, axis=0) temp = np.take(self.tri.transform, simplex, axis=0) d=temp.shape[2] delta = uvw - temp[:, d] :param xlist: List of x-type objects :param x: object to be searched for. :return: Index of the list such that xlist[i] < x <= xlist[i+1]. """ lo = 0 hi = len(xlist) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 if xlist[mid] < x: lo = mid+1 else: hi = mid return lo-1
if __name__ == "__main__": import time from import GeV,fb data = [ [ [[ 150.*GeV, 50.*GeV], [ 150.*GeV, 50.*GeV] ], 3.*fb ], [ [[ 200.*GeV,100.*GeV], [ 200.*GeV,100.*GeV] ], 5.*fb ], [ [[ 300.*GeV,100.*GeV], [ 300.*GeV,100.*GeV] ], 10.*fb ], [ [[ 300.*GeV,150.*GeV], [ 300.*GeV,150.*GeV] ], 13.*fb ], [ [[ 300.*GeV,200.*GeV], [ 300.*GeV,200.*GeV] ], 15.*fb ], [ [[ 300.*GeV,250.*GeV], [ 300.*GeV,250.*GeV] ], 20.*fb ], [ [[ 400.*GeV,100.*GeV], [ 400.*GeV,100.*GeV] ], 8.*fb ], [ [[ 400.*GeV,150.*GeV], [ 400.*GeV,150.*GeV] ], 10.*fb ], [ [[ 400.*GeV,200.*GeV], [ 400.*GeV,200.*GeV] ], 12.*fb ], [ [[ 400.*GeV,250.*GeV], [ 400.*GeV,250.*GeV] ], 15.*fb ], [ [[ 400.*GeV,300.*GeV], [ 400.*GeV,300.*GeV] ], 17.*fb ], [ [[ 400.*GeV,350.*GeV], [ 400.*GeV,350.*GeV] ], 19.*fb ], ] txnameData=TxNameData ( data, "upperLimit", sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) t0=time.time() for masses in [ [[ 302.*GeV,123.*GeV], [ 302.*GeV,123.*GeV]], [[ 254.*GeV,171.*GeV], [ 254.*GeV,170.*GeV]] ]: result=txnameData.getValueFor(masses) sm = "%.1f %.1f" % (masses[0][0].asNumber(GeV), masses[0][1].asNumber(GeV)) print ( "%s %.3f fb" % (sm, result.asNumber(fb))) print ( "%.2f ms" % ((time.time()-t0)*1000.))